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Dell to choose Ubuntu


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No surprises and I think they're making the right decision. Ubuntu is undoubtedly the most friendly desktop distro at the moment IMHO.


Plus, you know the laptop will be very good on compatibility with Linux, so if you don't like Ubuntu you can still buy it and load whatever you want - at least you aren't paying for Windows ;)


Of course, this may just be a rumour that will turn out false...

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Here it is: http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000...39286923,00.htm




Regarding if it should be Kubuntu; Kubuntu is not nearly as polished as Ubuntu and it wouldn't be a wise move. But people who want Kubuntu can easely install kubuntu-desktop meta package or put together kde-core, kdm, xorg etc. from the repo.

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If you install kubuntu-desktop metapackage you'll get the exactly as it is in kubuntu. You can do they same with Xubuntu it's just xubuntu-desktop. BUT if you install kde-core and the decided kde packages you want to have on your system you have ubuntu with KDE. Some don't like they way the Kubuntu team have setup KDE so they usually grab ubuntu server edition, pick expert installation and then install kde-core and the desired choosen packages.


Some say (I havn't tried), that kde-core installation makes KDE more responsive and faster than kubuntu. There can be some truth in this as kubuntu have everything set up by default (which stuff to run in the background etc.), with kde-core it's a completly clean without anything set up for you.

Edited by Artificial Intelligence
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Dell's desktop Linux pick is going to be Ubuntu.


It is a very good choice, and very good for the newcomers. Although I prefer Mandriva's latest, My next choice would be kubuntu, or perhaps ubuntu + kde-core as in AI's post above. Whatever they pick, it's a step in the right direction for Linux.

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I will believe this when I see it! ;)

It is one thing to "... offer Ubuntu 7.04 as an option on select consumer models..." it is quite another to actively promote Ubuntu as an option.

Is it a marketing strategy to get business from existing Linux users but don't try and win any new converts so as not to upset the folks at Redmond? Everyone in the Linux community will know about this but the majority of Dell customers will still be in blissful ignorance.

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Everyone in the Linux community will know about this but the majority of Dell customers will still be in blissful ignorance.


That is true, but to who does the responsibility lie on, after all "Linux" is a community affair! Its one thing to be scepticle about how Dell goes about it, another to grasp this opportunity, exploit it and market it, even if it is to friends family at first. Marketing linux is not restricted to companies, companies don't make linux, the community does that!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dell announces the models for Ubuntu


I just got the following email forwarded to me by a Dell employee:


We will be launching a Linux based OS (Ubuntu) on the E520, 1505 and XPS 410 starting next Thursday, 5/24. We expect these systems to be less than 1% of our OS mix for the entire year which is ~20,000 systems annually.

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I wonder about a typical wal-mart shopper buying a Dell with Linux, and then going home and wondering where windows is, and why doesn't mp3 work, and multi-media stuff, blah blah...


edit: still, its a good thing. I've never owned a notebook, but if I get one, it'll probably be a Dell w/Llinux.

Edited by null
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