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Everything posted by ianw1974

  1. I haven't built an rpm yet :) I'm going to try manual install from sources perhaps. Maybe I'll take a look at how to build rpm packages.
  2. You don't make an x86_64 version? I just installed Mandriva 2010 x86_64 so thought I would check out your rpm. Of course, I can still install i586, but prefer x86_64. If you don't have, then I suppose I can always compile it myself.
  3. Chances are the firewall is requiring postrouting to nat the packets before they will pass through the machine to the internet. You said that when the firewall is disabled it works OK, so I would expect that you have ip routing enabled so it won't be that. This should help: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch14_:_Linux_Firewalls_Using_iptables look at the section on masquerading (many to one nat). I don't know if the firewall is using iptables or shorewall, but this will be what you need anyway (if iptables) or similar if shorewall.
  4. DeVeDe can re-encode the video into a standard that it will read and create your DVD's from. It also has the option of allowing you to fit more on the disk by reducing the quality of sound/video output.
  5. Hi Yves, I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve. Do you want access to JBOSS over https from anywhere? Meaning that not just you, but anyone could view this using standard https connection to your machine? Or are you trying to secure it further by the use of SSH, so that only you can gain access? Is there any particular reason you chose an SSH tunnel, instead of say, a VPN tunnel? If you let us know what exactly you're attempting to achieve, what the aim is or what the goal is, we could help suggest something. Take this into consideration: If you want access from anywhere, without any special tools, such as SSH, or without using ports other than https (443), then JBOSS with https would be enough. If you want access restricted just to you then I'd suggest a VPN connection. I don't see the point of tunnelling it over SSH.
  6. I'd rather play with Novell NetWare any day. I started back in the days of NetWare 3.1x :)
  7. I checked from an ISO I have mounted under CentOS, and it was mounted rw - so read/write. But you can mount it read-only if you want to prevent accidents: mount -o loop,ro filename.iso /mnt/iso where filename.iso is the Mandy iso and /mnt/iso is where you decided to mount it. Typing: mount after mounting it, will show how it is mounted.
  8. I only have had one problem with Mandriva 2010 and that is with the gvfs-fuse package. Why the hell this stops you reading your /home/username directory and hangs on the .gvfs file is beyond me. I removed the package as per the errata and now it's working fine as it should be.
  9. If you have the ISO, then yes you can mount it on loop and then set up the repo so no need to copy it to your disk extracted from the ISO.
  10. Does it affect all wine apps or just one in particular? Have you tried editing the menu to see if the items are installed, but just not selected so that they don't appear in the menu?
  11. I think you'll find that it doesn't matter whether it's Ubuntu's or OpenSUSE's forums, or any other distro - but more the level of your problem. I've opened posts on Ubuntu's forum that have gone unresponded to - probably because nobody had a clue on the problem. But, you really should lose the attitude, I saw it in one of your other posts too. It really won't help you solve your problem, people will read it and not bother to help. So, let's go back to greg2's post. Have you installed the rpm-build package?
  12. Did you try update-menus? I don't know if exists in Gnome anymore, some distros have it some don't (I think). Maybe if you run this, it will update the menu so you can access the app. Alternatively, log out and back in and see if they appear?
  13. No problem, just tidying it up so it's much easier to read :)
  14. Do they appear when you log out and back in again? Have you tried running: update-menus another alternative is of course to create the items manually yourself. I do this sometimes when programs don't create them for some reason or another when the app is installed under wine. So I don't see it as a big issue.
  15. If you've got an internet connection, set up easyurpmi sources :) You can always copy the DVD manually and set it up to use that from the hard disk. I did this once.
  16. Ah, greg2 you reminded me of this. I was using this at one point too albeit without the pci=noacpi, only the additional extra I had on that line was: acpi=off apm=poweroff so that acpi was disabled, and apm would power the machine off. It didn't always work for me though, but I found that the problem was due to the halt command, because poweroff would work for me everytime. Sadly, it meant I'd have to keep opening a console window as root to do it.
