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Everything posted by theYinYeti

  1. I suggest you use Mandriva Control Center instead, Software section; it's all GUI. Yves. BTW: Cn u pliz writ plain 'nglish coz 'nglish ain't no mum tongue 4 many here :)
  2. The fact that you use one or more sessions, and the fact that the latest session is closed or not, are completely independant. Actually, I'd expect a much lower chance of having an unclosed session when using multi-session. Don't worry, UDF is read fine by any recent distro (I assume we're talking about a data or video DVD, not a distribution DVD ISO file). Your problem shouldn't relate to UDF. Yves.
  3. Web Developer extension to firefox, of course, but also: - http://sourceforge.net/projects/fangs/ (project seems halted; https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/5809 may be a replacement…), - Geany editor, - IEs4Linux: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page Yves.
  4. No offense taken :) Indeed I'm not, not even at work now. Yet I know of this software (much like K3B, or the other way around actually). As far as I know, Nero allows to burn "unfinished" DVDs, like DVD recorders do, and Windows can read them! I don't know the details, but basically, the burning session is left open, for more data to be appended later (or even changed, with RW) into the same session, so that the multi-session recording technique isn't needed, this latter technique wasting some media space at each new session. Alas, as I said, to my knowledge, Linux can't read such DVDs. We're here to help, if we can :) Yves.
  5. I forgot to mention that tv.sh is graphically interactive when at least the second argument is empty, using "zenity", which must be installed. "amixer" must be installed too. For those interested, here's a little dictionnary: ou = or pour = for d'/de = of l'/le/la = the du = of the à = to en fait = in fact VHS ≃ VCR par defaut = by default canal/chaîne = a channel rien = nothing interractif = interactive fichier = a file enregistrement = a record enregistrer = to record duree = amount of time optionnel = optionnal n'importe quoi = anything différent de = different from titre = title choix = choice num = # (number) nom = name attente = now waiting cliquer = click with the mouse début = the start fin = the end commencer = to begin arrêter = to stop Yves.
  6. If the DVD isn't closed/fixed, that may be the problem. I have yet to find how to read unfinished DVDs in Linux, such as those written by DVD recorders. Yves.
  7. Follow-up: Here's my .mplayer/config file, where the profiles are defined: # Write your default config options here! mouse-movements=1 nojoystick=1 stop-xscreensaver=1 vo=xvidix=unichrome_vid.so,xv ao=alsa cdda=speed=2 mc=0 [TV] tv=driver=v4l2:device=/dev/v4l/video0:input=0:width=384:height=288:fps=25:norm=SECAM:normid=7:chanlist=france:c hannels=23-TF1,29-F2,26-F3,K09-C+,21-F5/Arte,65-M6,47-N7:audiorate=48000:alsa=1:amode=1:immediatemode=0 mixer-channel=CD aspect=4/3 ofps=25 oac=copy=1 ovc=lavc=1 lavcopts=vcodec=mjpeg:vqscale=2:aspect=4/3 [TVHQ] tv=driver=v4l2:device=/dev/v4l/video0:input=0:width=384:height=576:fps=25:norm=SECAM:normid=7:chanlist=france:c hannels=23-TF1,29-F2,26-F3,K09-C+,21-F5/Arte,65-M6,47-N7:audiorate=48000:alsa=1:amode=1:immediatemode=0 mixer-channel=CD aspect=4/3 ofps=25 oac=copy=1 ovc=lavc=1 lavcopts=vcodec=mjpeg:vqscale=2:aspect=4/3 # SECAM [VHS] tv=driver=v4l2:device=/dev/v4l/video0:input=1:width=384:height=288:fps=25:norm=SECAM:normid=7:audiorate=48000:a lsa=1:amode=1:immediatemode=0 mixer-channel=Line