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Ubuntu and Fedora the safest Linux Distro

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Ian, I get "cannot establish connection" to that site in firefox.


That's prolly because I was going to utter some critics towards the article which, in my opinion, says in the body of itself that it is a useless piece of text. The only information you get from there is a list of distro's you can consider trying. Speedy patches and updates don't always mean "more secure".


In fact, the safest distro is a dead distro, that doesn't boot at all :)

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I get a different result at work - says the site might be busy :P Before I just got a popup message, now it displays it in my browser window. Although this could be version issue from 1.0.7 to 1.5 that I use at work for Firefox.

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...in my opinion, says in the body of itself that it is a useless piece of text...


exactly, since it seems they didn't even consider the kernel-vulnerabilities lately


and what, if a distribution doesn't ship a package ?, will it be counted then ? (no package means no updates)

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