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Everything posted by bvc

  1. apt-get was never an excuse to use Ubuntu....but its GNOME is, and has always been, a great reason to use ubuntu :P
  2. Isn't that some kind of long-running myth? Last time I fresh-installed Mdv on my main PC, it was Mandrake9.1. Since then, I have upgraded (from CD) to 10.0CE, and upgraded using only urpmi up to 2005LE (and soon 2006:)) After all this, my heavily customized PC still runs everything OK. The only manual thing I had to do was to add "devfs=nomount" to my kernel strings Yves. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes it is a myth. My mdv le 2005 was also upgrade via urpmi from ML-9.1 ...oh, and I didn't have to do anything, anywhere. Oh, except when I upgraded with a screwy cooker, but it fixed itself.
  3. I got mp4's to play on older mdv's but haven't tried in a long time or with le 2005. I convert to aac...much easier. http://www.google.com/search?as_q=&num=10&...ch=&safe=images http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/3/sro...bstdc++.so.2.10
  4. bvc

    Sound issues?

    Sure you have the input jacks plugged in right? Low sound is usually a result of having the speakers in the wrong inputs.
  5. bvc

    Sound issues?

    open a terminal and run; alsamixer
  6. SUre, use the media manager in the control center to set up an ftp source. It's pretty simple but if you need more info than that let us know.
  7. bvc

    Sound issues?

    depending on what the card offers there can be other things to tweak, so install/run alsamixergui.
  8. well...links would be nice :unsure: but usually it just means the mirror is down....try another or wait. It can also mean a mirror is, as it says "misconfigured", which again is usually fixed with an update of the mirror itself. At this point, it's best to go find another mirror. This has been the best for a long time for me ftp://ftp.proxad.net/pub/Distributions_Linux/Mandrakelinux
  9. dependency....you could remove it by force, but I don't know how that would effect stability ...but I just may have to find out
  10. Anyone else notice how slow it is? :unsure:
  11. firefox is independent of mozilla, but yes, I've tried removing .mozilla/firefox. I have but I've also tried the firefox tarball. Thanks for trying!:sad:
  12. I've recently switched back to dialup...and I know and understand that there is not much sympathy for us poor people but...why can't firefox keep a cache? Even when I had excellent broadband this drove me nuts, just because of principle, but now that I'm dialup?...I'm not using this junk anymore. Crashed>new cache. OK I understand that, I guess...but it is doing it when it doesn't crash. Yes, I have tried to backup the cache and restore it after a crash but it will not read from a bkup cache...what kind of stupidity is that? Anyone know a fix? ....meanwhile>Epiphany
  13. cool last time I messed with a splash transparency wasn't supported. Is it now? If not, your borders will be black.
  14. Like with everything in linux, doing it from the commandline should tell you what is wrong. unrar e name_of_archive.rar
  15. yup...I've always wanted the window-list in the form of a desktop menu in gnome....right or left click. Then I wouldn't desire an ugly panel. This is one of the reasons I enjoy using e17....rt-click and there's your list. B)
  16. unrar is the pkg that you want....not rar....rar is for making .rar's. I d/k about kde.....works in gnome.
  17. yes, you'll notice above I posted a link to it after I packaged it :D ...but thx for trying to let us know :D
  18. bvc


    localhost:/# urpmf liblualib.so liblua5:/usr/lib/liblualib.so.5.0 liblua4:/usr/lib/liblualib.so.4.0 liblua4-devel:/usr/lib/liblualib.so liblua5-devel:/usr/lib/liblualib.so
  19. no, it's just that a lot of kde users use evo is all....it is by far the most complete
  20. All metacity themes looked horrid with my Smooth-blue-eyed theme so the quick/easy fix was to create/customize one with the great clearbox app. You can get it here until gnome-look is back up and I make it an alternative download with Smooth-blue-eyed. http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/theme/mcity/...clearbox.tar.gz screenie>blue-eyed
  21. ide=nodma should work Are you sure you didn't type ide-nodma as you did in the above post?
  22. http://get-e.org/User_Guide/English/index.html Install cvs with; urpmi cvs At minimum...you'll have to use cooker pkgs to satisfy dependencies for anything in cvs (devel). Or, you can get tarballs and compile the source if the rpms are not new enough. I don't have e17 on le 2005. I have it on my ubuntu which is half hoary (stable) and half breezy (devel). Ubuntu is a lot more devel/cvs friendly than mandriva.
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