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Systems poll


Which system(s) do you have?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose which option best describes your systems at home

    • Only Mandriva system(s)
    • Mix of Mandriva and non-Mandriva systems
    • Other Linux system(s)
    • Just Mac system(s)
    • Something else (or none)
    • Mix of Linux/Mac/other systems, but no Mandriva

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We haven't had a poll for a while, and I'm genuinely curious - how many Mandriva users do we have on Mandrivausers?

Some people have moved on to other distros, some keep a mix, some dual-boot, and some just have Mandriva.


What counts in this poll is your home system(s), not work machines or girlfriends' machines, but where you do 90% + of your home stuff.



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Desktop: Arch Linux, Linux Mint, Windows (for gaming) and some other Linux installs that I don't even boot anymore. There may even be a Mandriva one, but I voted the last option anyways.

Laptop: OS X (a few OS's installed under Parallels)

Edited by tyme
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Home system: 100% Mandriva


Work-laptop: Sadly Windows XP Pro (due to Canon EOS utilities, which do not run under Mandriva/Linux but which I need for my job)

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So if Mandriva doesn't work, wouldn't that make it "Mix of Linux/Mac/other systems, but no Mandriva" ?


The only thing that isn't working is a USB support, the rest is fine, so it is quiet capable system, updated also. I just don't use. but i might some day.

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I only have Mandriva, I have over the years tried quite a few other distro's, but I found myself always coming back to Mandriva, I just like it for what ever reason, maybe the fact that it can be easily both very user friendly and you can dig deep if you desire, maybe just because Mandrake was my first venture into Linux, and I am familiar with it now ?


But I have noticed that I don't check out other distro's much anymore, maybe that will change if I set up another PC for that purpose.


For me Mandrivia iz da shiznitz

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...the fact that it can be easily both very user friendly and you can dig deep if you desire...
I have tried quite a few distros, but only ever ran Mandriva & PClinuxOS for the above reasons and also because they both have great user support :)
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I voted Mix of Mandriva and non-Mandriva systems even though, at the moment, the only Linux I have installed is Mandriva on my desktop and I dual-boot Windows XP (work and school) and Mandriva. I go back and forth between Ubuntu, Knoppix, Kanotix and Mandriva, but you probably have an 80% chance of catching me with just Mandriva and XP installed.

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oddly enough, I don't use Mandriva because I can't dig as deep as I want to... :lol2:

Yes, but I think your shovel has a longer handle than most, certainly longer than mine. (and I am talking about shovels here, shovels and nothing but shovels)

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On my notebook I have only Mandriva at the moment (every other distro I tried on it had some glitches, mainly with wireless), the Computer I use for Gaming has Win XP Pro and Mandriva on it, the rest is a mix of different Linux distros and a bit BSD, would try Mac OS X too, if it could be installed on a PC. Although I'm through my distro-hopping phase, I still like to see what others have to offer (and if it's only to convince me that Mandriva was the right choice for me).

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