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Where do they go once installed? [solved]


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this is so weak i know but i downloaded amule its like Edonkey p2p ok i did the rpm install from the shell and now i cant find it to use it..wo my question is where is it? where did it install to so i can open it....the software installer gave me no options at all when i used it and from the console its not where i did the rpm npack at please someone help me

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this is so weak i know but i downloaded amule its like Edonkey p2p ok i did the rpm install from the shell and now i cant find it to use it..wo my question is where is it? where did it install to so i can open it....the software installer gave me no options at all when i used it and from the console its not where i did the rpm npack at please someone help me


[user@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost]# updatedb 0
[root@localhost]# locate edonkey


Try that.

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I go with Floyd on this, in that in this case 'whereis' works much better than 'locate'. The 'locate' command is good if you want to find everything not only in the edonkey (or whatever) package, but also everything that has "edonkey" in it. Using aterm for example, since I don't have edonkey installed:


$ locate aterm
























...and on and on. That was only part of the listings the command returned, but you get the idea - picking out the location of the executable is a pain.


But the 'whereis' command simplifies and gives more like just the answer the OP was asking, which I took to be "where did the executable go"?:


$ whereis aterm

aterm: /usr/bin/aterm /usr/share/man/man1/aterm.1.bz2


Using the '-b' switch with 'whereis' limits the search to binaries only, and gives the exact result the OP wanted (I think):


$ whereis -b aterm

aterm: /usr/bin/aterm


The Linux CLI is a wonderful thing...

Edited by Crashdamage
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when i try locate i get



[beau@localhost ~]$ locate aMule

locate: fatal error: Could not find user database '/var/lib/slocate/slocate.db': No such file or directory


when i do whereis i get


beau@localhost ~]$ whereis aMule



am i screwing up or what?


YES!!!!!!!!! atfer reading the replies again i found the answer updatedb 0 was it..THANK YOU GUYZ!!!!!!!!


i found it but now how can i make it work?


root@localhost aMule-2.1.3]# locate aMule


























[root@localhost aMule-2.1.3]# INSTALL

bash: INSTALL: command not found

[root@localhost aMule-2.1.3]# make install

bash: make: command not found

[root@localhost aMule-2.1.3]# ./aMule

bash: ./aMule: No such file or directory

[root@localhost aMule-2.1.3]#


no configure and the readme and install files are a waste of time

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In the results of your search I don't see the binary (executable) normally located in /usr/bin.

Read my last post again. Then in a terminal do:


$ aMule


If it doesn't start post any error messages back here. Also give the result of:


$ whereis -b aMule




$ rpm -q aMule

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ok i did those and this is what i get........


[beau@localhost ~]$ aMule

bash: aMule: command not found

[beau@localhost ~]$ ./aMule

bash: ./aMule: No such file or directory

[beau@localhost ~]$ whereis -b aMule


[beau@localhost ~]$


[beau@localhost ~]$ amulegui

amulegui: error while loading shared libraries: libbfd- cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory



Edited by digitalfreedom
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Read my post again. Do **all 3** of the comands I listed, both without the cap 'M' (amule) and with (aMule) just to be sure. I suspect Neddie is right the correct version will be 'amule'.


If 'rpm -q amule' (rpm -q aMule) returns "package amule is not installed" then su to root in a terminal and do:


# urpmi -v --test amule


...and see what that says, which if aMule is *not* installed will probably something like (using my machine as example):


To satisfy dependencies, the following 3 packages are going to be installed (18 MB):




Is this OK? (Y/n)


Just type 'n' to abort or 'y' to continue with the test (nothing will actually be installed). If you want to go ahead and actually install, run the command again without '--test'. If it fails or gives other messages, post them back here.

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Another way:


rpm -qa | grep amule


and when you have the full packagename try:


rpm -ql amule-version-blah-blah


for the rest of the full name. It'll then list all the files in here, you could even add this, so:


rpm -ql amule-version-blah-blah | grep bin


and it'll find the executable for you. However:


whereis amule


should do it easier. The above is handy if you're not sure what the executable app is called, but of course it should be in bin, and therefore gives you a helping hand.

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Another tip: If you don't know whether it's called amule or aMule or amyool then just type "am" in a console and then press <tab>. The system will try and find all the programs that begin with those letters. If you try "aM" <tab> and nothing comes up then try with "am" <tab> and you should see it (along with amarok, amix and others). If there are too many in the list then just keep typing and press <tab> again.


Or you can do the same thing with a "ls /usr/bin/am*" to list all the programs which start with "am" but then you need a second command to run the program once you've found it.

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its called aMule becasue thats how its spelled in the folder i downloaded it to.But thanx for all the help I actually got limewire downloaded and installed.i even installed Java from the command line with all the things i learned here.so its aMule but its a p2p like i wanted.and all because you all helped me :) thanx so much ya'll

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