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Everything posted by dude67

  1. OK. I gave it a go: [root@localhost ~]# cdrwtool -d /dev/scd0 -q using device /dev/scd0 open cdrom device: No such file or directory So I thought: OK, perhaps the scd0 is wrong... And I go: [root@localhost ~]# cdrwtool -d /dev/sr0 -q using device /dev/sr0 wait_cmd: Input/output error Command failed: 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 - sense 05.30.02 ...and... [root@localhost ~]# cdrwtool -d /dev/cdrom -q using device /dev/cdrom wait_cmd: Input/output error Command failed: 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 - sense 05.30.02 ...and... [root@localhost ~]# cdrwtool -d /media/cdrom -q using device /media/cdrom set_options can't unlock door [root@localhost ~]# Nothing seems to work.
  2. I installed UDFtools through MCC, but now I get this... [root@localhost dev]# mkudffs sr0 trying to change type of multiple extents [root@localhost dev]# mkudffs /media/cdrom trying to change type of multiple extents [root@localhost dev]# /usr/bin/mkudffs /dev/sr0 trying to change type of multiple extents [root@localhost dev]# /usr/bin/mkudffs /media/cdrom trying to change type of multiple extents [root@localhost dev]# mkudffs /dev/sr0 trying to change type of multiple extents [root@localhost dev]# mkudffs /media/cdrom trying to change type of multiple extents [root@localhost dev]# mount /dev/sr0 mount: can't find /dev/sr0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab [root@localhost dev]# mount /media/cdrom mount: you must specify the filesystem type What's going on... I then googled this "trying to change type of multiple extents" and came up with instruction to format the DVD anew. I did so: # dvd+rw-format -force=full /dev/dvd It ran a fair while. But even though it seemed to format the whole DVD-RAM disk, this is (again) what I got: [root@localhost dude67]# mkudffs /media/cdrom trying to change type of multiple extents [root@localhost dude67]# mkudffs /dev/sr0 trying to change type of multiple extents [root@localhost dude67]# mkudffs /dev/dvd trying to change type of multiple extents [root@localhost dude67]# Then this is my /etc/fstab /dev/sda6 / ext3 noatime 1 1 /dev/sda8 /home ext3 noatime 1 2 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto umask=0,users,iocharset=utf8,noauto,exec 0 0 /dev/sda1 /mnt/win_c ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 /dev/sda5 /mnt/win_d ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 none /proc proc defaults 0 0 none /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0 /dev/sda9 /usr ext3 noatime 1 2 /dev/sda7 swap swap defaults 0 0 I cannot figure it out...
  3. I love google as well, but sometimes I cannot see the forest from the trees! And sometimes it's just that I don't understand what's relevant and what's not. (At least according to my wife... :D ) I tried to find the info googling, but ... I'll try harder next time. Thanks Ian! I will definitely check that link when I get home.
  4. Thanks again, Ian. I'll try to work on this when I get home. What is the command for formating a DVD for UDF? I guess this would be used for ext2 (or is there another/better way of doing it?): /sbin/mke2fs /dev/sr0
  5. OK, thanks Ian. With the UDF, is there still the problem with the size limitation of 1 GB mentioned in one of the two threads? But my main problem actually is that I don't know how to go about formating the DVD-RAM disk! I tried doing as suggested in this post by counterspy, but couldn't do it (or didn't know how to proceed with it). It said something about the target (the sr0 or the cdrom) not beeing a file system but a device and if I wanted to continue. I said yes but still was unable to mount it after that. I'm guessing I didn't do it correctly. So how would you format a new out-of-the-box DVD-RAM?
  6. I recently got some DVD-RAMs to make back-ups of my photos currently stored on my HDs. I did a little googling but was unable to find anything that would help... The closest one I found was these threads, but the info dind't help me. https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=2184 http://forum.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?t=...b10b67e77fad4e4 What's the easiest way of formating (and to which filesystem?) a DVD-RAM? And I guess then it should be mounted afterwards. Additional question: is there a way to format a DVD-RAM so that it would work on windows?
  7. I'm no expert, but here are my two cents. Is the ADSL modem an internal PCI type or is it an external box? It may well be a different IP address than the one for the win PC you are stating in your configuration (Gateway Are you sure your gateway is the other PC's IP address? And welcome to the forum! :)
  8. OK, thanks guys. That may well be the source of the problem. But then the tricky part: how to fix it. Any ideas anyone?
  9. For a long time I've experienced this problem with the printing. Whenever I'm printing something from Firefox or Thunderbird the pages print out sideways and only half of the page. This seems to be due to my printer trying to print something as landscape even though I've set it to print portrait. The thing is that if I print e.g. a .pdf document shown within FF browser it prints it awkwardly, but if I open up the same document e.g. with evince document viewer or Adobe reader it prints it fine (as an A4 portrait). This leads me to thing the problem is somewhere in mozilla FF and TB... My hw is HP2355 all-in-one and I'm using CUPS and HP Device Manager. In FF and TB I've got A4 portrait chosen and the same with CUPS. But in HP Device Manager (Print Settings - Basic), my choice for the orientation keeps reverting back to landscape if I change it to Portrait by choosing it from the drop-down list or by clicking the "Default" button for this choice. I just cannot find the source for this behavior! What is it that keeps changing this option and how can I fix this?
  10. Willing? Yes! Able? No, sorry! :unsure:
  11. OK, cool! Thanks Ian; I've been meaning to ask how to get rid of those annoying mounted USB-drives icons from my desktop in Gnome - and there it is!
  12. Did you install the new kernel version? That would do it. It did it to my PC w/ Nvidia chip. Try latest updates (see to it that your sources are up-to-date) - I got it to work again by doing these things: I installed the new kernel-sources I installed the dkms-nvidia anew MCC - hardware - set up the graphical server (by restarting the graphical server I got 3D back) This gave me all the 3D back.
  13. Had to change the link to the Deviantart search result in this post (two posts up): https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?s=&...st&p=335494
  14. I think you need to do that first. And then copy the file from windows into the appropriate folder. Otherwise you wouldn't have "the appropriate folder" to start with. :P Me thinks.
  15. Hi David, Do you know what made the difference? What is the kernel version you are currently running? Type uname -r or uname -a in terminal.
  16. dude67

