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Everything posted by SpikeyKlitske

  1. What i did after i installed mandrake 10.1 CE was changing the partitions i created in window$ which caused me alot of grief in the process as windows when it changes partitions puts its own partiitions in front ie it renumbers the partitions and puts the linux ones in the back causing you lilo to fail (that is if you want to have a dual boot system). The reason for this change was to move back from ntfs to vfat (fat32) so linux can read and write to the disk. that way i can share the drives between window$s and linux without having to duplicate and waste diskspace. So my advise would be, reorganise your partitions before you move or install mandrake and verify if you need al these partitions to begin with, if you dont, delete them and leave the space unused. I created one partition to hold the system files (i left that on ntfs), one partition to hold all the data (changed that to fat32) grouped in documents and settings, downloads, music, mail. Make sure your partitions are created in sequence from the begining leaving the empty space at the end of the disk. Have one partition to copy all files (including the hidden ones!) if you want to change the ntfs to fat32 (re-format!).
  2. Lol couldnt get it to work at all, ie the error its giving me is "cant load any applets" and i had to remove the 20040813 that comes standard with 10.1 CE. That one btw did exactly what is described here, nothing at all just crashing to desktop after a few seconds
  3. I found the answer to this question myself, here is what to do: Right click on the gaim icon in the system tray and check your custom messages under away. These will not show if you open the buddy list and click on the away button.
  4. copy that, i have a sata drive only and works like a charm. no linux related issues at all. indeed make sure the bios is set properly.
  5. you do not need them to be on the same partition, in fact they need to be on a different partition. You need to have a partition for the swap file as well. Perhaps you mean them to be on the same physical drive? For that i assume it not to be, but i am sure the experts on this forum can tell you.
  6. I just managed to update Gaim to 1.0.1 which was something dreadful todo because of a conflict error with the remote tool that is required to be installed. I had to remove the gaim 0.8.2 version that came with mdk 10.1 CE, install the rpm downloaded from gaim, run the rpm -u command to install version 1.0.1 and manually create a menu item in menudrake to incorporate it in the kde menu tree, pfew. Now, i managed to create a number of custom messages when away from my computer. Gaim gives me the option to save and use them, but how the heck can u use the existing ones other than typing them again? I have tried everything, searched this forum, searched the official gaim site and manual but nothing found Help anyone, please?
  7. Perhaps better to default to the installation of version 10.0 Official. While you are downloading try reading the howto's, also look for the tips aRTEE has put together, lots of information you wished you had read before you get into trouble
  8. hahaha i just moved some partitions i had running on ntfs back to fat32 and had lots of trouble setting the /etc/fstab file right cuz winsuks managed to squeze the new partition i created in between the windows partitions and the linux parttitions ie messing up the partition table numbering /etc/fstab is using.
  9. What if you have a slow and a faster drive and not enough memory (less then 256 or 512kb), ie your system has to use the swap file, wouldnt you want it to sit on the fastest drive? :unsure:
  10. Document your steps and setup I always keep a document where i write down all the steps i took to install. That one proved to be a great asset when i had to go back for whatever reason. The other thing handy to have at every os install is one simple textfile to store all your settings like: 1. what equipment, hardware is present 2. how is the hard drive organised/partitioned 3. what are your mail accounts and passwords 4. what is the configuartion information of your internet connection 5. what is the location of all the laterst driver information 6. what forums did u signup to and ther nicks and passwords ...
