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Ballmer at it again...


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I thought that this might be good for laughs or better yet let the flaming begin!!!!


We actually think our software is far more secure than open source software. It is more secure because we stand behind it, because we fix it, because you actually know who builds it. Nobody ever knows who builds a piece of open source software, where it comes from, who did it. see details at the following:


Ballmer on the hot seat again

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it amazes me everytime i hear him complaining about "intellectual property" problems. he simply does not understand that some people do not want their work seen as an egoistic intellectual property/effort but a community work where everyone has the same rights... oh.. sounds like a communist* speaking. time for a worldwide mccarthy-era-revival! :D


*=the communist chinese are the bad guys manipulating it all!!! :jester:

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To play devil's advocate a little bit here - he does, if you read the rest of the article, suggest that you should use Linux if it's the best solution for a particular context. Obviously he probably doesn't think that's likely to happen that often because he's biased. But then, I'd expect the CEO of any company to be biased in favour of their products...

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Yeah, it took them a while to break Firefox apart and learn how popup blocking works  :deal:


Yeah, next thing you know SP5/Longhorn will have Virtual Desktops... :rolleyes:



And correct me if I am wrong, but I think before automated WindozeUpdate was there, a couple of Linux distro's have already been doing this for almost a year (or longer?).

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what, use cron and run apt-get update on an hourly basis? I think debian has been doing that since the beginning (of Debian).


Wonder if that actually works for Mandrake with urpmi - run a cronjob to install any security updates and restart the related service in case of such an update..?

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Well, aRTee, may well be, but the media are applauding WindozeXP for introducing such a useful improvement... but never realize they were years behind in this regard...


I hear no such things about Linux. Well, truth told, a few things more than they used to, in the past year.


My point is: what's so special about the new way WindozeUpdate works? Guess it is just part of Linux being in the underdog position... :juggle:

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