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It's time for a survey!


Which version of Mandriva are you running on your main day-to-day PC:  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. choose one

    • older than 2006
    • 2006
    • 2007.0
    • 2007.1
    • 2008.0
    • 2008.1
    • 2009.0
    • 2009.1 cooker (or RC1)
    • other Linux (not Mandriva)
    • legacy OS (Windows, OS-X, Solaris, ...)

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I'm running 2009 with KDE 3.5. I have 2009 KDE 4 on my laptop, KDE 4 I don't like, so I installed XFCE, and use it on the lappy. Been a long time mandy user, I have a copy of 9.2 installed on my old desktop in the basement. Still works well for a backup machine.

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Can we get back to the subject please? I voted for 2008.1 cos I'm very happy with it, and am still wary of jumping into the KDE4 boat. I've tried KDE 4.2 and think it looks very promising, but I'm waiting for things to settle down a bit, until there isn't a confusing mix of KDE3 and KDE4. But as I said I'm in no hurry because 2008.1 works very well for me, very little to complain about.


Interesting poll, thanks tux99!

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I've removed 14 (yes, 14!) off-topic posts, except the first one and the O/P's reply.


There's nothing wrong with legacy systems - I work on one myself, and it's one of the most reliable and efficient around. :)


Let's keep on-topic, please.

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If anyone is offended by the Windows bit, please contact a mod or admin and lodge your complaint. We'll then discuss and decide whether we feel the poll needs amending.


Let's keep the topic on-track.

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  • 1 month later...

I have to give props to the current release of Mandriva (2009.1)... been using OpenSUSE for some years now, but I think 2009.1 is the best Linux distro currently available. This is also - but not only - thanks to KDE 4.2 desktop.


I do have to say that KDE 4.2 really benefits from wide screens though (more space to leave all those widgets/plasmoids ;-) )

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