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"Handbrake" DVD transcoder GUI


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I just discovered Handbrake 0.93, a nice DVD transcoder software with GTK GUI: http://www.handbrake.fr


As I couldn't find it in the 2008.1 repositories I compiled it myself from source, it compiled without issues.

How come it's not available from Mandriva or at least in the plf archives?

It seems like a very useful and stable/mature software.


I might be able to make a Mandriva 2008.1 rpm out of it (I'm not sure it would be conformant to all Mandriva guidelines, which I don't have knowledge of), but I guess that would be pointless as Mandriva wouldn't take a rpm for it's repositories from some 'random user' anyway?


Edited to add link to my rpm package for Mandriva.


You can download a rpm package of a recent svn (development) version (newer than the 0.9.3 release) from my website at:



Edited by tux99
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Before uploading it to a random place where very few people could find it try submitting it to an unofficial repo: http://mib.pianetalinux.org/ This is currently the only working one I know of.

Besides Mandriva does take packages from any user if they meet all the guidelines and\or you maintain that package not just make it and then forget about it.

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I just discovered Handbrake 0.93

That's a nice transcoder application, thanks for pointing it out to us. :)


I've just compiled it on Mandriva 2009.0 without any problems. If I find some spare time between Christmas and New Years, I'll work on a spec file. However, it looks like it's going to be a complicated spec file to create. :unsure:

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while it's all great and wonderful that you guys were able to install it easily in your distribution of choice, this topic is about Handbrake on Mandriva (and the possibility of creating and sharing an RPM of it) - subtly gloating about how easy it was to install on ubuntu/arch is of no help to the original poster (and could be seen as flame bait). JMHO, anyways ;)

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Not really, I was merely saying I'd also downloaded and installed it to use since it looks pretty damn useful. Shame Mandriva don't have an rpm, or that handbrake didn't even make one, except debs and then leaving the source available ;)

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Ok, here is a link to my Mandriva 2008.1 HandBrake rpm (compiled from the original source without modifications):




(md5sum of handbrake_0_9_3_1_i586_rpm_zip_17059.zip: b5c01a844106f1bb0ca4c371b326193e)


Feel free to copy it and publish it on any other Mandriva software repository, too.


P.S: tyme is right we don't give a damn here about arch or noobuntu packages, this is a Mandriva forum! B)

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you'll note that i didn't say we, on this forum, don't care about other distributions, etc. - i simply said that, in this thread, it was not helpful to the original posters issue.


yes, ian, your post could be taken as you suggested. however, i believe i correctly categorized scarecrows post.


tux: thanks for sharing your RPM. this is what Linux is about - helping others and sharing your knowledge/work.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The other day I packaged up the then current svn version of Handbrake for Mandriva 2008.1, as it contains some useful bugfixes and changes.

It's available from my website (which is still very basic and under construction):




Please reply in this thread if you have any problems with it, I would be also interested to get feedback wether it works with 2009.0 too or not (I believe it should).

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  • 1 month later...
Yes it works in 2009 :) Great job :thumbs:


Thanks for confirming it!


I might do a new svn rpm build soon, but I was still waiting for them to implement soft subtitles first, which is high on their to-do list, but then it has been for the past 2 years, so it might still take a while... B)


That's the only important feature I'm currently missing in Handbrake, soft subtitles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since my previous svn rpm of Handbrake was already 2 months old and a lot of changes have been made to the code since then, I have just built a new rpm of the current svn version.


You can find it at the usual URL:



I have only briefly tested it so far, so don't know yet how stable it is, if you encounter problems post them here (if it appears a problem with the rpm) or on the Handbrake forum, if it looks like a Handbrake bug: http://forum.handbrake.fr/

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