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Opera 9.50 final


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I gave up on Opera for Linux a few years ago. Footers would not print at all, yet when the font size was changed to something very large, the tops of the footers would print (first row of dots), nothing more, even with margins set to zero.


I decided it wasn't worth wasting my time over anymore.

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I gave up on Opera for Linux a few years ago. Footers would not print at all, yet when the font size was changed to something very large, the tops of the footers would print (first row of dots), nothing more, even with margins set to zero.


I decided it wasn't worth wasting my time over anymore.


That makes you a developer's biggest enemy.


What state the product was in 6 months ago is no reflection whatsoever, of the present state of the product. So you're potentially slandering it. Or it might have been a user issue too and Opera was never at fault.


Instead of whining to everyone you could do something prouctive and submit bug report. That way the issue would be sorted out. http://www.opera.com/support/bugs/


The bug report is quicker than complaining on forums, and it's more productive too.


Opera's sorta my second browser. I tend to flick between it and firefox. I'll probably go back to Opera once Opera Mobile 9 is released. With that my desktop and pocket pc will be in sync.

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I also had some problems with Opera in the past namely flash plug in didn't work right if I clicked another tab while it was playing, when I clicked back there was a grey block instead of the video. plus mplayer plug-in didn't work whatever I tried to do.

So I decided to give it a try and I was glad I did it. First of all the installation. The guys made a Mandriva package so it was effortless. Just chose Mandriva from the list gave the root password and wait a few minutes. When the installation was finished it was right in the Internet menu.

The first thing to notice is the new look. I like it. I1m sure there are hundreds more but I like the default.

Now lets start with the problems. First page to visit is youtube.com. Flash player works. I start another tab with another video from Google video. I switch between the two tabs a few times, no grey block.

Second plug in test. Visit java.com. Java plug-in works.

Now let's see if mplayerplug-in works. So let's go to apple.com/trailers. Unfortunately mplayerplug-in seems to have a problem with playing Quicktime 7 videos. But finally I found one which wasn't in that format and it worked right in Opera too. So it looks to me the Opera developers worked for their money this time.

Of course I can only find some problems with longer usage but the first impression is positive.

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Have been using the 9.50 betas regularly since last December.

Flash currently works fine, same goes for java, but there are still a few rough edges.

IMO they released it as a final right now to be ahead of the release of Firefox 3.

Being a faithful user, I do not consider it as a mature release, yet.

BTW I am using the statically built QT4 version. It simply looks better than the QT3 one, and it consumes a tad less resources.

Edited by scarecrow
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That makes you a developer's biggest enemy.


What state the product was in 6 months ago is no reflection whatsoever, of the present state of the product. So you're potentially slandering it. Or it might have been a user issue too and Opera was never at fault.


Instead of whining to everyone you could do something prouctive and submit bug report. That way the issue would be sorted out. http://www.opera.com/support/bugs/


The bug report is quicker than complaining on forums, and it's more productive too.


Opera's sorta my second browser. I tend to flick between it and firefox. I'll probably go back to Opera once Opera Mobile 9 is released. With that my desktop and pocket pc will be in sync.


1. For the benefit of the owner of this web site: messages like the above, are the reason why I do not come to this site as often as I used to. Perhaps this will be my last post here.


2. I'm not whining or complaining.


3. For your information, iphitus, bug reports were filed, THREE of them to be exact.


No responses were received from anyone whatsoever at Opera. Therefore, they lost a dedicated user, as up to that point, I had been a user of Opera since version 5 (under Windows).

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Performance and feature wise opera 9.5 is a big improvement compared to <9.2x for rendering speed, gui responsiveness, plugin compatibility , it's still not as good as the windows version but the gap has narrowed considerably. And eventhough the linux version is not as good as the windows version I still prefer opera/linux than ff3 with linux or opera with windows....


@scarecrow you don't have any scrolling redraw issues with the qt4 static build?

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Thanks for posting the release announcement. I saw it here first.


Promptly downloaded the RPM package and used URPMI for the install. Everything went very smoothly -- absolutely perfectly, in fact.


The browser is an excellent product. I will be using it regularly, but not exclusively.


Thank goodness the days of Opera 3.61 for Windoze 3.1 are long gone.

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1. For the benefit of the owner of this web site: messages like the above, are the reason why I do not come to this site as often as I used to. Perhaps this will be my last post here.
iphitus is a long standing member of this forum. he has contributed much to the linux world, including being on the arch linux team. you may find his post abrasive, but his tone comes from the point of view of a developer who has seen too many people complain about bugs in forums but never filing a bug report. perhaps he is a bit jaded, nonetheless, i believe his intent was to help, despite his tone.
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I gave up on Opera for Linux a few years ago. Footers would not print at all, yet when the font size was changed to something very large, the tops of the footers would print (first row of dots), nothing more, even with margins set to zero.


I decided it wasn't worth wasting my time over anymore.

However, just 11 min. before that post... You posted: 12 Jun 2008 19:12 on forum.mandriva.com.

(My 200th post!!!)


Opera Software has released version 9.5 of its browser today.


For the past few years, I have failed to get footers to print when using Opera for Linux, not just on Mandriva but on other distros as well, with both HP and Epson inkjet printers. I have also tried setting the printer margins at zero and the footers still failed to print. I would only see the very top of the footer text, if the font size were changed to something unusually large. I eventually stopped using Opera because of this printing issue.


Does anyone else have this problem with Opera?

I find the attitude used, and the last line in both post very different. Why is that?
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However, just 11 min. before that post... You posted: 12 Jun 2008 19:12 on forum.mandriva.com.

I find the attitude used, and the last line in both post very different. Why is that?


I don't feel that it is proper or ethical to copy and paste something, someone (who may or may not be the same person) posted on a completely different forum.

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