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new MDK updates & KDE........

chris z

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just a heads up for anybody that hasn't checked lately.......


there's several security updates available for openssl & mplayer. i installed them yesterday & all is running well, mplayer included, so don't fear getting them.


also, i saw that KDE has v.3.1.4 which addresses some security issues, as well as some memory leaks & a few other bugs found in 3.1.3. i got the rpm from Texstar. if you urpmi kdebase, it will give you the depends to go with it. no problems after installation. there's a few new menu items added, new "home" icon in kicker, new kicker logo, & rearranged right click options. and, (i don't know if this was done by Tex somehow) i noticed that when i insert a data CD now, i don't have to mount the drive first, even though i have supermount disabled! :shock: i can just click my desktop icon for the drive & it opens. that threw me for a loop. i still need to unmount before ejecting the CD, though. if anybody else has installed KDE3.1.4 with supermount disabled, let me know if this works the same way for you, please. just curious.......



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which one to download first? if you use urpmi it will resolve that problem. urpmi kdebase-3.1.4


wheres the url? http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distribut...drake/9.1/rpms/


you can ofcourse add this to your ftp medium.


how do you add an ftp medium? http://www.urpmi.org/en/man-html/urpmi.addmedia.php

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Texstar is a great resource for Mandrake RPM's so it's well worth bookmarking his site.

Or you could go to our download area, where we mirror his site :)

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sorry..........i just assumed that everybody would know where to get the updates. my bad!


to get the mplayer & openssl, just use MCC->Mandrake Update. they're on all the update mirrors.


for KDE, as was mentioned, you need to add Texstar to your repository. the easiest way to add update sources is to use easy urpmi . just go there & follow the instructions. you can add several update sources as well as contribs & such. once you have the sources added, you can either use MCC->install software & do a search for what you're looking for. or, open a terminal, su to root, & type........

urpmi (name of package you're looking for)

that will find the package from one or more of your sources & tell you what depends are involved, if any. answer "yes" when it asks you if you want the packages & depends installed, & let it do it's things. basically, it's just like using MCC, but without the GUI.


hope that helped!



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Um yes, my bad.

I was boggled by one website that had the download as 108mb, no way am I going to urpmi that!

What I do is download one pkg at a time to a file (and save to cd for the next time I destroy mdk).

It turns out that it's a lot less than 108mb.


Thanks for advice. :)

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Curious. A new icon pops up on the desktop, representing the mounted disk. Menu options on that icon offer unmount, but not eject. Now, my regular desktop icon still offers eject. But, the disk loads without mounting! :shock: I didn't even notice until I read this thread. :roll:


No changes were made to fstab, e.g., supermount was not enabled.

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Ixthusdan wrote:

Curious. A new icon pops up on the desktop, representing the mounted disk. Menu options on that icon offer unmount, but not eject. Now, my regular desktop icon still offers eject. But, the disk loads without mounting!  I didn't even notice until I read this thread.


No changes were made to fstab, e.g., supermount was not enabled.


yeah, that's what i was talking about concerning data CD's. i have supermount disabled & used to have to "right click drive icon->mount" before it would read the CD. now i just pop in the CD, click on the icon, & bang! it's mounted & readable! and, i also get an extra icon on the desktop when it's mounted, even though i don't have that feature ticked in KDE desktop controls. my first thought was my fstab had been modified, but it wasn't. some Texstar magic, perhaps? :shock:



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  • 5 weeks later...
which one to download first? if you use urpmi it will resolve that problem. urpmi kdebase-3.1.4


wheres the url? http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distribut...drake/9.1/rpms/


you can ofcourse add this to your ftp medium.


how do you add an ftp medium? http://www.urpmi.org/en/man-html/urpmi.addmedia.php



I cannot (comfortably) connect to the net under Linux, so I always download to a windows partition, then add that to my Urpmi sources.


Question is: I need a list of rpm's that will have to be downloaded, since I don't wanna download the whole shabang (don't need Xmms-skins to install KDE 3.1.4, for example).



So anyone knows of such a list?





Edited by Darkelve
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Dependency hell...


well, seems like KDE isn't the only problem I have. I tried to download the RPMs for rhythmbox and gthumb 2 days ago. To be sure I had all dependencies, I downloaded like, 3/4 of the packages required (even though these might already be present on my system). Doing a URPMI, I still get unmet dependencies for both packages!


I just cannot reboot to windows for every dependency I forgot to download. I would not mind downloading the whole darn thing, but that is far from easy either.


Honestly, there must be a better way to do this!? :wall:




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Honestly, I think if you have a working stable system in MDK then you should make getting internet access a priority.


Before I got a phone line I used to go to a friends and download and the dep hell stuff just makes it too frustrating. Its the deps of the deps that get ya!!!


What is really annoying is loads of the deps turn out to be like 64kb libraries .... so even dail-up wouldn't be too bad.


Sorry not to have a better solution except its amazing what you can do if you make yourself REALLY determined to do it.


I honestly beleive its worth your investment of time sorting this out becuase it makes life so much simpler afterwards.

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Honestly, I think if you have a working stable system in MDK then you should make getting internet access a priority.

I do not have any problems with my Mandrake installed system at all. Except this annoyance for not being able to use my USB wireless access device on a wireless home LAN (and my USB digital camera, and my USB 128MB memory stick [Medion]; must be USB I guess... ).


I was really thinking about getting it to work, but it has to be a wireless solution because: the walls in and around my room were not built with cables in mind and a solution where the Lan cable lies across the stairway, living room, and kitchen is no solution at all for me.


But you do have an excellent point: it will probably be worth all the money/trouble afterwards.


One possible solution I thought of was just buying another wireless router to plug straight into my ethernet jacket, then let that communicate with the Intel Pro/Wireless (2011b) access point.


I already asked for advice to the person who installed our wireless Lan for us, and he gave me following products for recommendation:


* BenQ Wireless AP Router AWL700 11Mbps 802.11b: 117,50 euro

* Deonet 54Mbps Wireless Access Point: 152,75 euro

* Deonet 54Mbps Wireless Router: 167,75 euro


At that time, it seemed a lot of money to me, also because the guy charges €25/hour for installation (dunno how long installation of something like that would take). Maybe I should just buy one and install it myself?



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