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  1. According to the big computer news site www.heise.de Mandriva has found a safe haven (report in german): http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Investoren-retten-Mandriva-1028100.html
  2. Some words should be said on RAID: It is not always wise to use it, as it *may* - but not necesserily must - cause more trouble for the home user than it is worth it. Think of the situation you always have in mind, i.e. the most common reason, why most people want RAID: it is the mirroring to defend data when one harddrive goes down. But when you are not sure which of your two HDs is broken, you can lose your data by picking the wrong one for replacement. It may sound trivial, but is often not, when you use two identical drives for mirroring. Another point goes to checking the drive status: How do you know when one of your drives is broken? Would you do regular checking from time to time or in everyday use? You would not want to go the first drive down and lose the second shortly after, because of perfect mirroring you did not even see there was an error! These hints are not my personal opinion, but were mentioned in an article from a german computer magazine, which is quite popular in the technical oriented scene. I found them quite considerable when my brother-in-law asked me to build up a NAS. So I'm not argueing against RAID in general, but there are moments to be observed. Good luck!
  3. It is possible to resize /home and /swap, you should be careful however and make sure your /home partition has enough free space. Good advice is to make a backup of important data in such cases. I've made most fortunate experience with the GPartEd system. Thus you can create your own boot CD or pen drive, boot off this medium and safely change your system. You can find it here: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ Use the .iso file for creating CDs and the .zip file for an USB drive. Unless you know what you're doing you should stick to the stable version. Then boot gparted from your new medium and make changes. It's quite easy! HTH, scoonma
  4. Hi ianericovich, welcome to MUB! If you're really into setting up your own dns, you should have some experience. Do you know what a nameserver does? What do you want to achieve with your own one? If you already installed bind, you can find substantial info with "man named" and "man named.conf". You can start the server as every other with "service named start" and integrate it into startup with "chkconfig --add named", both as root, or by using graphical interface. You may edit "/etc/named.conf" to suit your needs. But beware - changing dns behaviour is no easy task and very rarely necessary if you want to stay compatible to the rest of internet. You should use additional or virtual hardware - not your standard workhorse.
  5. In fact I have to admit that I don't use fish myself, but found a linke to some useful docs. Another version is here: Fish user docs I supposed you needed the export of your path variable: "Exporting variables Variables in fish can be exported. This means the variable will be inherited by any commands started by fish. It is convention that exported variables are in uppercase and unexported variables are in lowercase."
  6. This is quite interesting! Arch Linux, which I'm using here recently, doesn't have it (obviously). I'll check Ubuntu and SuSE, too.
  7. Seebor, you shouldn't run gnome apps out of root context if you don't have to (could be mcc, it's modules or similar). If the error occurs for *normal* apps from user context, there's something wrong elsewhere, not with gconf.
  8. Hm. Didn't have the need to use "su -" in more than eight years of Linux. Strange...
  9. The command "su" without parameter executes the "set user" command with defaul user "root", i.e. as result you get a shell prompt with root privileges.
  10. For execution of single commands as root you normally use "sudo" from terminal. The dash in the example above makes the resulting shell a login shell - which is rarely necessary.
  11. You can look around after installing bash-completion, then relogin and try drak+<TAB>. EDIT: With 2009.0, you can use this feature with urpmi by default, too. Have fun, scoonma
  12. The Gnome setup here doesn't include arrows neither. It's called "arrow" in the default setup, but the look depends on your theme. Yours is possibly broken - I do not suspect a gnome bug. So I suggest changing your gnome theme.
  13. Okay, I don't know the reason for this behaviour, but maybe at least you can change it the way described above.
  14. When the gnome taskbar is visible, right click on it to change properties as needed. HTH, scoonma
  15. Yeah, using "set" for (environment) variables is quite common in shells other than bash. Guess it should be this way: set -x PATH $PATH:/opt
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