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Ubuntu 8.04 LTS is now officially out!


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This tour will help you discover this for your self.

Select to import from you camera and in one click all your photos are ready to be tagged.


Gesture support, accessibile login, magnification...

Including Mozilla Firefox (Beta 5) - tested and stabilised for a platform.



Gawd, for an announcement of an LTS release you'd have thought they would give it to someone who can actually write... :unsure:

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Congratulations for another LTS release. I guess I will give it a try anytime soon.


I like that one:

This tour will help you discover this for your self.
I always wanted to know who I am. :cheesy:
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I downloaded both 32 and 64 bit. Hmm dunno which one to try. Laptop has got 4GB so maybe 64 bit is better. But then, the java problems .....

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I downloaded both 32 and 64 bit. Hmm dunno which one to try. Laptop has got 4GB so maybe 64 bit is better. But then, the java problems .....


You can install 32-bit firefox and 32-bit java on 64-bit.

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Okay... I upgraded my Mandriva system to 2008.1 and it gave me some weird problems which I was unwilling to fix during the next days step by step. Yeah, I am lazy. Thus I did a clean install of Ubuntu 8.04. I think it's time to give it a serious try again. :)

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