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Frostwire won't start with the latest Java version

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I installed 2009.1 a few days ago. I did a clean install. Most things are working without a problem.


I downloaded Java from Sun, ( jre-6u13-linux-i586.bin ) and installed it. In Firefox I went to Suns site to verify the version. It reports ...


Verified Java Version



You have the recommended Java installed (Version 6 Update 13).


I downloaded Frostwire from the official web site. This is the name of the file - frostwire-4.18.0.noarch.rpm. It installed without any error messages.


When I try to run Frostwire from a konsole I get the following :


sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
/usr/lib/frostwire/unpack200.py:10: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead														   
 import md5																	  
Traceback (most recent call last):												
 File "/usr/lib/frostwire/unpack200.py", line 58, in <module>
 File "/usr/lib/frostwire/unpack200.py", line 17, in makeHashes
output = file('hashes','w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'hashes'
Starting FrostWire...
Java exec found in PATH. Verifying...
Suitable java version found [java = 1.6.0_13]
Configuring environment...
Loading FrostWire:
Unable to access jarfile FrostWire.jar

Something went wrong with FrostWire.
Maybe you're using the wrong version of Java?
(FrostWire is tested against and works best with with Sun's JRE, Java 1.4+)
The version of Java in your PATH is:
java version "1.6.0_13"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.3-b02, mixed mode)


I cut off several lines of 'sh: unpack200: command not found'.


I have done some looking around. unpack200 is used to create .jar files from packed files. When I look at the directory with most of the frostwire files, most are .pack files. There are no .jar files.


The problem seems to be runFrostwire.sh can not locate unpack200. I did a locate, the file is in

. I added a sym link to unpack200, but it still will not work.


Has anyone got Frostwire to work on 2009.1 ? If so, how? What am I missing?



[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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It doesn't sound to me like it has a problem finding java, it reports the version number fine.

I think the problem is this: IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'hashes'

It's trying to write a file called "hashes" and isn't allowed. I'm guessing file permissions. I've never run frostwire though, so I don't know whether it's supposed to be run from within your home or elsewhere. Maybe check their forum, for example threads like this one - looks like you're not the only one with this problem!

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You can run it from everywhere. I have it on /usr/share/frostwire with just a startup script at /usr/bin

All settings are stored in the user's folder, and it runs fine for me (with jre 6u13)- no need to run it as root first time, or whatever.

Edited by scarecrow
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First of all, thank-you for your replies.


I now have Frostwire working on 2009.1


There was nothing wrong with the java installtion. I did some looking around as Neddie had suggested, and found another Mandriva user with the same symptoms. There output from the konsole was a match.


The fix ( work around ) is to download the .tar file from www.frostwire.com and expand it where you want the installation. The tar file is different, it contains the .jar files you need to run, along with the start up scripts.


I erased the .pack files and files and directories created by installing the .rpm version. I then used tar to expand the .tar.gz file. It worked the first try from the command line, as root and as a regular user.


I had a look back through the error output, I believe there was more than one problem. The ownership of root was stopping access to the hash files. unpack200 could not be found, even though it was installed on the system. I suspect that could have been fixed by altering the PATH to look in the java installation.


Long story short, use the .tar file.


For anyone familiar with Limewire, Frostwire is a work alike java program, it looks very similar to Limewire. I prefer Frostwire, it is completly free, and is much faster downloading files than the free version of Limewire. Frostwire also connects to the network faster than Limewire. :lol2:


Once again, thank-you for your help.

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Just one thing, did you remove the frostwire package you installed, or did you just remove the files and put the downloaded tar in the same location as to where the frostwire rpm installed? If so, then when your system updates, it will update the frostwire rpm when a new one comes out and could break your untarred version that you put in place.


Ideally, best to remove the rpm that you installed, and put the downloaded tar under /usr/local/frostwire or something else similar. Just wanted to say in case some time in the near future, you find it ends up breaking and you don't know why.

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Here's a post about the same issue on Frostwire forums:


Which means, that in the end it ***IS*** a matter of java- or rather, the way java packages are split in Mandriva, and the way the Frostwire RPM is built.

IMO this RPM is just faulty- it should just refuse to install due to missing dependencies.

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I just deleted the files, rpm would not remove them. Thank-you for the warning. I'll try to remember if frostwire stops working.




