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Everything posted by Darkelve

  1. It makes sense... Windows is the most secure OS obviously, because Symantec anti-malware runs on it... but on Linux, Symantec anti-malware does not run on it, so it MUST be less secure Now where's my briefcase full of infringing code?
  2. I'll try that. What does "conv=notrunc" do actually?
  3. Link: http://pocket-linux.sourceforge.net/ Direct link to file: http://www.happy-monkey.net/pocket/diskett...-bootdisk.image In Linux: dd if=ch2-bootdisk.image of=/dev/fd0 In Windows: I used Rawwrite No, I did not check the checksum
  4. So I'm trying out this: http://tldp.org/LDP/Pocket-Linux-Guide/html/ And I had a problem with compiling Grub. But, because I wanted to move along in the exercises, I just copied the pre-built image files (lazy, I know tongue.gif ) from the resource site to floppy. However, when my computer boots up and scans the floppy, it looks like nothing is happening and it just continues the booting process from hard disk. And yes, I've got my BIOS settings to boot from floppy and in the right order.
  5. Yes, they ship a modified (read: broken) version of libxine. They still do in OpenSuSe 10.2 . It fscks.
  6. I do, more than you know! :| Try Yast :P Thanks for the review. One thing I'd like to know is: - is it still so darn hard to install proprietary drivers (nvidia) and codecs (mp3, video, ...) on Fedora?
  7. So, is there anything interesting here that might persuade an long-time KDE user to try it out again?
  8. I used to use a program called "acme" for hotkeys on Mandriva... but that was a loooong time ago. Not sure if it even still exists.
  9. Yup. /me wants his hardware vanilla kernel-supported B)
  10. What I'm really interested in, is the quality and performance they can give a title versus the time it takes them to get there. If they succeed in getting their first DX10 title compiled by the time that Wine already has a well-performing DX10 implementation, then what's the point... except for a couple of odd titles? I'm guessing it took them a long time to develop their "base" and can now get stuff running faster. But there's no concrete evidence that's actually the case. I can think of: - full support/compatibility (working sound etc.) - speed (FPS) - copy protection schemes will work (I think?) I asked some questions on the forums, but apparently the forum moderator didn't get around posting it yet. I'm interested, but it's more of a wait-and-see approach.
  11. I think the point is, that people who know about these more-or-less 'obscure' distros are usually tecnically capable enough to install it themselves over the pre-installed stuff. Provided the hardware is compatible and the drivers well-written.
  12. Took the poll. No Mandriva here either... Kind of a pity it's not among the "radio button" options though. You just know it'd get more response if it was among the other choices.
  13. No it wasn't plex or bochs, although I do remember when reading the article I remember some comments about how it was similar to the Bochs way... And IIRC, it was specifically about games and promising to deliver a Linux or OSX binary which would run the game at the same quality/speed as if it was running natively.
  14. Good try, but no... if I remember correctly, it also had the name of some kind of fruit or plant... if that helps any :P The approach they'd take was different then Wine's too. Not by rebuilding Windows API.
  15. Well, normally I don't post links to "open letters", but I thought it might make interestion foor for discussion. http://opinunix.blogspot.com/2007/03/open-...onsumer-to.html Discuss to your heart's content :P
  16. Not Cedega... I'm aware of that. It was something else still. Something to do with compiling (re-compiling?) binaries... hmmm I don't think that makes sense...
  17. I'm trying to remember the name of a technology that promised to make windows games playable on Linux... it was a bit like Wine, but different... they talked about recompiling something and then they'd have an identical version functionality-wise, but fit to run on another OS... I forgot the name though. Does that ring a bell with anyone?
  18. Interesting explanation. Thanks for that! (I knew it had to be useful... but as for figuring out 'how to', I'll gladly leave that to other people! x) ) And I know about Minitel... I bought a French gaming magazine a long time ago (it had the first preview of KQ8, which I anticipated highly but which left me heart-broken over the series). They had software or links for Minitel... quite the 'peculiar' type too, if you know what I mean ;)
  19. Yeah... I'm sure it'll be very useful, but... I'm not sure what for. It did appeal to my geeky side anyways :)
  20. The latest version of Wine, 0.9.32 is pretty amazing for games, meaning that lots of progess is made on the DirectX front. If progress continues to be made at this pace, things are looking good. Aside from a better visual experience in Dreamfall, I now also finally got Quest For Glory V: dragon fire to run. Using Windows 98 profile, Sound: "OSS>Emulation". I installed it using: - "normal/recommended" setup - also installed the Quicktime, using "minimum" setup. This Gives error: "String Variable is not large enough for string. Check the string declarations. Error 401" - I clicked 'OK'dialog box anyway. After the first start, the game works! You might have to press escape a couple of times to get past the intro. At the second start, however, when running the game directly from the "Gameplay CD", there's a green background and no images, although there is sound. The workaround is to put in the Install CD, then start QFGV using wine QFG5.exe from the command line, and when it asks for the Gameplay CD and you put it in, suddenly the intro menu almost magically appears! Then you can play it normally. Up to now I didn't have any problems at all, other than that the game launches in a pretty small screen.
  21. Hmmm Debian, I might try that someday. Do they already include a less 'scary' installer? ... and less than 5 CD's to install it? I remember last time I tried it, couple of years ago, but I never succeeded in getting it up and running.
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