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XMMS in 2007?


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So far as I can tell XMMS is not in Mandriva 2007. I will never understand why but I added it in from v2005. You can find it on any of the FTP's that have Mandriva. Anyone know why it is gone? Mandriva is really screwing up some things in my opinion. There are two control centers and should just be one. Sometimes I really wish someone would make a version that stays the same from version to version as in STUFF IN THE SAME PLACE!

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You need to add your urpmi sources for main/contrib/updates from the easyurpmi page.


They can't include everything on the DVD, just isn't possible. So you can get it from the repositories - once you've added them.

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Mandriva confines the Free to usually 3 cdroms and the dvd is usually jut that even though the dvd has nearly twice that capacity.

Why they don't make it up to four cds I really cannot fathom. Now days an extra cdrom is not a big deal.

This would mean that more choices could be made at install time.

Mandriva seems to favour Amarok over XMMS for itss own reasons. I personally prefer XMMS though.

XMMS is available in either Main or Contribs, not sure which at the moment but it is there.

Mandriva did the same thing with 2006 and now with 2007.


Cheers. John.

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Mandriva confines the Free to usually 3 cdroms and the dvd is usually jut that even though the dvd has nearly twice that capacity.

Why they don't make it up to four cds I really cannot fathom. Now days an extra cdrom is not a big deal.

This would mean that more choices could be made at install time.

Mandriva seems to favour Amarok over XMMS for itss own reasons. I personally prefer XMMS though.

XMMS is available in either Main or Contribs, not sure which at the moment but it is there.

Mandriva did the same thing with 2006 and now with 2007.


Cheers. John.


Actually, Mandriva Linux Free 2007 is on four CD's. :)

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You are surely correct. I am using the DVD Free so I know what is in the DVD will be in the CDs and assumed it was a 3CD set. However my basic comment stands.


Cheers. John.


I noticed that the DVD has packages for 64bit installs as well and thought that was why the DVD had a larger size. That would explain the extra CDrom and still restricting the number of worthwhile packages such as XMMS. JB

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