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Where is Krita?


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I am trying to install Krita but I can't find it in the repos. The only thing I found was libkritargbf16hdr5-, but I was unable to install it due to libkoodf.so.5 being missing. Does any one know how to get Krita installed?

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If it helps, I can see koffice, koffice-krita and a bunch of libkrita* packages in the 2008.1 repos. I don't know which version of Mandriva the OP has?

Also I don't know if the 2008.1 packages would install on 2009.0, I guess not since there must be a reason why it's not included in the 2009 repos...


Edit: Ok, I guess the OP must have 2009 from the package name...

Edited by neddie
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Strange that koffice never existed in Mandriva 2009.0, maybe Mandriva had a reason for not packaging it or something, but still odd, since it's probably been with every previous release. Ah well, never mind, guess we have to wait for 2009.1 to go stable to get it.

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According to comment #5 in bug # 44822

upstream koffice team asked on packager ML to linux distribution to NOT package beta1. So we have respected our wish and didn't packaged it.
In other words, when 2009.0 was released upstream Koffice was a beta version so it was not included. Adam said (when he worked for Mandriva) that if Koffice 2.0 final comes out, it would be added to the 2009 repos.
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KOffice 1.6 (latest stable) is for QT/KDE 3, Mandriva 2009.0 has QT/KDE 4 as the default, the latest KOffice for KDE4 is still in beta.


I'm going to guess that's why - they didn't want to have to mess with trying to get KOffice 1.6 running on a KDE4-based system (or wasn't technically possible for some reason).

Edited by tyme
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Exactly, if they had K3B, then they had kdelibs3 and QT3

No, not really. K3b is a small app but the mighty koffice is really big. It would have meant a lot of work that would only benefit the users for a rather short time since koffice 2 was nearing its release. You have to think about it from a limited man-power point of view.

Edited by medo3891
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IIRC, but could be wrong (my memory is not too reliable these days), Mandriva had intended to include koffice2 beta in 2009.0. The request from the koffice dev's not to do so came late in in the development cycle and there was neither time nor resources to package and test koffice for 2009.0.



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