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Everything posted by MoonChild

  1. Why don't you choose your locale from KDE Control Center? Go to the Control Center Choose Personalization Choose Country and Language There you go :)
  2. If you explain further what your problem is, maybe we can help more :)
  3. Strangely enough, I never had a single problem with Java. I am not sure if I did something during my installation by chance. Sorry I can't be of any help...
  4. If you could word that better so I can understand what you are saying...
  5. Mine is as slow as yours. And recently, urpmi slowed downas hell. I don't know hy, but menudrake was slow since 8.1 for me. Anyone out there with some knowledge?
  6. fuzzy, if you check on the openoffice website, you can find it somewhere. I also found one in freshmeat some time ago. Unfortunately, I don't remember the names or how I got there. But I remember there is one. I myself didn't bother to install it as you On the other hand... Open the file, then select: File -> Properties. Click on the "Statistics" tab. The word count (and other statistics) will appear in the dialog.
  7. I am not sure what you mean... But a lot of applications allow you to dock them... Like licq-kde which is the dockable licq module. Let's it become a small icon on the far right.
  8. Register yourself, let's see where MDK is used worldwide in a map. http://www.linuks.mine.nu/worldmap/
  9. Just like the London Bridge I guess... http://www.newsfactor.com/perl/story/20542.html
  10. ps2pdf is a good thing :) I myself... I use LaTeX. Far better looking fonts, believe me. There is an article in Tips and Tricks on how to use LaTeX
  11. MoonChild

    Half Life

    The CS Linux files refer only to the server. They are not native game files. As for the wine installation... It works just fine with me, no glitch, not even hangs at the end of installation.
  12. Check it out... 2 iso disks this time... A lot of software... mozilla 1.3 beta xfree openoffice 1.02 etc
  13. MoonChild

    Half Life

    No matter what... CS is worth it!!! And works just fine :) So wonderful... RTCW is nice... But 1942 ROCKS! Anyone made it work in Wine?
  14. http://www.ofb.biz/modules.php?name=News&f...article&sid=193
  15. Just informational... All the stores here in Seattle carry 8.2 9.0 hasn't arrived to them yet
  16. MoonChild


    rpmdrake freezes, not the PC I just kill the process
  17. MoonChild


    Why on earth whenever I try to select a package that has dependencies, it tells me package cannot be selected and then it just freezes? God damn it! It needs a restart to get over it!
  18. Wish I could help... The MDK Website has a lot of info I think though... Why don't you try them?
  19. MoonChild


    I use licq... You can use it in console too if you want. And I believe the new version is the most updated ICQ client for Linux so far, with support for everything.
  20. MoonChild

    xchat2 probs :(

    Did you use the RPM or tried to compile yourself? I use 1.8.9 without any problems at all. Installed it from rpm though
  21. Kmix check your /dev/ directory to get the devices I think. If it found 4 there, it will show you four. The thing is... Only one of them should be functional. Did you play with ALSA or something around there?
  22. No real idea but mdkauth sound like an important one. I couldn't find documentation for it, but I guess it builds a database of people it will authorize for use of root access from local resources. Sorry I couldn't help more :(
  23. I am not the right person to give advise but... If you search for: Linux Webcam Compatibility There are hundreds of websites working on it. There are hundreds of supported camers, and I would choose one of those. Unfortunately not all use standard communication protocols. http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net/ has the quicktime express camera drivers for linux, and also have a few links on other sites providing support for others. Also, GnomeMeeting says: Every camera supported by the Linux kernel and compatible with the Video4Linux API (Philips webcams, Creative webcams, and many others...) Try them. Sorry I can't help a lot more
  24. BusinessWeek online... http://www.businessweek.com/technology/cne...ries/980819.htm Sad to know this made it to google news under SciTech
  25. Let's all sign on this one, and send it over to Mandrake if we can. Of course we can always change it or add new things to it. A few hunded signatures stating support and an idea is a good thing. The folowing users agree that it would be better for Mandrake to offer a package more appealing to customers. Based on that, we would like to ask the download version of your OS bundle to have less applications included and the paid version include the myriad of applications we grew accustomed to by you. By signing this, we all agree to do our best to support Mandrake with any decision it will take. Our love for the distribution did not die, and our support will always be with you.
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