aspect=4/3 ofps=25 oac=copy=1 ovc=lavc=1 lavcopts=vcodec=mjpeg:vqscale=2:aspect=4/3 [VHSHQ] tv=driver=v4l2:device=/dev/v4l/video0:input=1:width=384:height=576:fps=25:norm=SECAM:normid=7:audiorate=48000:a lsa=1:amode=1:immediatemode=0 mixer-channel=Line aspect=4/3 ofps=25 oac=copy=1 ovc=lavc=1 lavcopts=vcodec=mjpeg:vqscale=2:aspect=4/3 # PAL [VHSPAL] tv=driver=v4l2:device=/dev/v4l/video0:input=1:width=384:height=288:fps=25:norm=PAL:normid=0:audiorate=48000:als a=1:amode=1:immediatemode=0 mixer-channel=Line aspect=4/3 ofps=25 oac=copy=1 ovc=lavc=1 lavcopts=vcodec=mjpeg:vqscale=2:aspect=4/3 [VHSPALHQ] tv=driver=v4l2:device=/dev/v4l/video0:input=1:width=384:height=576:fps=25:norm=PAL:normid=0:audiorate=48000:als a=1:amode=1:immediatemode=0 mixer-channel=Line aspect=4/3 ofps=25 oac=copy=1 ovc=lavc=1 lavcopts=vcodec=mjpeg:vqscale=2:aspect=4/3 Of course, you'll have to adapt the general settings (vo=…) and each profile (device=…, input=…, normid=…, channels=…, mixer-channel=…). For me, .mplayer/mencoder.conf is a symbolic link to .mplayer/config. Now tv.sh: #!/bin/bash #$1: p(layer) ou e(ncoder = par defaut) #$2: canal (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ou 0 pour VHS), rien pour interractif #$3: fichier d'enregistrement #$4: duree d'enregistrement #$5: 'HQ' (optionnel) (en fait, n'importe quoi différent de "rien") DIR=/ici/partage/tv [ "$1" == "p" ] && prog=mplayer || prog=mencoder dest="$3" if [ $prog == mencoder ] && [ -z "$3" ]; then dest="$(zenity --entry --title "Titre de l'enregistrement" --text 'Choix du titre')" [ -n "$dest" ] || exit 0 dest="${dest//\//_}" while [ -e "$DIR/$dest.avi" ]; do dest="${dest}_"; done dest="$DIR/$dest.avi" fi if [ -n "$2" ] && [ -z "${2//[0-9]/}" ]; then if [ $2 -gt 0 ]; then profile=TV mixer=CD channel=$2 else profile=VHS mixer=Line channel= fi fi if [ -z "$profile" ]; then channel=$(zenity --list --title 'Choix de la chaîne' --text 'Choix de la chaîne' --width 300 --height 300 --column Num --column Nom --print-column=1 0 VHS 1 TF1 2 'France 2' 3 'France 3' 4 'Canal +' 5 'France 5 / Arte' 6 M6 7 'Nantes 7') [ -n "$channel" ] || exit 0 if [ $channel -eq 0 ]; then profile=VHS mixer=Line channel= else profile=TV mixer=CD fi zenity --info --title 'Attente du début' --text 'Cliquer pour commencer à enregistrer...' fi [ -n "$5" ] && profile=${profile}HQ amixer set $mixer unmute cap $prog -profile $profile tv://$channel ${dest:+-o "$dest"} & pid=$! [ -n "$4" ] && sleep $4 || zenity --info --title 'Attente de la fin' --text "Cliquer pour arrêter d'enregistrer..." kill $pid amixer set $mixer mute Adapt "mixer", and "DIR=…" (where records are stored in interactive mode). And tv-PAL.sh: #!/bin/bash #$1: p(layer) ou e(ncoder = par defaut) #$2: canal (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ou 0 pour VHS PAL), rien pour interractif #$3: fichier d'enregistrement #$4: duree d'enregistrement #$5: 'HQ' (optionnel) (en fait, n'importe quoi différent de "rien") DIR=/ici/partage/tv [ "$1" == "p" ] && prog=mplayer || prog=mencoder dest="$3" if [ $prog == mencoder ] && [ -z "$3" ]; then dest="$(zenity --entry --title "Titre de l'enregistrement" --text 'Choix du titre')" [ -n "$dest" ] || exit 0 dest="${dest//\//_}" while [ -e "$DIR/$dest.avi" ]; do dest="${dest}_"; done dest="$DIR/$dest.avi" fi if [ -n "$2" ] && [ -z "${2//[0-9]/}" ]; then if [ $2 -gt 0 ]; then profile=TV mixer=CD channel=$2 else profile=VHSPAL mixer=Line channel= fi fi if [ -z "$profile" ]; then channel=$(zenity --list --title 'Choix de la chaîne' --text 'Choix de la chaîne' --width 300 --height 300 --column