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GNOME icon theme?


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k, b4 I spend more time on this and maybe, possibly think about, somehow I may get better and faster at this and make a half complete icon theme :wall:

....anyone have any thoughts on this (gnome-fs-directory) icon? Should I continue? Is it crap? wha?

I know I need to tone down the shadow and highlight/bring out the white/curves a little better but....




I know what kind of time this takes if you know what you are doing, and I do not :lol2: ...probably take a year :help:

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Perhaps make the edges look sharper? They seem a bit fuzzy.

the one in the image viewer or on the desktop and filemanager? The one in the image viewer is blown up a little. It was made in inkscape and exported to png because of the gradient bug in librsvg. Otherwise I would love to leave them svg.

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thx for the comment devries

Being unfinished, I think it appears fuzzy because the border on one side (top) of the folder is gray. I mostly did this for a quick fix just to see the edges in the filemanager or on a white background. I think that when I make the border there white and add shadow the fuzziness will go away.


There are many whwite/bright gtk/metacity themes and no icons, except for the marcintesh-white I ported. There's a new theme ported from kde but I don't like it at all and I'm tired on having to use marcintesh-white all the time.

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hi, gnome-guru :)


just saw your icon-effort and i must say, they rock. once this theme will be complete, i am almost sure that it will be one of the best themes for gnome. you know, the shading is done very well, the folders look different and refreshing. but there is one thing you should do. add a thin hairline to the icon-borders. some 0.1 to 0.3 pixels. this will make them easier to use on light-colored wallpapers (white, cream, yellow, soft gray,...).


keep up the work. it is worth the time spent. :)

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looks alright, but reminds me too much of the alienware icon theme..... it's *very* similar.


it needs more defenition between the background and the icon, it hardly visible.


Try adding a thin, 1-2 pixel black border around the edge...


want to do a collaboration and work on the iconset together? iconsets are pretty big you know ;)



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I can't help it if it's white :rolleyes: It's actually inspired by this


and looks nothing like alienware IMO. I have been messing with a 'little more open' folder version that does resemble alienware more though. I haven't decided which I like more yet.


Of course it's just alright. As stated above (did you read?)

Being unfinished, I think it appears fuzzy because the border on one side (top) of the folder is gray. I mostly did this for a quick fix just to see the edges in the filemanager or on a white background.
May not have been completely effective but the main purpose was so that I could see the edge while working on it.


arctic already mentioned the same thing (did either of you read?)

Being unfinished, I think it appears fuzzy because the border on one side (top) of the folder is gray. I mostly did this for a quick fix just to see the edges in the filemanager or on a white background.


so I have the line there now and it looks like crap :lol2: ...because of the angle it's in the lines are jagged at certain sizes. Fixable yes, but not what I was going for anyway. I'm going to have to add softer egdes so that this doesn't happen. Not being a simple etiquette, suede or ubuntu svg, more has to be done than just lines for it to be really good. Gnome doesn't have a really good icon theme. It's a shame someone that knows what there doing and can work 10 times faster than me won't do something about that.


collaboration? ehh....no, but I appreciate the thought :D

You know I'm way too picky. I honestly don't know how far I'll take this. I know I won't be screwing with mimetypes. I don't look at them, I look at names. You want that boring task? Go ahead....make the mimetypes that everyone complains about and no one looks at more that 2 seconds :mr-green:

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so which do we like more?


more closed



more open




I like the way the 'more closed' one shows the curves more, but I also like the fattness of the 'more open' one. Would standout more against mimetypes.

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the closed version looks better.


as these are png-files, which dpi setting do you use? above 300 dpi? they look like the default 72 dpi setting. i would suggest to use 600+ dpi. otherwise, pixelated icons do look sluggish when adding small borderlines. if you use 600 dpi, the result is close to svg-icons. ;)

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well that tells this graphics n00b nothing. It sounds great! Executing seems to be another story. Yes, inkscapes default export dpi is 72 and that is what I'm using. The icon is 128x128 and when I increase the dpi to 600 the sucker takes up half the desltop :lol2:


now it's more alien ;)


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