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Everything posted by zibi1981

  1. It's not my kind of game, but maybe I'll give demo a chance, as soon as ATI will release their drivers for X.org 7.2. Till then I can play Tux Cart or Mahjong only...
  2. O.K. Thanks much. I'll give it a try :)
  3. Thanks for Your reply scoonma :) So You say I would not mess up my system with this method? Would the apps that rely on xine (Amarok i.e.) work without problems after that operation?
  4. I also think that's this is a pure FUD. What about Show us the Code campaign? Why Microsoft didn't react to that? The answer is simple to me - they base on their own wishful thinking, not on the facts. Otherwise Microsoft already would bring an action against Linus and many open source programmers and developers.
  5. Updating almost every time results in many issues, so next time maybe decide for a clean install rather. When it comes to Your problem, have You tried to reinstall alsamixer and alsaconf? After that in console type once again alsaconf Maybe this will help.
  6. I was trying to update my xine engine, because I have version 1.1.4, and the latest is 1.1.6. The problem is, that when I compiled it from source according to this instructions, my system (Mandriva 2007.1) didn't seem to use new engine, although the installation process didn't return any errors. On second attempt I was trying to use an rpm (found only version 1.1.5 available), but when I try to update it, I see [root@localhost AudioWideo]# rpm -Uhv libxine1-1.1.5-070315.i586.rpm b??d: Niespe?nione zale?no?ci: libxine1 = 1.1.4 jest wymagany przez (zainstalowany) libxine1-devel-1.1.4-5plf2007.1.i586 libxine1 = 1.1.4 jest wymagany przez (zainstalowany) xine-plugins-1.1.4-5plf2007.1.i586 A small author's Polish-English translation :P : 1. Niespe?nione zale?no?ci - it's something like "unfulfilled dependencies" 2. jest wymagany przez (zainstalowany) - "is required by (installed)" And as I go deeper and deeper into it, I become convinced, that I would have to uninstall at least half of my system to just update one library - xine. Is there a better and less drastic method to do it? I would prefer to have version 1.1.6 if it's not a problem. Thx in advance :)
  7. Have You tried changing Settings -> xine engine parameters -> video -> driver to opengl in Kaffeine (or maybe similar setting in Xine)? Maybe this will help. Read also this errata content for further explanation.
  8. I could tell You, if You would tell me how to get that info. When it comes to my MPlayer I have Encouraged by You reply I installed SMPlayer, but I don't see a "Play VCD" button anywhere. Can You tell me where it is, or at least how to use it when it comes to playing VCDs? EDIT O.K., the above was written when using SMPlayer 0.2.13 from repositories. Now I downloaded version 0.4.24 (newest???) and compiled it myself, and it plays VCDs perfectly :D But again, is there a way to make my favourite Kaffeine to play VCDs?
  9. I got this problem since always, still unresolved :sad: I can't play VCD/SVCD movies on my Mandriva. DVD movies run flawlessly. I'm pretty sure I have installed almost any codecs available there in the web, but still no avail. Several minutes ago I run onto something that maybe could be a step towards final victory. Someone suggested to type in console mplayer vcd://2 and MPlayer did start to play a VCD, but only the initial commercial spot. Then it stopped. Below is the output of this process which I could see in console during this Then I realized I could do something similar with kaffeine... but this time nothing has happend... I wonder whether someone have problem of that kind. Maybe some of You guys and girls know the solution. Waiting impatiently for all constructive responses
  10. Based on my experience with installing ATI Proprietary Drivers on Mandriva, I would definitely dissuade You from installing them using this method. I only managed to successfully do that with the following procedure: 1. Download newest version of the driver - for Your card it should be this one. 2. Save it anywhere on HDD. Then log in in a console, and move to that location. 3. Type in [zibi1981@localhost ATI]$ sh ./ati-driver-installer-8.36.5-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Mandriva/2007 You should see something like 4. You'll get four packages: a. ati-8.36.5-1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm b. ati-utils-8.36.5-1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm c. atieventsd-8.36.5-1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm d. dkms-ati-8.36.5-1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm Now install them in the correct order. 5. After successful installation run XFdrake as a root to configure Your graphics card. [root@localhost ATI]# XFdrake Choose closed driver. 6. Restart. It should work. Well, it did for me. Unfortunately there's a catch... The new Mandriva Spring 2007.1 uses X.org version 7.2 as You can see below and the ATI Proprietary Driver supports X.org only up to version 7.1, at least till now. So my "recipe" works for Mandriva 2007.0. I didn't check it on 2007.1.
  11. Looks really nice. Have to give it a try, when it'll be done :D
  12. I hope so too. I like Konqi, and use it as my only file manager in KDE. Occasionally also as a web browser.
  13. Hmm, that's interesting. I've never used mencoder, as I've never had to make a protected DVD copy. Is it a console-based application, or it does have a friendly GUI?
