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Everything posted by mystified

  1. I've had problems using nvidia lately in gentoo and nv doesn't work at all. It's only recently that I've had problems. For some reason it fails to load and I get an xorg error. Since I don't play games or anything I've switched to vesa and it works just fine.
  2. The only way I'd ever do a stage 3 install is if they no longer made stage 2 tarballs available. When I emerge system I emerge -u system so everything is up to date and I don't have to upgrade later. And I'd much rather compile my own kernel then use genkernel which I have tried and I think it sucks. Up until recently I used mm-sources and now I'm back to using vanilla-sources. To me it defeats the purpose of using gentoo if you use so many precompiled binaries. But then that's just me. :P Forgot to add that the only time I do an emerge -e system && emerge - e world is when I'm switching versions of gcc and want to recompile everything with the new gcc version. I know not everybody does this (tyme for example :P) but it is recommended by the gentoo docs.
  3. You guys do it the hard way. I boot into mandrake (can do the same with a live cd I understand) and then chroot into my gentoo partition. Then I use wget to grab a stabe 2 tarball and start my install. It takes me about 24 hours to do a complete install but I have no down time whatsoever.
  4. I'm not 100% sure tyme but I think mm-sources has reiser4 support built in. Like you I think I've just been lazy about it.
  5. iphitus had been using Reiser 4 and he said it's very fast and he hadn't had any problems with it. I'm waiting until it's a little more stable to try it but I will definitely try it out.
  6. Wow! They fired him? Ouch! You know I have been doing some research and Ubuntu linux seems to have really hurt Mandriva. Probably because of their great marketing campaign something Mandriva has always been lacking in.
  7. That's sad. I felt the same way when Daniel Robbins the creator of Gentoo left. But I know what happened with him. It'll be interesting to read Duval's blog to find out why.
  8. Learning your own coding is the only way to go imo. There are lots of good books on the subject. I have one with xhtml and css that's very easy to understand.
  9. Gentoo rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'll be nice and not respond about Mandriva. :P
  10. I saw the title from the forum main page which is "let's discuss distrobut..." and I thought maybe this would be a distro war. Darn. :P
  11. I echo everybody's sentiments. Congrats and welcome. I only use windows for work and have been using only linux for about 3 1/2 years. This box that I built I swore would never have windows on it. I have Gentoo, Mandriva, and LFS. And it rocks! :D
  12. Anytime you want to see if a printer is supported by Mandriva, go to the Mandriva Control Center, Hardware and add new hardware. Then select manually install it myself and it will give you a list of all printers that are supported in Mandriva. I just bought a HP and didn't even check the model. It's so well supported I just connected it, chose add new printer, it automatically found the printer had the driver and I was up and running in less than a minute.
  13. If you find a solution I'd love to know myself. I have this same problem in Gentoo but my keyboard works fine in Mandriva.
  14. sherpa the only time I reboot is when I've compiled a new kernel. Which is usually about every two months. My current uptime is 33 days but that's because of a power failure.
  15. Here's a good anti-virus program for windows http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/02/08/wi...rus_protection/ I wonder how many people will bite?
  16. No I didn't but you need to run [root@europa Download]# ./reiserfrag.pl / or /home or whatever. In otherwords you have to say which partition you wanted to check.
  17. You have to run chmod u+x on the script and save it with a .pl extention, then run it using ./ #!/usr/bin/perl -w #this script search for frag on a fs use strict; #number of files my $files = 0; #number of fragment my $fragments = 0; #number of fragmented files my $fragfiles = 0; #search fs for all file open (FILES, "find " . $ARGV[0] . " -xdev -type f |"); while (defined (my $file = <FILES>)) { #quote some chars in filename $file =~ s/!/\\!/g; $file =~ s/#/\\#/g; $file =~ s/&/\\&/g; $file =~ s/>/\\>/g; $file =~ s/</\\</g; $file =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $file =~ s/\(/\\\(/g; $file =~ s/\)/\\\)/g; $file =~ s/\|/\\\|/g; $file =~ s/'/\\'/g; $file =~ s/ /\\ /g; #nb of fragment for the file open (FRAG, "filefrag $file |"); my $res = <FRAG>; if ($res =~ m/.*:\s+(\d+) extents? found/) { my $fragment = $1; $fragments+=$fragment; if ($fragment > 1) { $fragfiles++; } $files++; } else { print ("$res : not understand for $file.\n"); } close (FRAG); } close (FILES); print ( $fragfiles / $files * 100 . "% non contiguous files, " . $fragments / $files . " average fragments.\n");
  18. Well, some guy on the Gentoo Forums wrote a perl script to detect fragmentation. This is what I got. gentoo scripts # ./frag.pl / 1.84820798861254% non contiguous files, 1.04510542095924 average fragments. gentoo scripts # ./frag.pl /home 0.988932063866227% non contiguous files, 2.90432957035782 average fragments. The / partition was reformatted about two months ago when I reinstalled. /home is about 2 1/2 years old. If anybody wants the script let me know.
  19. I just read somewhere about HP shipping computers with Mandriva to something like 47 countries in South America. So maybe windows stranglehold is changing.
  20. I've been reading on the Gentoo Forums about Reiser. There's a lot of contention that it's a bad file system because it fragments quickly. The only thing I've read that you can do is add noatime to /etc/fstab and periodically move everything to a spare partition and reformat. They say there is no way to check reiser for fragmentation. They are saying that the initial speed you get from using reiser is quickly lost because of fragmentation. I've been using reiser for years and never noticed this and never had a problem. Thoughts?
  21. Thanks devries but I've already read the azureus wiki. I'm just going to use bitorrent which is what I use in Gentoo. I prefer cli to gui anyway.
  22. Yes, and when I launch from a terminal it finds them. I switched to another port and tested it and I'm getting - NAT error.
  23. I've just installed Azureus for Mandriva 2006 and I'm having a connection problem. I've set port forwarding for port 6881 like it recommends. But I'm getting the following error: Connection Error (IllegalArgumentException:protocol = http host = null) I've never used Azureus before so I have no idea how to fix this problem. Suggestions? Thanks
  24. Yep same here. I only reboot when I compile a new kernel which is every six to either weeks.
  25. The only thing that *I* need for what I do with my computer is income tax software. But that's something I don't forsee happening for a long time.
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