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Which movie player?

Artificial Intelligence

Which media player do you use for movies?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Which media player do you use for movies?

    • MPlayer
    • VLC
    • Totem Movie Player
    • Xine
    • Other

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i voted other because i use xine AND totem mostly and sometimes vlc. it depends on the situation. totem is enough for watching films but xine is imho sometimes better for certain films (=better visual quality. don't ask me why...)

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I think it's all about what you're looking for. I use MPlayer mostly because I work in pure CLI a lot. However when I'm in X I use Xine. I voted MPlayer due to the tremendous amount of features it has.

Edited by Lärs
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MPlayer rocks, but lately I've been using VLC. It's an exciting approach to media players (if you look at it's streaming capabilities) and, like MPlayer, plays everything. Although I find VLC's GUI to be a lot more stable than MPlayers (although MPlayer is nicer to look at). No, I haven't messed around with skins. No time. :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

kaffeine has surely advanced more than totem (both xine frontends- the former for KDE, the latter for Gnome), but mplayer is just fine as well, and the same goes for vlc (it never worked well for me when coming to .asf videos, and it cannot playback SVCD content yet), as well as MPD (superb solution for audio, but can't handle video at all).

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I don't use vlc anymore either, switched to kaffeine since it plays more formats than vlc and I just like it's "feel". Subtitles still suck, but xine always had messed up subtitles i could probably live with it. Unless someone knows a way to make them not suck.


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This only happens with softsubs(I think that's whats it called anyway) and sadly all the softsubs I have are hentais so look at the screenshot at your own risk. It might not look like much but I cant seem to find how to change it, I want the subtitles more spread out and I want a nicer looking font I can't find the option in kaffeine and I tried changing stuff in the ~/.xine but it has no effect.

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