Num --column Nom --print-column=1 0 VHS 1 TF1 2 'France 2' 3 'France 3' 4 'Canal +' 5 'France 5 / Arte' 6 M6 7 'Nantes 7') [ -n "$channel" ] || exit 0 if [ $channel -eq 0 ]; then profile=VHSPAL mixer=Line channel= else profile=TV mixer=CD fi zenity --info --title 'Attente du début' --text 'Cliquer pour commencer à enregistrer...' fi [ -n "$5" ] && profile=${profile}HQ amixer set $mixer unmute cap $prog -profile $profile tv://$channel ${dest:+-o "$dest"} & pid=$! [ -n "$4" ] && sleep $4 || zenity --info --title 'Attente de la fin' --text "Cliquer pour arrêter d'enregistrer..." kill $pid amixer set $mixer mute The same for PAL (on the s-video input). Yves.
  8. Plenty. I personally prefer mencoder, even though it is a command-line tool. Yves.
  9. Well… salon isn't available at the moment. So here's the mk_enc_script.sh script for a start: #!/bin/bash # $1: video and EDL directory # $2-$5: cropX cropY width height # $6: "HQ" (2/3) or "" (4/3) base="$(basename "$(cd "$1"; pwd)")" edl="$(grep '[0-9]' "$1/$base.edl")" endF=$(tail --lines=1 <<<"$edl") edl=$(head --lines=-1 <<<"$edl") cutT=$(echo 0$(awk '{printf "+0.04-%.2f+%.2f",$1*0.04,$2*0.04}' <<<"$edl" | tr , .) | bc) allT=$(bc <<<"0.04*($endF-1)-$cutT") h=$(bc <<<"scale=0;$allT/3600") m=$(printf "%02d" $(bc <<<"scale=0;($allT-3600*$h)/60")) s=$(printf "%02d.${allT##*.}" $(bc <<<"$allT-3600*$h-60*$m" | sed 's/\..*//')) edlText= if [ "$cutT" != ".04" ]; then edlText=" -edl \"\$base.edl\"" fi [ -z "$6" ] && pp="ha/va/dr" || pp="ha/va/dr/md" [ -z "$6" ] && aspect=$(bc <<<"scale=5;$4/$5") || aspect=$(bc <<<"scale=5;2*$4/$5") abr[1]=64 abr[2]=128 abr[3]=256 vbr[1]=$(bc <<<"700000*8/$allT-${abr[1]}") vbr[2]=$(bc <<<"700000*8/$allT-${abr[2]}") vbr[3]=$(bc <<<"700000*8/$allT-${abr[3]}") select br in "Si ABR=${abr[1]}, VBR=${vbr[1]}" "Si ABR=${abr[2]}, VBR=${vbr[2]}" "Si ABR=${abr[3]}, VBR=${vbr[3]}"; do vbrF=${vbr[$REPLY]} abrF=${abr[$REPLY]} break; done cat >"$1/$base.sh" <<-THEEND #!/bin/bash base="\$(basename "\$0" .sh)" rm -f divx2pass.log "Z.\$base.avi" mencoder -mc 0 "\$base.avi"$edlText -endpos $h:$m:$s -vf crop=$4:$5:$2:$3,pp=$pp,hqdn3d,harddup -ovc lavc -lavcopts aspect=$aspect:vbitrate=$vbrF:vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=1:turbo:dia=3:cmp=3:subcmp=3:last_pred=2:trell:mbd= 2:v4mv -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=3:br=$abrF:q=0:aq=0 -ofps 25 -o /dev/null mencoder -mc 0 "\$base.avi"$edlText -endpos $h:$m:$s -vf crop=$4:$5:$2:$3,pp=$pp,hqdn3d,harddup -ovc lavc -lavcopts aspect=$aspect:vbitrate=$vbrF:vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=2:dia=3:cmp=3:subcmp=3:last_pred=2:trell:mbd=2:v4mv -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=3:br=$abrF:q=0:aq=0 -ofps 25 -o "Z.\$base.avi" THEEND chmod 755 "$1/$base.sh" if [ -n "$edlText" ]; then awk '{printf "%.2f %.2f 0\n",$1*0.04,$2*0.04}' <<<"$edl" | tr , . >"$1/$base.edl" fi tv.sh will come tomorow. Yves. [edit:] Be careful: both "blocks" starting with "mencoder -mc 0" are actually one line each! [/edit]
  10. Did you try to install and use a "laptop" kernel, and to install laptop-mode-tools? Yves
