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Everything posted by Leo

  1. I notice that at 140 euros less than the equivalent windows machine there is also no anti-virus included :lol: Leo
  2. Have you tried turning off acpi and enabling apm instead (as above)? If you post your lilo.conf or grubs menu.lst we can have a look at that for you. Failing that you could always recompile your kernel to include apm modules as this has worked for me in the past (and it is not hard to do either :D ) Leo
  3. I can't help with the first part but in answer to the second question, you should be able to see it and read it, all you need to do is amend your /etc/fstab file to tell it where to mount the new drive (it will have an entry in /dev (probably /dev/hdb or /dev/hdc) depending on how you installed it). have a look at man fstab and man mount for more detailed information or try a search of the board, it's a lot easier to search the man pages once you know what you are looking for :D . Leo
  4. Cool, might be worthwhile letting the website above know so that they can list it. Is your wireless network working now? Leo
  5. udev hs superseded devfsd both handle devices under Linux whereas devfsd used preset device names under /dev udev actually creates these dynamically based on rules contained in the files under /etc/udev/rules.d/. if you havee a look you will see a number of rules files named in a similar fashion to the int scripts in your rc directories, these are run in the same way (i.e. in order of name) at start up a device is set up according to thefirst rule it finds that matches. You can create your own rules (usually called 00-something to ensure it is checked first. udev utilises hotplug scripts to carry out actions associated with types of devices all trhis is speified within the rules file(s). the udev man file is useful for an overview and there are a number of good websites that cover setting up udev rules (asusual google is your friend) although this may help as a starter Leo
  6. I'm impressed, good job. Leo
  7. The reason I use apm is that I also have an Abit board (KV7) and this is what works for me. The main problem appears to be APIC (not a typo, different from ACPI) though which Mandrake/Mandriva turn on by default and doesn't seem to play nicely with many motherboards (at least none of the four I have tried :P ) ACPI is essentially power managemnet functionality, mainly useful for laptops (although I am no expert) APM is another older protocol for power management. APCI is beyond me (it is to do with interrupts received by the processor (see her for more detail) It is well worth doing as coverup suggests though as weought to be using acpi, and it should not casue you pc to keel over. Leo
  8. Welcome, don't worry we don't bite (well the house-trained ones anyway :D ) This is a common problem (for more detailed information try the search facility). For a quick fix you could try appending noapic apm=on to your lilo configuration file (remember to update lilo afterwards or grub configuration file. If you need help with either of these, there is plenty of information on the board (again the search facility will help you out here) Leo
  9. You could try this although a quick look through for Dell products was not particularly helpful (maybe orinoco driver will work) failing that youu could always try with ndiswrapper. Leo
  10. Has anyone ha problems with Thunderbirdin this release? I installed it from the installer but the menu item would not work until I redirected the menu entry to /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird-1.0.6/thunderbird The script in /usr/bin/thunderbird calls this with the -remote flag which does not exist and so fails to load. Leo
  11. Leo

    bluetooth dongle

    I guess the first question is, how far have you got with this so far? When you plug the device in, is it recognised by the system? Do you use Gnome or KDE? If you do then they have tools that can be used to configure and manage bluetooth connections, there is also the bluez-utils package that are very useful. Leo
  12. if you go to: 'Mandriva Control Center' - 'Hardware' - 'Set up the printers' are you able to see and set up the printer and print a test page? Leo
  13. John, not sure if you found a fix for this but you could try playing with your udev rules to create a /dev/usb entry that would enable the configuration file to find the device. Leo
  14. How about the printer? Can you send anything to it? Have you tried setting it up us9ing the printer facility in the control center[sic]?
  15. Not necessarily, for some reason in 2005LE the hardrake gui seems to have problems with USB devices (I have a graphics tablet that it lists as UPS). What devices do you have and do they appear to be working for you? Leo
  16. How about addng some 'back to main page' links to make navigation easier. On the changelog how about automating links to more information on items or project homepages (maybe using a fairly strightforward google search could accomplish this to some extent, I guess the challenge is getting the script to identify what to include a search for) Leo
  17. Thats cool. I particularly liked the link to what you listened to although it could possible do with some formatting and maybe dates. The changelog is nicely laid out. I like it. Leo
  18. oh no, he's added those jumping marshmallow thingies to the bananas surely that calls for a ban of some sort?
  19. Recent versions of Mandrake/Mandriva make use of udev (see the man pages for details) which sets rules relating to devices and where they are made available, what they are called and this combined with hotplug (man pages again) is utilised to make usb and firewire devices available when they are plugged in. When your thumbdrive is plugged in, if you have a look at the /mnt directory, you will probably see a new entry called something like removeable that relates to the deveice just plugged in. My understanding is that you ought to unmount the device before unplugging it to avoid losing any data on it (there should be an icon on the desktop you can right-click to select unmount) or umount [mounted device path] would do the trick. Having said that my digital camera and thumb drive have all been unplugged without unmounting and I have not lost any data... yet Does this help? Leo
  20. Apologies to all for not responding sooner (was not around much over the weekend). John, the article is print only I am afraid and I do not have a scanner, the magazines website www.linuxformat.com does not have links to it however they are publishing snippets of last months interview with Alan Cox so mybe next month they will show edited highlights of this (not really satisfactory I know). The journalist was Paul Hudson (I think, he is not credited but his picture appears throughout the article). I will email the magazine and ask nicely. Leo
  21. This months Linux Format has an interview with Gael Duval where he talks about past mistakes and future plans as well as the recent mergers. It was quite an interesting article although he did not come across very well in it. I got the impression that the interviewer may not have been a fan. Leo
  22. Leo

    firewire audio in

    Thanks devries, one of the problems I was having was working out how to connect to the pc (there is no suitable output from the stereo (I bought it in the early 90's). However I have now found out that I can connect the phono leads from the turntable to the line in of the soundcard using a convertor plug. It still bothers me that I cannot do this through the firewire card though. Leo
  23. Leo

    firewire audio in

    I want to transfer some vinyl to my MDK LE2005 box. I have a pinnacle firewire card and it came with a box that connects to the firewire card by what looks like a serial cable which has audio input sockets which I have plugged my turntable into. My first problem is that it does not appear to be sending any signal to the pc as when I play a record no sound comes out. I have checked volume settings and whacked everything up to 11 but to no effect I have googled and found some stuff on amdtp which appears to be related to firewire audio and have loaded the relevant module (modporobe amdtp) this loads fine but still no sound. Another google unearthed a reference to creating the correct device mknod -m 666 /dev/amdtp c 171 48 and this does create the device but it does not appear to be doing anything (I tried cat /dev/amdtp and got an invalid argument message) Does anyone have any other suggestions or know of a way to get this to work? Failing that how else can I copy my vinyl onto my pc? Thanks Leo
  24. ipv6 does seem to be enabled on the nic. It does just seem to be Nvidia however I have not managed to complete any download from there as a normal user (I have not had any problems with other sites), although as I mentioned above I did complete it as root using wget. Leo
  25. I tried running wget as root and it downloaded OK, any ideas as to why this may be? Thanks Leo
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