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Quick and Easy Kernel Compile Upgrade


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Ok Moriarty's post is in a way was off topic, BUT it has been very useful to me as i did not have a clue what DKMS was and was recently a bit too lazy to google that. I will now print his post (on recycled paper!) and read it...



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It's not completely correct about DKMS. You don't have to uninstall anything when a new kernel is installed. When you reboot the system, the dkms service checks/detects whether the dkms-nvidia module or whatever module is installed into the kernel. If it's not, it installs it during bootup, so that when you launch X, you have your nvidia drivers.


Normally, if you use nvidia's driver from their website, you have to reinstall the driver manually because it's not automatically updated into the kernel, because it was installed/compiled with the previous kernel-source.


DKMS just saves you having to manually reinstall it after the kernel upgrade, and allowing you to save on one more additional reboot after a kernel upgrade.

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On 2.6.15 hotplug isn't just deperecated- its kicked out completely- maybe this is your problem.

2.6.15 should be used with a fairly recent udev/dbus/pmount combo, all other (super)mounting utilities shouldn't be used.

I'm sceptic though on how well the Mandriva initscripts work with 2.6.15... there should be some issues.

Edited by scarecrow
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The booting of the kernel was perfectly fine. Of course, it would require testing on all different types of hardware to find out if there are actually any issues.


The kernel compilation reads the /boot/config file for all current settings of the existing kernel, so it should practically all be the same apart from any patches that Mandriva introduce to their own kernel. Of course, we have no information whatsoever on what they do to patch it other than what we've found so far. There's obviously something patched onto it for mcc, since we've seen a few issues here too. But then if you can configure your system manually from the command line, and you're able to compile new kernels successfully, this isn't a major problem in itself :P


In all honesty, it's probably just best to stick with the urpmi kernels unless you really have to use a newer kernel. Then, this post does work for that need, and issues logged in here so far have pretty much all been resolved (bootsplash/autofs instead of supermount).

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  • 3 months later...

I have a quck question on some post-kernel installation actions. I have s touch screen display that I have working with the old kernel. The "evtouch.o" file is in the X11 input module directory. I know I can rebuild the file for the new kernel but it will then make it unusble for the old kernel. How can I set this up for a two kernel boot option?

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You would need to leave both kernels installed. Depending on which kernel you boot, will depend on which module is loaded. Or at least as far as I know.


Although I could be wrong, since you say the file is in your X11 directory, I would have expected the module to be within the kernel modules area.

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I would say that this isn't a kernel module then, but a module for X11, so slightly different. Unless I'm mistaken of course, but I've never heard of kernel modules being placed in the X11 directory.

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  • 5 months later...

It's a bit late... but nevertheless...

Thank You ian, I've spent almost a week trying to make deal with my Mandriva (it didn't see my Ethernet card); followint Your instructions I've managed to upgrade my kernel ... well, it's first step, but I'm lucky now. Thanks again.


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Nice one, glad it worked for you. This actually works much better under Mandriva 2007, than it did in 2006.


I'm running under Mandriva 2007, compiled by myself.

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Nice one, glad it worked for you. This actually works much better under Mandriva 2007, than it did in 2006.


I'm running under Mandriva 2007, compiled by myself.


Ok, but one problem still left (not so big I suppose...)


Now I have 2 Network Interfaces - eth0 ( IEEE 1394 ... ) - it was set before kernel-updating, ... adn it is the only one which is available under kernel 2.6.12-12mdk

and eth1 ( NVIDIA MCP51 Ethernet Controller) (which appear under new version ( - same one (I think this is right one, because I have nVidia- network cart)


It seems, that Mandriva now can see any of devices on my PC, (to judge by # lspci output)...

but there is no connection to ethernet still.

May be I have to put MCP51 on "eth0" ? how it could be done ? or maybe this option could be set in kernel configuration (say make changes under # make menuconfig) ? Or best solution is to upgrade kernel to higher version ?

It would be nice, if You can advice something.

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You have to be root, so:


su (enter root password when prompted)
ifconfig -a

Yes, I've forgot about this - wait for a while, I'm experimenting with poor mashine, so need some time to reboot it & get answer from non-changed version ( 10 minutes or so


huhu... need to reinstall system - experiment wasn't succesfull...

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