  11. OK. Let's go :) In France, we use SECAM, which uses the same resolution as PAL: 576 lines, split into two frames of 288 each. There are 25 images per second, which makes 50 frames per second. Someone told me that with analog signal, there's no such thing as "horizontal resolution", so I work with 384 columns; that way each frame is 4/3: 384x288 (768 would be nice but salon's CPU doesn't have enough power). I defined 2 record qualities: - "low": 384x288 @ 25fps: I let the hardware deal with deinterlacing, be it by some calculations, or by skipping every second frame, I don't know. - "high": 384x576 @ 25fps: I get the whole data, but each picture is interlaced, so the software has to deal with that. My capture card has three inputs: video, s-video, and tuner; I use the latter two. Basically, I have two scripts: tv.sh, and mk_enc_script.sh. tv.sh e {0|1|2|3|4|…} /path/to/raw/record.avi timeToRecord [HQ] 'e' stands for "encode", because there's also 'p' for "play" (fake; chech we have both sound and picture). Next comes the channel (they are defined in the script). 0 is special for s-video. The timeToRecord is the encoding time in a format accepted by "sleep": 1.5h, or 125m, etc… the "HQ" word is present or absent depending on which quality I want. Depending on the parameters, one of 4 profiles defined for mencoder/mplayer is used: tuner, tuner HQ, s-video, or s-video HQ. This script creates a "raw" video, well… AVI, but with as little treatment as possible with the hardware I have: this takes rougthly 4 to 5 GB of disk space per hour of record. The second script needs polishing and is only suitable for ISO MPEG 4 results. For it to work correctly, the "record.avi" file must be placed in a folder called "record" (same as the video without the extension). It needs some data that I get using avidemux. So I open this video in avidemux. I skim over it to locate the start, end, and interruptions, and I report all "cuts" in a file called "record.edl" (same as the folder, with the .edl extension). For example, let's suppose we see in avidemux that the video beging at frame #578, and there's advertisement starting at frame #70432, and the film begins again at frame #85490, and the film's last frame is #162065. I would create an EDL file with this contents: 0 578 70432 85490 162065 I'm not done yet with avidemux. I open the video filters dialog, "crop" category, and I choose the cropped width, height, and X/Y offsets (I'll name them W, H, X, Y) this way: - All border-garbage or black borders should be removed. - W, H, X, and Y should be even numbers only, although uneven X or Y seem acceptable. - W and H should each be a multiple of 16 pixels. - For interlaced video (my "high" quality), W should be a multiple of 8. - For interlaced video (my "high" quality), X and Y should each be a multiple of 4 pixels. I run the second script like this: mk_enc_script.sh path/to/record/folder X Y W H [HQ] The trailing "HQ" word is present only if the "raw" AVI was recorded in "high" quality. The script assumes I want to create a MPEG 4 file that would fit on a 700MB CD, and displays 3 different possible settings for audio and video. I choose the one that fits best the kind of film I encode (musical: good audio bitrate, action: good video bitrate). The result of the script is another (generated) script named "record.sh" ("record.edl" is also transformed in the process); "record.sh" will launch mencoder with a suitable EDL file, and suitable parameters. "record.sh" may be launched immediately, or reviewed and tweaked if needed. This last script results in a file named "Z.record.avi": the final two-pass-encoded film. I plan to improve mk_enc_script.sh, so I can tell if the film is anime or "real picture" (easy; results in slightly different parameters for mencoder), and transform mono to stereo. I'll post the scripts when I get home. Meanwhile, you may be interested in https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=40460 https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?s=&...st&p=239563 Yves.
