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Everything posted by Cannonfodder

  1. Make sure you have handled permissions. If you use google, do a search for the mysql and GRANTED command. You have to run mysql, open the database and then grant an user permission. I had problems connecting until I did that.
  2. You would be suprised, don't know the keyword to use? circle jerk!
  3. Interesting how they don't mention very many details about the box such as speed, hard drive size, video board, expanability, etc.. Makes it hard to guess whether its a good deal or not..
  4. I haven't done this, but try reseraching the topic "samba". It allows a linux box to talk to a windows network (I believe..)
  5. Don't have any info on this issue, but don't forget to mention what version of Mandrake you are working with not to mention what you have done with Samba.
  6. Do some reading by clicking the search link. Look for windows install. Several things to keep in mind while reading is: 1. Probably losing bootmagic (now partition magic) as you won't need it anymore. 2. Partitioning your hard drive, read the posts.. 3. Not using bootmagic to manage a hard drive with linux on it. 4. Buy a second drive for linux is safer all around..
  7. It also depends on how many services and programs you run at once, more memory for that the merrier. Think of the speed differences between RAM and SWAP (hard drive)?
  8. Does mandrake control center have a way of altering it? Also, you should be able to run the GDM setup from within linux. Try typing GDM and hit tab for options..
  9. Just out of curiousity, why use 2 boot loaders? Doesn't that just make it extra complicated?
  10. Try going to /mnt and looking for folders such as win_c. By default, you may not have write access. You need to edit your /etc/fstab file to obtain this write access. This file is processed on boot to establish how a partition is available to users. This topic is discussed frequently so do some searching on the following keywords fstab vfat or fstab ntfs (for windows 2k or win xp)
  11. It was a typo. I did try the off but it didn't make a difference. I've also removed the entry. Pretty much being ignored anyways. I k?ow my changes are being processed as I can turn on/off the NVIDIA logo. You should see what the I bar looks like with a shadow. Someone's "Great" idea of 3d cursor's but the result looks like a fuzzy I bar. Shouldn't of released it
  12. I'm using 9 with gnome.. not sure its a desktop manager issue.. I can't turn it off though. I've tried a yanc, I've tried both software and hardware cursors, tried editing the XF86Config-4 file to put in a specific Option "CursorShadowing" "0" command even though the docs say it is not supported, just gets ignored. This is pretty annoying as I find it hard to see the cursor. Did my googling too but nothing so far.. It wasn't there initially, somehow it slipped in.
  13. Actually I was using NVOption, gonna look for yanc though.. The docs above said my cursor shadowing shouldn't be valid for GeoForce 256 whifch is what I have... lets see if I can fix it..
  14. Does anybody know how to get rid of the cursor shadowing? I'm not even sure how I got it in the first place. I am running NVIDIA drivers (installed again last week) and tried running this config program where I specified no cursor shadowing, but it didn't work. Any ideas?
  15. You might want to check out downloaderx which looks like its the same thing. I've used it for quite a long time and its very stable
  16. I'm having the same problem, lots of compile errors mentioning incorrect headers. It runs but doesn't actually bring up a screen.. no idea?
  17. Go to http://aria.rednoah.com/ and download the source tar.bz2. Compile it to use. I did the same thing you did and got it off of CD1 and it didn't work. Couldn't locate it either. So give this a shot :)
  18. Are you asking how to use hdparm or how to make it run automatically?
  19. Also, you can try uninstalling bootsplash with urpme bootsplash I haven't tried this with 9.0 but did it with 8.2...
  20. When you say lilo, do you mean the menu that allows you to select what OS to startup with (e.g. windows or linux) as in a boot manager or do you mean the messages that appear while you are starting Mandrake? If you mean the startup messages for Mandrake, then you need to uninstall bootsplash as well.. Also, in the lilo.conf look for a quiet option for the Mandrake entry. If found, it will suppress boot messages and you don't want that :P
  21. I think he wanted you to try booting off of Mandrake CD1 and if it works, you know that the hardware (cd drive) is working. If it won't boot than you probably have a different set of questions to ask..
  22. if you want good linux support, try partimage at www.partimage.org, they have a downloadable bootable iso image for a cd. Handles windows as well.
  23. Check out this link.. http://www.zdnet.com/zdhelp/stories/main/0...2607196,00.html
  24. sometimes that will happen when someone sends you a pm and then goes to their outbox and delete's the pm. Did someone change their mind?
  25. Maybe here? There is a linux Mandrake client.. haven't check it out yet.. http://messenger.yahoo.com/
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