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Why do you use THAT distro?


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I must say that Mandrake 8.2 almost saved my marriage  :wink:


OK - I'm curious - you got to explain that!

:lol: I was spending too much time playing with Red Hat. With Mandrake I found it much faster for a newbee to set everything up.



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Using MDK cuz i love this Board so much :mystismiles: *jokin*


I started Linux with SuSE 7.2 ... later on went to RedHat then to Aurox Linux (which is a great Distribution ... 9.1 (fire) will be released on Wednesday, 10.09.03) and then ... at least i tried Mandrake which makes me 100% happy.


So, i will stay with Mandrake Linux :wink:

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I use MDK 9.1 cause it just works with no problems. Very easy to use and learn on. Now I have a dual boot MDK / Gentoo. With gentoo I can go bleeding edge and try new stuff to learn with. If I break it - oh well. I have tried Slackware / Yoper / RedHat / JAMD / and now Gentoo with the extra partition just to see the differences and benefits of each. My personal ranking (no flames please):


Mandrake (it just works)

Gentoo (acpi with stock kernel )

RedHat (apt-get is cool)

Slackware (great learning tool)

JAMD (Red hat offshoot)

Yoper (tried emerge and it broke)


I learned alot with all, but I always have Mandy as a primary Distro. Due to the fact of being able to download just about all distros free it makes the process fun. I settled on MDK and will now buy my next distro (9.2) from them.

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I use MDK because I have to share the computer with 3 other people (fiance and 2 teens). and wanted something I could get up and running quickly, and easly, I've used other Distros in the past, Slackware (8 years ago), and RedHat 5.2, Plus MDK works, it's the distro I've told friends about who are sick of "won't mention the product here" and want to try something different.

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Main rt now is mdk. Was Debian, but I'm a network n00bie so I needed something friendly :wink: . I'll learn the tech side in time, but I want it to work without pulling my hair out. Started this with RH but even that frustrated me with networking. MDK is much more network friendly.


If I'm playing, or should I say, not 'learning' I'm in Debian, for obvious reasons (apt-get), and it's also fast, light, and everything works. There's more pkgs available through apt-get than I'll ever even think to try in a life time. As I learn 'The Debian Way' things are done, I see how superior it is in many ways. It's a smart distro if you learn the language, and if it ever becomes more friendly through gui...look out!


I have Gentoo for Athlon XP's on cd's, but haven't had the time because of a burning transformer frying my psu, GeForce2, and win98 install.

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bvc: Networking of Debian is handled in the config files in /etc/network/


I use Debian because I wasn't satisfied with Mandrake. When I get dissatisfied with Debian, I'll use SCO OpenLinux.

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I was an happy W2k user.

then i moved from university and decided to biuld a router/firewall for adsl and a little lan at home/

With a lot of help from a friend, i installed a debian (stable) as a gateway/server. It has worked pretty well since. I recently made a new installation with a sarge. Installing and configurating everything is really not an easy task !


I tried to put a sid as a dual boot on my home desktop but it's pretty hard to use (no working sound...)


At work, i decided to move from windows to linux, and tried the mdk 9.1. I was very please to see an esily build system wich just works ! I was productivity right out of the box, with an already nice selection of the best apps.

urpmi is a great tool, reminding me of apt-get. Everything is pretty well rounded. (supermount, localisation, sound...)


I find it complicated to make some stuff work (java, pdf, flash) until i discovered this site and the already made rpm...

Now i'm starting to play with plf ad texsar rpm...



For me, a desktop distribution should work nicely and fast right out of the box, & should support hardware autodetection & should solve dependancies.

So the 2 distributions that are interesting for me are mandrake and hard disk install of knoppix.

I will try the hard knoppix at home to replace my not so good sid, but mandrake fullfil all my needs right now...

And i am downloading the 9.2 rc2....

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I tried to put a sid as a dual boot on my home desktop but it's pretty hard to use (no working sound...)


This is offtopic and all, but did you add your user to the audio group? Because if not, then that's most likely your problem. If you have your sound drivers loaded, that is.

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I used Mandrake 8.1 Standard because it was the first distribution that I was able to find on the store shelves at Walmart. I upgraded to 8.2 PowerPack because I could find it at BestBuy. I switched to SuSE 8.2 again because of retail availability.


I personally beleive that most distros are pretty much equivalent in what they can do. Tweaks are nice from one to the other, but it was pretty simple to migrate my data from Mandrake to SuSE. In fact, I lost more when my HDs died. I lost 0 bytes of data in the migration from distro to distro. I did loose some capabilities, but gained others in return. I'm still searching for ways to get everything working the way I want, but my general point remains: One distro is pretty much the same as another.

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I started with Corel ('cause Wordperfect was bundled with it), but it was a loooonnnggg install (fully automated no "expert") took hours. I even bought the upgrade...jerks then dumped it.


Fine, I'm trying for free before I buy the next one. DLed Mandrake and RH, preferred Mandrake...works fine for my needs, wants and desires...the best? Maybe not but then I'm not a computer person...


Somewhere along the conversion path from Corel to MDK I found the users group (old board) liked what I saw inthe way of help and decided to stay. This board tolerates new users and slow learners, yet satisfies the advanced users as well. So why go anywhere else?

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I'm currently 'using' Mandrake 9.0 although having problems getting stuff working, each time I put something new on it takes a good week to fix either it or the rest of the system, but I'm learning :D .


I tried Morphix and Slackware as live-cd distros and really liked the look and feel of Slackware (not so much Morphix) once I am feeling a bit more confident I will give Slackware a go (Debian sounds interesting though :) )


I also got a copy of FreeBSD but I reckon that may be a bit too advanced at the moment.


I do still have win98 as dual boot, my wife refuses to give it up for her video editing however it has saved me a few times when I have completely screwed up the internet connection and needed help :oops:.


I'm not a particularly demanding user so if I did not enjoy buggering about with the OS and had vast sums of cash I would probably stick with it *ducks*. But then I do enjoy playing with (and breaking) my system and have no rich relatives close to death (or near cliffs :twisted: )



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I do still have win98 as dual boot, my wife refuses to give it up for her video editing however it has saved me a few times when I have completely screwed up the internet connection and needed help  :oops:.


Introduce her to the video editing tools that come with SuSE 8.2 Professional...

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