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PCLinuxOS 2007 Final Released


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Texstar and the Ripper Gang are pleased to announce the final release of PCLinuxOS 2007. Featuring kernel, KDE 3.5.6, Open Office 2.2.0, Firefox, Thunderbird 2.0, Frostwire, Ktorrent, Amarok, Flash, Java JRE, Beryl 3D and much much more. Almost 2 gigs of software compressed on a single self bootable livecd that can be installed to your hard drive provided it is compatible with your system and you like the distribution. Over 5000+ additional packages available after hard drive install through our Synaptic Software Manager. Please note PCLinuxOS does not ship with Win32codes or DVD decryption software. Proprietary Nvidia and ATI drivers available after hard drive install.


In addition we'd like to give out a special thanks to the PCLinuxOS community who stepped up last month to help us out and kept us going. Thank you for all your support and we'll keep working hard to bring you a good Linux distribution you can be proud of. We also want to thank Enki Consulting for providing hosting for our website and ibiblio.org for hosting our distribution.


Currently available via torrent only as the mirrors continue to populate: http://linuxtracker.org/torrents-details.php?id=4143


Purchase disk from On-Disk.com

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I want to try this distro myself. Have someone used it before, how is it?


P.S. I've read some reviews on Distrowatch, but i want to hear your opinion.

Basicly it's Mandriva with apt/synaptic instead of urpmi/rpmdrake and some nicer looking icons for the mcc and their KDE seems to be quite responsive. I tried tr4, the last beta and it had some bugs (printer didnt work, multimedia keys didnt work, freetype had byte code interpreter disabled making fonts ugly...) which made me switch back to mandriva again...

Edited by ffi
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I used 0.93 when Mandriva 2006 just stopped working. My impression was generally (very) good. Almost everything was working out of the box. The community is helpful, you can even find the devs on the forum.

It has a way less packages than Mandriva though it still has about 5000.

It's KDE centric. They had Gnome in the repos but it was an ancient version and Texstar made it clear that Gnome is not among his highest priorities. This KDE centricness is true in the case of packages. If you need a program to solve a problem then it's more likely you'll find the KDE equivalent of the program in the repo. Although you can request packages in the forum it's not sure you'll get them. I think this amount is about the max they can handle. Thac makes packages for PCLinuxOS so if somethings missing you can ask him.

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To stop this FUD once and for all, PCLOS used to be a Mandriva clone some three years ago. Now it has very little in common.

IMHO it's one of the best Linux distros for newbies. My daughter is using it at her laptop since RC2, and generally it works very well.

She is just twelve ears old, but she didn't need much help from me to get it working decently. Just a couple of tips on how to rebuild font cache, and how to make GTK applications not looking like crap (nothing drastic, just the usual gtk-qt engine).

If I had to pick between Mandriva and PCLOS for my every day desktop, I am almost sure I would pick the latter. I do not see a bright future ahead (this applies for all one-man shows, not just PCLOS), but ATM it's a very, very good distro.

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Now it has very little in common.
Don't they still use a lot of Mandriva tools, including the MCC? Also, I don't think stating that a distro is/was based on another distro (something stated on the PCLinuxOS site) is quite FUD. Inaccurate, maybe, FUD? That's taking it a bit far.
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They do use mcc, they are KDE centric, and they do use RPM packages. But all RPM's are currently build from scratch, not Mandriva source RPM's, initscripts are self made, and the kernels are built by Ocilent with very different philosophy (and which does not appeal to me, but that's OK- I view anything more than a CK patchset with the outmost suspicion).

If PCLOS is considered a Mandriva spinoff, then Ubuntu is nothing more than a Debian bad side effect... :D

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But all RPM's are currently build from scratch, not Mandriva source RPM's



But I read somewhere on the pclinuxos fotum in a recent post by Tex that they take mandriva srpms and automatically rename them.....

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Question, if PCLinux are rebuilding its packages how compatible is it with mandriva packages? Because 5000 packages is not much.

because of the freetype thing i grabbed the most recent version of freetype AND freetype-tools (not really even needed) from cooker and installed through kpackage, I basicly borked the system and apt would want to move forward nor backward to let me reinstall the (older) original packages......

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You cannot use any Mandriva packages on PCLOS since quite some time. I have installed a few without major issues, but that was some three and a half years ago.

The package base of PCLOS is not big indeed, but I wouldn't mind if the devel base was good. Unfortunately a couple of attempts I've made in the past to build some GNOME programs (of rather average complexity) ended up in a total fiasco. Basically I wanted to build a rather simple gtk2 based application (d4x) because the one included in their repos was segfaulting right from the box. The build attempt revealed to me a whole bunch of completely broken devel packages. It was version 0.92, if I am not mistaken.

A newbie won't notice though...


And- how can they rename Mandriva source RPM's when they are usually one week or so faster than Cooker when a new KDE/program revision is out?

Thac & Ze used to rebuild Cooker RPM's for KDE, but I am almost sure they build them from scratch as well right now...

Edited by scarecrow
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I forgot one thing localization which wasn't automatic when I used PCLOS. Not a big deal for an experienced user since I just had to install the necessary kde-i18 package and there was a clear description about how to localize Firefox on their wiki. Also their installer worked only in English but AFAIK that installer was replaced by the Mandriva live installer since then.

Edited by dexter11
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The final does not boot on my notebook, hanging after the network stuff, I think. :wall:


Had to go for VirtualBox. A bit slow, but finally comes up.

I was interested in the initscripts and the base system and gcc ...


It is Mandriva 2007 (not 2007.1), but without urpmi and rpmdrake.


KDE one version behind cooker which I think is a good decision.

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