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Microsoft's Sacred Cash Cow: An Open-Source Future


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I guess this rather long article is interesting to all Linux enthusiasts - Microsoft's Sacred Cash Cow written by Jeff Reifman from Seattle Weekly. Author has worked in Microsoft, so his views and opinions have maybe more "weight" than just a common author would have.


In the article author forecasts that Microsoft will face serious troubles. There isn't much Linux news (moreover open source related text), but I think B) this article is somehow connected also to the future of Linux and its popularity. Enjoy...

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Linux hurts Windows exactly because OS is the first entry before any other software product can move into the market. Control the OS and then you can extend it to ANY other software product / businesses. Just Open Source alone isn't that threatening to Microsoft if she can still control the OS market.


Of course, I rarely heard how reliable (or the lack of) a Windows Cluster has been, the licensing cost just doesn't cut it most of the time.

Edited by zero0w
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Microsoft clings to this strategy because it has to. Its stock price relies largely on the continued strength of Windows and the Office suite of applications (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, etc.).


I still think the office suites are an important feature for linux, people buy computers for what they do not how they do it. If they lose their dominance there MS would be in trouble/




Linux hurts Windows exactly because OS is the first entry before any other software product can move into the market. Control the OS and then you can extend it to ANY other software product / businesses. Just Open Source alone isn't that threatening to Microsoft if she can still control the OS market.


The biggest bugbear, at least in the UK is that the only way you can buy a computer from a main retailer is with windows installed. its chicken and egg, oem's won't install linux bexause there is no demand there is no demand because you have no choice in the matter.


Looks like, from what he was saying as a former insider that the senior management have their heads in the past and a culture where people are nervous wbout being critical. twenty years from now you will be saying to your granchildren I remember microsoft when it owned the world.

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> The biggest bugbear, at least in the UK is that the only way

> you can buy a computer from a main retailer is with windows

> installed. its chicken and egg, oem's won't install linux bexause

> there is no demand there is no demand because you have

> no choice in the matter.


Well, at least you have a viable alternative platform that has no hidden self-interest to be exploited. Things are changing lately though. I think by 2005 we will have a rather robust desktop Linux platform.


Moreover, if there is no Linux, the low cost sector of software business will be completely dominated by Microsoft OS and her other product lines (SQL Server, Exchange server, etc.). The one-stop integration is appealing to IT managers and CIO alike.

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I agree more with the 2nd statement than the first.

The first is equally true BUT it seems to make no difference.


I just saw an add for new post office thing in the UK whee you print your own stamps EXCEPT its only available with windows and IE.


I think the postoffice is still govt controlled but its just an example....

Non MS users are squeezed out of many little things like this or online banking etc.


No doubt MS helps fund these things too, like helping the irish EU presidency over their website. All in all its a squeeze....


What MS are trying to do is make you have to give up something not to use MS. It might be MSN, Hotmail your WinCE device or whatever but they WANT you to have that excuse NOT to dump windows next time it crashes...

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Yep that good,

It is the whole ethos that you would be expected to use/have windows in order to flash a bios or something...


It is implied that if your hardware is x86 then you will be running windows. Indeed, it is presumed that your hardware is x86 in many cases.


This isn't deliberate its lack of thought combined with brainwashing....


It extends beyond this to CV/resume in MS word etc.

OK it might be relevant to a secretarial position where you use word but applying as a unix sysad shouldnt require proof you can write your CV in word.


Every organisation that does this componds it..

For instance the English PO has now given yet another reason why some office should use Windows. Perhaps that office was a design beuro that had been using mac's but this tips the balance.

Perhaps they were a technical company using linux and this tips the balance....


Adobe pdf stuff now needs a MS passport...

even this board has the member MSN/Hotmail box and things like that propogate the intrinsic and pervasive nature of MS.

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That's true. You can't imagine what rubbish I get sometimes that people want to put online. Just today someone sent me a text accompanied by a Powerpoint presentation with 4 images in it (cartoon-style, kind of). that he supposed I would just publish this way. Duh! I kindly requested they would send 4 Gif files instead...


but I agree, it's baked into the people's stupid minds! Arrgh...


M$ Word stupidity as well, but good thing I found this:


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Its not the operating system its the software and what it does that people buy. What they can't develop microsoft buy and use it to take out rivals like oracle. If you have a rival suppled with MS servers why bother with an alternative?


The author in the first article misses the point (I think) windows as an operating system may be sold at a loss but it is the whole package that MS sell and then tie people to their products. One easy to use package. the fact that there are better doesn't really matter it's convenient like macdonald's, its almost lifestyle marketing.


Forget Linux initially push the alternative office products first that's the real trojan horse (good topical reference or what?)

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Maybe people are using apps instead of the OS.


But, and a big but, is that Windows OS still shares 60-65 % revenue source of the company; it beats Office and other server products combined.


If Windows is really beaten, say dropping its marketshare to 70% or less, then it's an open season for other server and bundle apps as well.

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Adobe pdf stuff now needs a MS passport...


There seems to be a bit of a war with adobe and ms as well. You can download free PDF writers and star office now comes with an adobe reader and converter. Security is a big factor in which one will win out. Remember the Hutton inquiry and the word document that had been altered?

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