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Everything posted by camelrider

  1. I've had this problem when logging out then restarting KDE. The solution has been to open a terminal window, type su and enter root password. then as root run alsaconf. This restores my sound. I haven't yet discovered why alsa dies as it doesn't happen everytime I logout and back in. Good luck! Let us know if this helps you.
  2. When placing commands in .xinitrc use an ampersand at the end of each command except the last one to enable the script to coontinue until all commands are completed. Example: rxvt -geometry 108x44+0+0 & exec startkde
  3. Just a thought.. Have you tried pressing <esc> during boot to see if it would toggle to the splash? Mine defaults to splash and I use Escape key to get verbose display.
  4. Thanks. I've updated my codecs. I now think the link is bad too. Haven't run across another interesting file to try yet for test.
  5. Is there an available codex for viewing .asx files in Linux, preferably with Mplayer? Here's an example of one I'd like to see: http://veratech.aero/asx/Phantom%207-19-2006.asx Or am I missing a feature in my browser (Opera) that is needed in order to load this type of URL?
  6. have you tried: usr/bin/opera -newpage %s your path/to/opera may vary.
  7. Shouldn't "cleanup" be a file instead of a directory?
  8. If you use the command, as root: crontab -e vim will open in a custom version designed for editing root's crontab. Just make your entry and do :wq and you should have the desired result. AFIK this is the default method for editing cron files since the inception of the "crontab" command.
  9. For Shorewall documentation and archives of Shorewall-users mailing list see: www.shorewall.net.
  10. You could either start the new version by typing the full path, such as /usr/local/firefox, or create a symlink to the new version in a directory in your PATH. If the latter, be sure the symlink has a unique name to avoid conflict with existing commands.
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