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Mageia Release 1 is out!


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I ran an update from RC, and there were no problems at all. The only thing I have not done is an actual install outside of a virtual pc. Mandriva (like Mandrake before it) did some sort of oddity to the MBR and could cause issues if one wished to remove the boot loader. None of the other linux distros which I have used did this. I know it has something to do with misstating the parameters of the MBR. At any rate, I am hesitant to blow openSUSE out and use Mageia, just for that reason. The distro runs quite well, and actual has graphic goodies functioning in VirtualBox. My current openSUSE install has developed issues crashing X when rotating the cube. (Where's the fun in that?) Mageia release one is excellent.

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I ran an update from RC, and there were no problems at all. The only thing I have not done is an actual install outside of a virtual pc. Mandriva (like Mandrake before it) did some sort of oddity to the MBR and could cause issues if one wished to remove the boot loader. None of the other linux distros which I have used did this. I know it has something to do with misstating the parameters of the MBR. At any rate, I am hesitant to blow openSUSE out and use Mageia, just for that reason. The distro runs quite well, and actual has graphic goodies functioning in VirtualBox. My current openSUSE install has developed issues crashing X when rotating the cube. (Where's the fun in that?) Mageia release one is excellent.



Installed already. :D


Looking great so far.


Cheers. John.


Thanks guys for the positive responses.

It's about three in the night here in the Netherlands.

But there is still a lot of messaging going around about the latest Mageia-release.

And mainly, and really mainly, very positive.

I think and feel the Mandriva-communtiy can be assured of a bright future with this release.

Please spread the word around where-ever you can!!!!

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I was expecting it to take on it's own identity, but after install, just different colours but looks the same as Mandriva.

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I was expecting it to take on it's own identity, but after install, just different colours but looks the same as Mandriva.


Thanks for your response ian.


You are absolutely right, not that much of an own identity, at the first sight.

I also think this really was the intention of the developers, and that it was more the building of a stable base for future products.

As well as being sure to have the needed infrastructure in good shape.

Yes indeed, where it concerns colors, or other cosmetics Mageia has to disappoint people.

Time has arrived now for brainstorming, how to make the difference for the following releases.

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Installed the KDE version yesterday and everything is running great. This is a really solid release. Congratulations to the Mageia devs and everyone involved in this project; your future looks very bright to me. It is so nice to have a community based project like this that isn't subject to the dubious business whims of upper management. Best of luck.

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Guest PrimeSuspect

I concur that this is a great release but I was so disappointed to see my 3G modem still isn't recognized. The plus side is the wireless issues plaguing many distros now using the later KDE Network Manager are not present in Mageia. The modem I use (SonyEricsson MD300) is one of the most widely used in my country and now runs out of the box with Ubuntu, Mint, Bodhi, Zorin, Fedora (KDE) and Pardus. There maybe others I haven't yet tried. In all though I really want to use Mageia. I've tried working through some of the solutions suggested for this before via Mandriva, but most assume a level of knowledge I don't have and of course usually need a network connection anyway :wall:

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I was expecting it to take on it's own identity, but after install, just different colours but looks the same as Mandriva.

Since Mandriva has taken a different direction Mageia actually has its own identity. Even if it's the same as the old Mandriva.

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Well I have done it. Mandriva is no longer on my computer. I am leaving an empty / and an empty /home partition to try 2011 final release when it comes out.

Despite everything I tried, time and again, I could NOT get wifi to work in Mandriva2010.2. I am using a TP-Link USB Adaptor (Raylink chip)


It is now only Mageia.


One thing I have determined about Mageia is that if you install it from the DVD then it too is almost impossible to get wifi working. However using a Live-CD and going in that way and then installing from the running Live-CD it is apiece of cake (i.e. easy).


I carefully tried to record all the most likely packages related to wifi that were ticked in the Live-CD install as against the DVD installs (both 32 and 64 versions) and even when some packages in DVD install were installed was different from the Live-CD install, the DVD install still couldn't setup wifi. I just can't seem to find the package or packages missing from the DVD install that the Live-CD has.


There is still no XMMS or gapcmon (APC UPS Back-Ups) packages.


Nor can the Frei0r-plugins for OpenShot be easily installed even though the present version of OpenShot and its previous version call for the installing of feri0r-plugins during OpenShot startup. Seems like some of the packagers are not actually looking at the programs running. I tracked down the package and its three dependencies which seemed to install OK but OpenShot still can't find the plugin.


Very well put Dexter. I agree entirely.


I am wondering whether the deal with the ROSA crowd has anything to do with the Mandriva takeover. Are they perhaps part of the takeover setup. If that happens to be the case then it is goodbye to the Mandriva as we knew it.


Cheers. John.

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