I looked thorough the link you posted. Here is the list of packages, and the state my system was in.


java-1.6.0-sun-plugin- was installed

rootcerts-java-20080503.00-2mdv2009.0 not installed

java-1.6.0-sun-alsa- installed

java-1.6.0-sun-fonts- installed

timezone-java-2008i-1mdv2009.0 not installed

java-1.6.0-sun- installed

java-access-bridge-1.24.0-1mdv2009.0 not installed

java-1.6.0-sun-jdbc- installed

java-1.6.0-openjdk- not installed


I have since install all packages that were not installed. Frostwire is working.


I believe the major problem was the PATH to the java environment. Frostwire installed from the rpm could not find unpack200. There is also an

issue around permission on the /usr/lib/frostwire directory. When I ran as non-root, I got errors with respect to the hashes file. If I ran as root, the hases errors dd not occur. To my way of thinking, the user should not have to run as root the first time to update the hashes file.


It would be interesting to see if someone would take a newly installed system, make sure the above packages are installed, and then try the .rpm.


For now, mine is working. What the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"....


Thanks to everyone.

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That's interesting.

I'm using it under Arch Linux with Sun Java 6u13 (monolithic package), no JDK, and a "semi official" Archlinux specific build (from the distro's Community repo). It works straight out of the box, without the need to run it as root once, or something like that.

I would file a bug report at Frostwire forum, but since they do not seem to consider the way they package the Mandriva RPM as faulty, it could be pointless...

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That's interesting.

I'm using it under Arch Linux with Sun Java 6u13 (monolithic package), no JDK, and a "semi official" Archlinux specific build (from the distro's Community repo). It works straight out of the box, without the need to run it as root once, or something like that.

I would file a bug report at Frostwire forum, but since they do not seem to consider the way they package the Mandriva RPM as faulty, it could be pointless...

mine is quite different at the end....


[roger@localhost Sources]$ frostwire
Error: Could not open jar file: jcraft.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: httpcore-4.0-beta2.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: commons-codec-1.3.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: ProgressTabs.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: jython.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: jl.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: looks.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: junit.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: guice-1.0.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: commons-logging.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: jorbis.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: lw-all.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: jflac.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: httpcore-niossl-4.0-alpha7.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: gettext-commons.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: jdic_stub.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: forms.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: tritonus.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: httpclient-4.0-alpha3.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: FrostWire.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: jdic.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: vorbisspi.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: jogg.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: clink.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: onion-fec.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: daap.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: themes.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: jaudiotagger.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: jmdns.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: mp3spi.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: icu4j.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: onion-common.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: messages.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: httpcore-nio-4.0-beta2.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: log4j.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: aopalliance.jar
Error: Could not open jar file: foxtrot.jar
/usr/lib/frostwire/unpack200.py:10: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
 import md5
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/lib/frostwire/unpack200.py", line 58, in <module>
 File "/usr/lib/frostwire/unpack200.py", line 17, in makeHashes
output = file('hashes','w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'hashes'
HOSTNAME IS localhost
Starting FrostWire...
Java exec found in PATH. Verifying...
Suitable java version found [java = 1.6.0_0]
Configuring environment...
Loading FrostWire:
Unable to access jarfile FrostWire.jar

Something went wrong with FrostWire.
Maybe you're using the wrong version of Java?
(FrostWire is tested against and works best with with Sun's JRE, Java 1.4+)
The version of Java in your PATH is:
java version "1.6.0_0"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.4.1) (mandriva-0.19.b14.3mdv2009.1-i386)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b08, mixed mode)


where did you get your "tar"patch/or whatever u got XD


PD: I tried what they said, run as root first time but I'm getting the same problem I had with Limewire (before v5)

Edited by demonseth17
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where did you get your "tar"patch/or whatever u got XD


The tar file is not a patch. It is an installable version of Frostwire.


I got it here -->http://www.frostwire.com/?id=downloads Just click on the Tarball and it should download. There are instructions on how to install, if you need them.

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how do you know that? :unsure: :huh:


Errr... you told me so!


The version of Java in your PATH is:
java version "1.6.0_0"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.4.1) (mandriva-0.19.b14.3mdv2009.1-i386)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b08, mixed mode)

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