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Show off your desktop: December


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And this is all of you have been waiting for!!! Drummer could you give me some drums? :drum:




Click the picture to enlarge - 1600x1200




Build on bvc's D3a themes + misc icons

Cursors: SilverXcursor

Sound: "Borealis" sound theme

Splash: Gnome-twirl

GDM: Falling Angel

Screensaver: End Game (gl)

GDesklet: LTPager and Psi-tasklist

Xmms: Ballistic


Here's it with description on it. Click the picture to enlarge - 1600x1200



System: Gnome 2.8 Ubuntu 4.10

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the overall layout is well thought. indeed. though it is too much eye-candy for my tastes. but i am a minimalist as you already know. :D


could you provide the same thing with a different wallpaper (just to see if it works this well due to the wallpapers colors). e.g. a typical gnome-wallpaper? i am just curious and unwilling to tweak my desktop now :P

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I'l give it a shot, what do you have in mind?


Edit: It's bit a minialistic, sort of. Must of the icons are hided in the bars which is set on auto hide.



Is that a real picture of you? If so, did you have those tattoed! :P



*ROFL* !!! I wish :) :jester:

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Arctic, here's is one with the wallpaper you gave me.

1. the wallpaper wasn't from me but cybr :P

2. i notice some rough edges on the gdesklets bottom panel corners. i think someone should improve/tidy up the little app.

3. looks a bit better with your original wallpaper. :lol:

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