  17. I had similar happen on an old machine of mine when I had Mandriva 2007 and found in the end my BIOS was not in a good state. I re-flashed it and it started working again after that. Incidently, when I upgraded the BIOS it was working fine, but then I lost sound, so I downgraded back to the version I had, and then it still powered off OK and sound was working again. It might not be the same issue, but I also found that if I installed other distros, it was working fine, just Mandy was a problem. I did have a bug open for it ages ago, but then I solved it when flashing the BIOS. What you can try to do to see if you do have similar problem to me, is open a console window, su to root privileges, and then type: poweroff and see if it shuts down correctly? halt wouldn't work for me, but poweroff would.
  18. One easy way is to mount the dvd ISO on your machine that is up and running and ensure an ftp server is running. Then from inside the DVD ISO, you should find a boot.iso that you can start a system from CD and then do a network install from an ftp server, and do the install across the network to the machine running the ftp server with the iso mounted. I do this all the time for server installs with Xen, but I've also used it to install on a machine that only had a CD-ROM drive, when I only had the DVD image downloaded :) If for example you use vsftpd, all you need to do is ensure that in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf (or wherever it exists) has a line that anonymous access is enabled, and then add a line that says something like this: anon_root = /mnt/iso then restart vsftpd. Then do this: mkdir /mnt/iso mount -o loop /wherever/you/saved/it/mandriva_dvd.iso /mnt/iso then it'll be accessible from the ftp server. Now check in /mnt/iso and there will be a directory in here that has a boot.iso in it (i586/install/images - checked on Mandy 2010). Burn this to a CD, and start the other machine from the CD. When prompted for the ftp server, give the ip address of your machine where vsftpd was installed, and then ensure you connect with anonymous access and it should hopefully start OK.
  19. Hmm, and Vista won't be worse? :D You need to start a little bit of education there that it wasn't Linux's fault, but Windows didn't like Linux and so broke your laptop. Hence, Windows should never be installed
  20. Are the acpi packages installed? I had problems with machines not shutting down because of missing acpi. Or maybe older machines require apm packages instead.
  21. Have you tried disabling ipv6? You can disable in Firefox, by typing about:config in url bar, then filter for ipv6 and then this will be disabled in Firefox. System-wide you can disable in a number of places. Usually in /etc/modprobe.conf, and also can be done in /etc/sysconfig/network as well (sometimes both is required). Although I have noticed that /etc/modprobe.d can also have some scripts in place aliases.conf which you can disable ipv6 also. How to disable: http://www.linuxsolutions.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=26
  22. I generally use DeVeDe, but Tovid GUI is OK also.
  23. When I installed Mandriva 2010 under Xen virtualisation on my laptop, I accidently installed KDE by default without thinking about choosing an alternative option like Gnome or a lightweight WM. I first said "oh crap" I didn't want that but couldn't go back and didn't want to restart the whole install from scratch. So I figured, OK, so I'll give it a go and see what it's like. I must admit I gave up on it within about five minutes. It looks like KDE 3.x so no changes in visual appearance with menus, window borders, etc. Or maybe that's just the default Mandy settings. Finding things not as intuitive either. So I installed Gnome, but left KDE installed anyway just didn't use it. Installed Mandriva 2010 on my desktop computer, this time with Gnome, and wanted a Xen kernel for virtualisation with it being a Quad Core and 8GB of ram. Sadly, I remember now from way back in Mandy 2007 that a Xen kernel on Mandy won't let you get your X server running, or even a console window at that. So no change there, CentOS 5 works fine with X and a Xen kernel so I don't know why Mandy have it all screwed up, and so I dumped the install and put Gentoo on it instead. I'll have a virtual system with Mandy running, under Xen or KVM for playing around with, but the features I need, just don't work for me in Mandriva. I could open a bug for the Xen kernel thing, but I know what Mandy's bug response is like, and I'd be waiting too long for it to get fixed, only to find the bug will be closed when 2010.1 is released and for me to try again, and then open another bug again cos it wasn't resolved.
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