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Contrib list invailid


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I have gone the the PLF site and tried about 8 different "contrib" sites. after I install Ill goto install any program. I get a message:


medium "contrib" uses an invalid list file:

mirror is probably not up-to-date, trying to use alternate method


any ideas?

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I have been getting the same thing. And yes, I have used easy urpmi and every site that I try I keep getting an error that the contrib list is invalid. I have had to remove my contrib source all together. This is on a Mandrake 9.2 install using the mandrake 9.2 settings with easy urpmi.


Anyone else getting this?

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Guest kuchwas

Official word from Mandrake in a couple lists that I follow is that a- mirrors are hammered since 9.2 isos just released, B) b- mirrors are hammered since Cooker just unfroze from 9.2 and is very active, c- mirrors are hammered because Fedora Core 1 just released, d- many mirrors are at University which restrict access during their daytime. :cry:


I have three different mirrors defined around the world for each repository. I'm in USA and try Australia in US am, Europe in US pm, etc.


Try using urpmi on command line with --wget switch, since curl has no ability to hang in there with the current mirror onslaught....



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  • 3 weeks later...

I was having problems after I downloaded the update for rpmdrake.


What I did was follow the paths in a browser and found that the path in rpmdrake was incorrect and I manually edited the sources to the correct location of the hdlists.


I also had set up shorewall and had to open port 21 for rpmdrake to connect to the FTP sites to download the updates.

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Guest kuchwas
They should fix it though, this thread shows that it confuses people.

It is the mirrors that Mandrake has no control over. This has been discussed ad nausem in Newbie, Expert, Cooker, every forum in all corners of the world.


Mandrake is trying to get the mirror maintainers to get it cleaned up.


In the meantime, try this when you update your media:


"urpmi.update -a -c -f --no-md5sum --wget"


-a = all media

-c = clear header cache

-f = force

--no-md5sum = ignore md5sum files on local machine and mirror, just sync them

--wget = use wget protocol (far more robust than curl)


Then you should not see the errors as you install software, and the mirror will not tell you it has a program that is is supposed to have but does not.

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