  11. Now this might be a long shot but having installed a sata drive (only) on my machine (see signature) i ran into problems similar to what your saying. I had this occuring for some odd reasons using a wireless keyboard or after doing a bios upgrade on my asus mobo. The reason i couldnt boot was because the bios configuration settings defaulted the system to raid rather than ide devices, hence the system was looking for a raid configuration whiich there was not and prompted that awful message. Hope it helps
  12. by the looks of it it still influences your thoughts
  13. This is a known issue thats easily fixed therefor navigate to menudrak (system, cofig, other), locate the menu item for xmms (multimedia, sound) and remove the word "soundwrapper" from the menu command line "soundwrapper xmms". Linux has many great equivalents for commercial winsuks software. Open office org is know to equal or better m$ office, xmms is very very much like winamp (with the fix listed above). Same goes for wine, before u can use wine you need to install it and then configure it. I forgot the exact location where it was put and i am not using it as there is no need to realy. As said there are many linux equivalents to m$ packages. Just post here what you wish to replace and you will get an instant reply. The only time you would like to use an emulator is to play specific windows games, but for that the commercial program cedega (winex) is known to be your best bet. You can get that via transgaming. Other than that it will pay off to find a linux equivalent. My experience: ionce i found my way around i like the linux programs far better!
  14. Hi, u need to check one more thing to make sure the driver loads properly including 3d et all. Check the /usr/X11/XF86Config file and see if it has a reference to libglx.a in the modulkes section. Thats needs to be changed to libglx.so.1.0.6111 ie that it was in my case. see the following thread for the complete story: http://mandrakeusers.org/index.php?showtopic=19143&st=15 Cheers
  15. Thank you all for helping me out solving this problem! Could not have done it without you, and with your help i am now a happy linux fan converting already many others.
  16. Thx for the input, however when entering the line you suggested i got the message file libglx.so.1.0.6111 already exist. I assume this command was to replace the reference libglx.a to libglx.so.1.0.6111 so i changed the XF86 Config file accordingly and the system started up nicely without any hickups. So in conclusion these are the steps to install the nvidia drivers correctly: 1. download latest driver package (6111 in this case) 2. download the c header file pm.h found elswere in this post 3. open a terminal window and enter su followed by the password 4. copy the c header file pm.h in /usr/linux/include/linux/ 5. enter telinit 3 to shutdown X server 6. login as root 7. enter sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run 8. enter vi /etc/X11/XF86Config and edit file as follows: a. replace: "vesa"or "nv"with "nvidia" b. replace "libglx.a" with "libglx.so.1.0.6111" c. add in module section : load "glx" (ed. line already there) d. remove: load "dri" (ed. line not found) e: remove: load "GLcore" (ed. line not found)
  17. :woops: err did you try to look in /mnt/win_c using a file tool like nautilus or konqueror? Stupid question i know, but b4 u start breaking your system apart better to check the simple things first. Indeed it would help to know what you are trying to achieve and what you did sofar
  18. I noticed that even in outlook (pew) you cannot enter two hotmail accounts so i suspect its a m$ thing
  19. Just to let you know, the following link doesnt work! http://http://www.mandrakeusers.org/index....showtopic=10600 It was supposed to provide help with setting up the urpmi sources
  20. Prompt commands to list, edit and save files One of the most anoying parts of my installation was not knowing the basic commands to use at the command prompt to list, edit, save or copy a file mostly config files. This is particularly handy if the instalation of your video driver failes and you are stuck without gui or graphical user interface. The community admires Linux and its powerful command prompt, BUT many people especially the youngsters dont even know what a command prompt is to begin with. So one of the first steps of anyone installing Linux is to understand and know the basic commands to be used at the command prompt.
  21. Read aRTEE's log b4 u start I found a very useful link to a log aRTEE created while installing mandrake including links and tips new linux users should or would like to know. The link is as follows: http://www.mandrake.tips.4.free.fr/configuration101.html
  22. Install multiple desktops I just recently installed mdk 10.0 Official and now 10.1 CE. Whilst exploring Linux i discovered that when you install a particular desktop specific and different application software is included and integrated with the menu. Eventhough you can always install them afterwards, being fresh to Linux i initially didnt know how to do that. So my suggestion is during install selct all desktops, ie KDE, Gnome and Others to give you enough programs and alternatives for them to play with.
  23. BTW, did anyone get the wacom tablet working on mdk 10.1 CE? I have a wacom graphire 3 and use mdk 10.1CE, the tablet is reckognised and the syslog files show activity except i dont see anything hapening. I am going to try your solution but if anyone was successful i can save the trouble :P
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