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Gnome 2.6 is out!


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gnome website


In a release that marks the fruit of six months of hard work from our hackers, maintainers, translators, testers, usability team and accessibility team, the GNOME community has done it again: GNOME 2.6.0 continues the high standards in the areas of usability, accessibility and internationalisation that our users expect from the world's Free Software desktop.



Edited by Ghil Vertefeuille
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i don't think 2.6 will make it into cooker for this release. they did a freeze on versions in cooker when they released 10.0 Community. you'll have to wait until after final, or pray someone builds rpm's (which someone probably will-but not me!)

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First of all, hello everyone, just registered here :)


I'm running mdk 10, and since gnome2.6 propably won't be in cooker because all the 10.0 packages have already been decided, the only hope for us mandrake gnome fans is that someone makes unofficial rpms or a source build guide? (jhbuild howto? *cough*) :-)

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