  12. Hi John, I've done a lot of this, and I still am. I create SVCD, DVD, and ISO MPEG 4, depending on the intended usage, and depending on how much I value the record. I'll share my experience with you if you want, but it is 99% CLI… I'm not saying it is the only way, or even the best, but I'm comfortable with the CLI, and I like to be in control of the whole process. You only got one answer, so I thought you could be interested. Yves.
  13. Wouldn't "xdg-open" be the right way to do that? But does it exist on a mac? Yves.
  14. imwheel is needed if you want more than 3 mouse buttons out of applications that don't support more natively. Honnestly, I think you can disable imwheel, given that the most used applications are mostly modern ones; those do support the wheel natively. Yves.
  15. That would be haldaemon, then… Yves.
  16. Maybe you need the "Video Playback" plugin: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=3424 I've read somewhere that this plugin is mandatory with Intel cards for video to work at all. Yves.
  17. 1. You're using a Mandriva kernel: So installing the "kernel" package with the same version, and "source" in the name should give you the same kernel with the same config. But your patch may not apply cleanly, or at all, with this kernel. If so, you can try to get latest kernel from kernel.org, and issue this command: zcat /proc/config.gz >/path/to/kernel/source/tree/.config 2. No, but I don't remember the details. Fortunately, the kernel source tree contains good documentation about the way it should be built and installed. 3. No.
  18. You understand correctly, javaguy. Just one thing is missing, I think: You have the right to see the contents of this directory, but do you have the right to access it? To access directory /home/photo/Pictures, you must have the execute permission on directories /home (which I guess you have) and /home/photo (which I guess you don't). However, granting this execute right won't last long, I think, because msec is probably configured to reset that. So you'll have to decide wether you want to: - change msec configuration, or - move Pictures somewhere else and maybe change /home/photo/Pictures into a symbolic link to the new location. Yves.
  19. I don't think the exit button can be at fault. Apart from bad luck, I don't see what could have caused your problem… As for 'Ctrl'+'Alt'+'-', it is indeed a nice trick to know. Unfortunately, it won't keep your prefered resolution between reboots. For that, look at "gnome-display-properties" (Gnome), krandrtray (KDE), or xrandr (generic). Yves.
  20. IMO, wait a bit. Old users have to get used to it; it'll take time. New users may actually feel better with just a list of GUI apps. Yves.
  21. Very selfish suggestion : I'd love to see a place where I can get help about audio and video processing in Linux: - the concepts / the meaning of all those filters in mencoder… - answers to miscellanous questions I have about the audio track processing… Yves.
  22. Steve, your problem could be a lens focus setting or rotation speed setting that has slightly shifted with time. I have this problem at home, were my salon's CD drive doesn't burn anymore, and has more and more difficulties in "seeing" inserted media. Often, it won't see a DVD, and I have to open the tray, shift the media a bit to present it at a different angle, and close the tray again a couple of times before it painfully manages to see the media. I've often had this problem with aging music CD readers, except with these I know how to open them apart and turn the right "potentiomètre" to set the acuracy right again. Yves.
  23. Thanks for the screenshot :) My first idea was false after all. This is purely a problem on the server, not with your PC. Yves.
  24. It seems to simply be a "broken" X configuration. Try and boot on the command line (safe mode), and configure it anew with: drakx11 Yves.
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