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About william

  • Birthday 07/16/1969

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  • Interests
    literature, movies, music, computing,

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Awesome (4/7)



  1. For resizing I think ImageMagick and Xnview do this job. Have a look at: http://www.imagemagick.org/ http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pierre.g/xnview/enhome.html
  2. If you still want to give linux a try, you should better follow the steps suggested above and use urpmi. It will make your live easier in future when installing packages. Good luck.
  3. In my case the vertical scrollbar appears only when the page is completely loaded, maybe it checks the page size in order to determine if it needs scroll bar or not, but while the page was being loaded I shifted to the other tab with another url already loaded and the scroll bar was working perfectly.
  4. Mine is working perfectly. You should have video for linux (v4l) enabled into the kernel and the module videodev duly loaded. Anyway, considering that mine is a creative nx-pro and I had to install a driver to make it work, you should better go to this page, maybe it helps you. http://www.linux.com/howtos/Webcam-HOWTO/index.shtml Good luck.
  5. 2 more shots: Edited to say: 1 more shot, I do not have more space to upload here. :lol: e17 entice eterm with Esetroot ibar erss gkrellm2 xmms flame module temp module virtual desktop I'm still trying to put engage to work, since my cvs update (ebuilds) of 1st Jan, I couldn't make it work under e17, but with gnome and e16 it still works, strange. Cheers. BTW: I'm using E since I started using linux and can say that E17, despite of being under constant development, has kept the same leve of productivity I was used to. (for sure it's a personal choice)
  6. wish you a quick recovery. cheers.
  7. Kmack. Be aware that to get gaim-vv installed is a real challenge. For many it ins't worth the time you spent compiling it, cause the results are quite frustrating. In order to have gaim working with video support (webcam) under "MSN" your "buddy" should have gaim-vv installed as well. It doens't work with windows users, but on the other hand for yahoo IM users independently of the OS they use, you "should" have some success. In case you decide to try gaim-vv, do not forget to read some posts in the forum at sourceforge.net before installation. Good luck. :P
  8. In my opinion the best one is gaim. Unfortunately, there isn't any IM for linux that handles webcam. I got installed here gaim-vv, which is supposed to give support to video and voice, but still under development and full of bugs. I do have a webcam working under linux and with gaim-vv I was able to chat using my webcam with yahoo users. http://gaim-vv.sourceforge.net/ Please, be advised that gaim-vv is a real PITA to get it installed. Lots errors during compiling process, but I'd stick with gaim stable. It's cool.
  9. Let's see if it works... Edited: Yeah, so here is its specs. e17 Entice Entrance with taillights theme gkrellm2 ibar Eterm with fake transparency (Esetroot)
  10. Is it allowed here to upload instead of putting a link to the screeshot?
  11. SoldierofHyrule: Isn't it too son to give up. Why don't you ask for help within the forum? As per my poor experience, Mandrake is one of the best and easiest distribution for those who are moving from Windows. (I think it's not a matter of personal taste but a fact). People here are very helpful and always available for helping us out. Why don't you list all the issues you have been facing in the appropriate section of this forum and wait for a response? Before shifting to another Distro, check its support! This forum is one of the best you are going to find out there. When I started using linux, it was one of the main factors for my choice, I mean: It's good to count with some help in those difficult moments and here for sure you will have it. Good luck and don't give up. Cheers. B)
  12. Have u tried to delete ~/.mozilla folder?
  13. I have a D-Link model DSL-502G and it works very well under Gentoo and Ubuntu. Cheers.
  14. Install this extension here and you should be able to open email links. good luck. PS: I got it working here ... after enabling pop-ups.
  15. I cannot either, never could even with gaim users on the other side.
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