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I need something new to try!

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if u are getting bored then the only way to stop being bored is to install some dristro that requires u to edit some conf files and to compile also stuff.


If u still consider a begginer then just install slackware , it will help u installing the x and after u got your nice kde or gnome running u have not so much wizard to get the job done ! u need to do it manually so i will recommend u slackware and the 10.1 its out so go and grab it :P

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*GOSH* Isn't Macs just for graphic designers? *GEE*

yes and no... there are four types of mac users afaik:


1. graphic designers (=me)

2. video editors (=my brother)

3. press & dtp members (=me)

4. those who think they need some "lifestyle computer" but actually don't need it. (=others)



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*GOSH* Isn't Macs just for graphic designers? *GEE*

yes and no... there are four types of mac users afaik:


1. graphic designers (=me)

2. video editors (=my brother)

3. press & dtp members (=me)

4. those who think they need some "lifestyle computer" but actually don't need it. (=others)



That might have been true five years ago. You're forgetting the fact that OS X might be the best unix so far for everyday users. I love it - the perfect balance of an intuitive interface, all the geekyness you need if you want it - I use all my favourite CLI apps on it - the list continues.


Apple is no longer ridiculously expensive (not in laptop or mini form anyway) and their OS kicks the crap out of anything (except Linux maybe). They are reasonable in their releases (look at the pice tags on iWork, iLife and Tiger - not expensive at all) and everything just works.


And then there's the fact that their processors make anything from intel or AMD look like kid's toys. Hands down. And you can run ppc linux on them.


Yeah, though look pretty too - what's wrong with that? I'll take them over some trailor-trash modded case with aluminium spider webs all over it anyday. :cheeky:

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That might have been true five years ago. You're forgetting the fact that OS X might be the best unix so far for everyday users. I love it - the perfect balance of an intuitive interface, all the geekyness you need if you want it - I use all my favourite CLI apps on it - the list continues.
i haven't forgotten that. but for every day work, os9.2 was better imho. :P
Apple is no longer ridiculously expensive (not in laptop or mini form anyway) and their OS kicks the crap out of anything (except Linux maybe).
hm... i had to pay some lousy 2000 euros for a multi processor g5 plus 3100 euros for the 30" cinerama tft... no, not expensive at all... only half the value of my little renault twingo.
They are reasonable in their releases (look at the pice tags on iWork, iLife and Tiger - not expensive at all) and everything just works.
wait until you have to update your boxes due to printer problems in a dtp-office... mac software is not cheaper than microsoft imho. both are overpriced for what they offer. but that is only MY opinion. ;)
And then there's the fact that their processors make anything from intel or AMD look like kid's toys. Hands down. And you can run ppc linux on them.
agreed on both points. the processors are very powerful.
Yeah, though look pretty too - what's wrong with that?
nothing. :D
I'll take them over some trailor-trash modded case with aluminium spider webs all over it anyday.  :cheeky:
who uses such stuff anyway? :cheesy:
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Apple is no longer ridiculously expensive (not in laptop or mini form anyway) and their OS kicks the crap out of anything (except Linux maybe).
hm... i had to pay some lousy 2000 euros for a multi processor g5 plus 3100 euros for the 30" cinerama tft... no, not expensive at all... only half the value of my little renault twingo.

You'll notice that I said: "not in laptop or mini form anyway" I agree that their desktops are expensive (although still much cheaper than they used to be). If I look at the specs on my ibook, I can't find a pc laptop with the same for cheaper. Really.


And 9.2 sucked :cheeky: in fact Mac OS was just plain silly before OSX IMHO.


But we're getting way off-topic :juggle:


Although what we're saying is if you want to play with something new, try out a Mac, if someone you know has one... or something :cheesy:

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Although what we're saying is if you want to play with something new, try out a Mac, if someone you know has one... or something  :cheesy:


That's what I did ...

A friend of mine bought a mini, as a backup/spare mac.

I asked to borrow it for the weekend to see if I liked it, and haven't returned it yet :) three days after borrowing it I placed an order with my local Mac retailer ;)

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