    Battlefield 1942

    For some it may be small change, but 5 EUR/month is not that small for me. I buy games when the prices have come down; usually at a price of 10 to 15 EUR a game. This 5 EUR/mo would mean 60 EUR/a to let me play 10 EUR games within Linux when now I can boot to windows and play them there. The price is quite high IMHO. BTW Max Payne 2 plays almost perfectly on Wine.
  17. Thanks, arctic, for pointing these out. Well, I hadn't been to the wiki site before, but I've read through the FAQ sticky a long time ago. FWIW I think this First Time Linux article is quite clear and simple (as am I for that matter). So still a thumbs-up for neddie.
  18. This is a nice summary. The link could be stickied (nice word in English - I'm sure we could get a nice run/ran debate out of it :P ) by the admins. Perhaps in tips & tricks or in this section.
  19. Thanks guys, that seems to have solved it! I simply had a look at this PC#1's list of known_hosts and commented out the key of the one I was trying to connect to. And that's it! I guess the key was outdated and it issued a new key. I vaguely remember doing something like that before...
  20. Hi folks, here's another problem I'm having with ssh. I'm trying to connect to another PC here at home within my LAN IP space. PC #1 is this ( and PC#2 is the one I'm trying to connect to ( When I write "fish://" in Konqueror it returns this: Could not connect to host When I write "sftp://" in Konqueror it returns this: An error occurred while loading sftp:// WARNING: The identity of the remote host '' has changed! Someone could be eavesdropping on your connection, or the administrator may have just changed the host's key. Either way, you should verify the host's key fingerprint with the host's administrator. The key fingerprint is: a8:e7:71:c7:26:49:34:a8:10:a2:cf:13:3c:54:a5:2b Add the correct host key to "/home/dude67/.ssh/known_hosts" to get rid of this message. When I write "ssh://" in Konqueror it returns this in Konsole: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed. The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is a8:e7:71:c7:26:49:34:a8:10:a2:cf:13:3c:54:a5:2b. Please contact your system administrator. Add correct host key in /home/dude67/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message. Offending key in /home/dude67/.ssh/known_hosts:5 Password authentication is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks. Keyboard-interactive authentication is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks. X11 forwarding is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks. Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive). OK, I'm guessing something has changed somewhere - unless someone has gained access to my system. What does "identification has changed" mean? A few more details. - service sshd is running in both machines - At first I didn't have Firestarter running, but I've turned Firestarter on but no change in the result (configuring to let the traffic pass from each machine to the other) - I'm running MDV 2008.0 Free on both PCs with Gnome and they are up-to-date (updated today) - It has been working before - just now cannot remember if I've done so while running MDV2008.0. - I updated both systems from 2007.1 by (in the end) installing it anew, but leaving /home partition untouched - There seems to be an RSA key logged for both PCs in their /home/dude67/.ssh/known_hosts file - I CAN connect from this PC to the ftp of the other PC (from connect with ftp to The other PC is connected to a PVR with a USB and that connection is made to be a FTP with a piece of software called ftpd-Topfield (the brand of the PVR). Does anyone have any clue what's going on?
  21. I decided to make a new desktop for myself. It's amazing what you can do with the gimp tuts out there. http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs24/f/2007/326...t_by_Dude67.png There's also a variation in blue and I've also made versions for widescreens (1600x1200). (The wide versions are for A.I. ;) ) They are here if you would like to DL them: feel free. B) http://dude67.deviantart.com/gallery/#_bro.../wallpaper/misc It may take some time to download the files as they are quite large... -edit- Had to change the link to the deviantart page.
  22. I think it is a bug - I had the same thing happen with the clock. The only difference was that I had four of them. Haven't tried deleting it and re-installing it, but it sounds like it may work. Yes, in my case they all disappered when trying to remove just one.
  23. Ian, that's just you getting older. Speaking from experience... :P
  24. Nice and easy to follow instructions for any Mandriva n00b.
  25. I bet it does! Frag 'em demons good!
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