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A while back, anna (Chris) came to our forum and we all got to know each other. But then anna could not be here as often because she was developing a live cd, back in the days when Mandriva was not really on that road yet. But in true open source style, MCNLive has been developed based upon Mandriva. When anna asked for our help with a user board, we thought it was a great idea. So we have offered a forum for MCNLive. They currently have a Dutch board, but would like an English speaking board which they can count on. So we are gladly working with MCNLive. Enjoy!


The MandrivaUsers.org Team


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[Link updated by spinynorman 26/10/11]

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Thank you very much for the warm welcome. And thanks to the admins of MUB to give MCNLive a place on this board.


MUB is the forum where I started my Linux adventure some years ago. The help I found here has always been great :thumbs:


In the next days I'll post some announcements about MCNLive, will change my website to link here for the international community and get out the info.


Just a quick info for the Dutch users, MCNLive has still its Dutch home at http://www.mandrivaclub.nl


Regarding my name and my nick. I will post here under the nick I took when I registered here first, anna. It is the second part of my name. The MCNLive folks know me as 'Chris'. :D



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I'm so proud of Anna - she had a good idea that has grown into a really awesome project. I'm fully behind us supporting MCN.




Wasn't it you SoulSe who once said here on this board, that I would start a distro, and my answer was: Me, sure not.

Ah well, I was right, MCNLive is not a distro :P

just a specific edition with some special features added to Mandriva.


Now, I am going to hunt here on the board for my old 'mklivecd howto's'.

It started here on MUB.

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It seems I was not very good in announcing the move to MUB. We still get questions from English speaking folks on mandrivaclub.nl.

And still people emailing me which is very nice but a bit time consuming. I usually ask them to come here :D


Questions regarding USB booting which are solved very fast.


Need to think about it how to get the info out.

Edited by anna
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