  14. In the latest Polish version of "Linux +" there is an article about copying DVD-Video disks. The author claims, that currently there are no progs for copying protected DVD available on Linux, only for unprotected. But he also encourages to use three freeware programs written for Windows - DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter and RipIt4Me - to make a legal copy of ones DVDs. They work flawlessly under Wine. Just after installing Wine, You have to configure it properly, so tape in console winecfg where Windows Version has to be set on Windows NT 4.0, and on Drivers bookmark You have to set your DVD-ROM (You can use autodetect option to do that). You also have to download some .dll files, from this site i.e.: --> mfc42.dll --> msvcp60.dll and put them in a location, where Wine-running applications see as c:\windows\system32 (implicitly in .wine/drive_c/windows/system32). After that You are ready to install those three mentioned above applications. When it comes to RipIt4Me You have to choose a version with FixVTS. After successful installation run all of them three to check whether they see Your DVD-ROM. In DVD Shrink additionally You have to set Edit -> Preview -> Select DirectX video renderer -> Built-in Software Renderer. Then close all three apps, and run wineserver -k just in case ;) Now You only have to put Your DVD-Video into your DVD-ROM, mount it, and run RipIt4Me wine "c:\program files\ripit4me\ripit4me.exe" After the initial analysis it will run DVD Decrypter by itself with adequate options - You just have to click on an proper icon, which will start to copy DVD content on HDD. After it finishes click on Run FixVTS again in RipIt4Me and finally open in DVD Shrink. In this program choose desired content and make an .iso image. When it's done You'll have and .iso image of Your DVD-Video ready to burn on an empty DVD, using K3b i.e. Hope that will help a bit ;)
  15. Did You try playing your DVDs with Kaffeine?
  16. Opera is my favorite web browser almost since I've started to use Internet. Its much faster than Konqueror. Unfortunately the latest version - 9.20 - has some unresolved issues with slow GUI on Linux only.
  17. So perhaps we have to wait for a new version of libdvdcss :P
  18. Thanks for the correction ;) Hope that my post will help someone to understand a bit more :P
  19. Here You can find how to change Mandriva'a main menu button. It's in the post below Yours :P
  20. No, I prefer when it's all green. And maybe You didn't notice, but I used the original mdv_kmenu.png file, not the one linked above by Greg2, because of the white line on the bottom, and because on the right side it has a white triangle. On the original one this triangle is transparent.
  21. Thx much, it did the trick. I've also did some Gimp-voodoo on it, and now I have a green KMenu icon! :D
  22. Nice to hear I could be helpful :D As for the explanation, You can read it all here i.e. In short there are two (or maybe three) ways of changing privileges on Linux, at least as far as I know. One of them, and preferred according to many users, is by using digits to describe rights for groups and users. Conventionally these numbers stand for permissions to: 4 - read 2 - write 1 - execute and all combinations of them: 7 (4+2+1) - read + write + execute 6 (4 + 2) - read + write 5 (4 + 1) - read + execute 3 (2 + 1) - write + execute So let's take a closer look to chmod 711 (...) (I've knowingly omitted the number "4", and You'll see why I did so soon). The order of these numbers is predetermined: first stands for the owner of the file, second for the group to which the owner belongs to, and third for all others. There are also special bits, which can be adjusted. This is what the first number in chmod 4711 stands for. There are UID and GID and so called "sticky bit": 1 - "sticky bit" 2 - means setguid 4 - means setuid and, as above: 3 - "sticky bit" + setgid 5 - "sticky bit" + seruid 6 - setgid + setuid 7 - "sticky bit" + setgid + setuid Conclusion: chmod 4711 /usr/bin/cdrecord means that user (You) can read, write (make changes) and execute file cdrecord, and that cdrecord has setuid with all consequences. There're also other ways to describe privileges on Linux, using letters: and this is what you see most often when You tape in console [zibi1981@localhost bin]$ ls -al (...)lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 kwi 21 12:43 cdrecord -> /etc/alternatives/cdrecord*(...) rwx - read + write + execute access to that file. The "l" before that means "link". Hope I helped a bit ;)
  23. Hi! I tried to replace the standard mdv_kmenu.png with the one linked above, but with no success :sad: In my Mandriva Spring the icons responsible for displaying this menu png are located in /var/lib/mandriva/kde-profiles/free/share/icons/crystalsvg, where I have six folders: "128x128", "64x64", "48x48", "32x32", "22x22" and "16x16". I'm currently using "mdv_kmenu.png" size "medium", which is located in "48x48" folder. It's size 194x48 pixels. I put the icon linked above to this folder, replacing the older one, as it has the same size. Unfortunately nothing has changed, even after restart. Ay suggestions? And one more question: do they come in green? :P
  24. If the procedure You described didn't work, maybe You should try modifying Your xorg.conf file (located in /etc/X11/xorg.conf). Using open driver usually the solution described below worked for me. 1. Type in console gtf 1600 1200 100 where 1600 1200 stands for screen resolution (1600x1200), and 100 for monitor refresh rate (100Hz). Of course You can use Your own settings, but before You do that, read Your laptop's specification. 2. Copy the output 3. Open xorg.conf in a text editor, i.e. kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf 4. Put the output of the gtf-command in section "Monitor". It should look similar to this 5. Save the changes and restart the computer. 6. Go into MCC to configure Your monitor. It worked for me, although I don't have a laptop. Maybe it will also work for You ;)
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