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choose a better name for OUR distro 2


Mandrake should be renamed to  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Mandrake should be renamed to

    • Mandriva
    • Mantiva
    • Spellcaster
    • Wizard Linux
    • other

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I like 'Mandrake' :D


Mandrake is the common name for members of the plant genus Mandragora belonging to the nightshades family (Solanaceae). Their roots, because their curious bifurcations cause them to have a semblance to the human figure (male & female), have long been used in magical spells and witchcraft.


The mandrake, Mandragora officinarum, is a plant called by the Arabs luffâh, or beid el-jinn (i.e. genie's eggs). The parsley-shaped root is often branched. Magicians mould this root into a rude resemblance to the human figure, by pinching a constriction a little below the top, so as to make a kind of head and neck, and twisting off the upper branches except two, which they leave as arms, and the lower, except two, which they leave as legs. This root gives off at the surface of the ground a rosette of ovate-oblong to ovate, wrinkled, crisp, sinuate-dentate to entire leaves, 6 to 16 in. long, somewhat resembling those of the tobacco-plant. There spring from the neck a number of one-flowered nodding peduncles, bearing whitish-green flowers, nearly 2 in. broad, which produce globular, succulent, orange to red berries, resembling small tomatoes, which ripen in late spring.


In legend it is alleged that when the plant is pulled from the ground, it shrieks in pain. Supposedly, this shriek is able to madden, deafen or even kill an unprotected human; the occult literature includes complex directions for harvesting a mandrake root in relative safety. For example Josephus gives the following directions for pulling it up:


    "A furrow must be dug around the root until its lower part is exposed, then a dog is tied to it, after which the person tying the dog must get away. The dog then endeavours to follow him, and so easily pulls up the root, but dies suddenly instead of his master. After this the root can be handled without fear."

read more @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandrake_%28plant%29

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... now we wonder if Mandrake really even care what we think :P

Probably not... and if history dictates anything here... it will be they will make another bad decision... BUT at least we can sleep at night knowing we tried.

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sorry johnnyv, Mandrake does not seem to be a possibility here. They screwed up and it is being taken away.


But I like Tuxstar. It would fit Mandy's current logo of gold star very well. Unfortunately, the .com and .net are taken, although not much is being done with this site. I wonder if it is attainable ? Anyone know a Dorian Logan from kingston, surrey UK ?

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Although this is a popular choice here... and on other website polls out there... I don't think MDK is gonna cut it in the end as a valid choice. A set of letters such as "MDK" are, of course, known as acronyms and / or abbreviations... which are shortened versions of other words. In our specific case and with our particular product... MDK = Mandrake.


What is currently being decided by the courts is whether or not Mandrake can keep this name. So if Mandrake has to go... MDK won't work as its replacement, especially since MDK has been posted on websites stating it stands for... and is known as Mandrake:



StarLinux is taken... but available... for a price... for how much, I don't know ?

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Take a look at the other poll will ya guys, i think we have a winner, or someone's rigged it :P Connectiva has over 100 votes -- i didnt know we had that many members active!


i never knew we had that many members so active :P

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rigged ???


Nope... just seeing if you guys are paying attention... I will set it back to what it should be :P


BTW: Anyone know what's up with the clubforum ? I went to register as an "Alumni" member today and filled out all the * fields as they requested... but it kept going back to the register page and telling me those marked with a * need to be filled out. I could not even post as an unknown guest in their "Troll" forum.

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Although this is a popular choice here... and on other website polls out there... I don't think MDK is gonna cut it in the end as a valid choice.  A set of letters such as "MDK" are, of course, known as acronyms and / or abbreviations... which are shortened versions of other words. In our specific case and with our particular product... MDK = Mandrake.


What is currently being decided by the courts is whether or not Mandrake can keep this name. So if Mandrake has to go... MDK won't work as its replacement, especially since MDK has been posted on websites stating it stands for... and is known as Mandrake:


Beside that there was a game called MDK. It even had a second part. Look at this.

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