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I seem to have the Amaranth icon's installed, but I can't seem to apply them as user, only root.


I seem to have unpacked them in my /home as there's a "Amaranth" directory showing the various subdirectories with the various icon size sub sub directories (sub sub - does that make sense?) i.e. 16x16, 22x22, 32x32 etc etc


How would I make sure that they're available to my user account so I can just apply them as an iconset?






[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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As far as I recall, you do not need to unpack them: you just navigate to the location of the tar.gz file from within the KDE Control Center and it will install the iconset.



If not so, I -think- your problem is that, as user 'bigjohn', you can only access files that are located in /home/bigjohn (assuming your username is 'bigjohn').


To fix that, open a console (type Alt+F2, then enter, then type 'konsole' or pick the 'konsole' application from the K menu)


When in the console, log in as root and type:

su <enter>


Then type your password.

Change to the home directory (/home/) by typing:


cd /home/


And finally, copy the Amaranth directory (or file) to your *personal* home directory (/home/bigjohn) by typing:


cp Amaranth* /home/bigjohn/

Edited by Darkelve
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wait.....gnome or kde? Was amaranth ported to kde :unsure:


if gnome, let each user put in their $HOME/.themes or root can put it in /usr/share/icons. BUT, it comes with the gnome-theme-extras pkg so just install the rpm.

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Thanks for the replies both.


I looked but couldn't find an rpm called "gnome theme extra's".


So I tried it with the kde control centre (the configure my desktop thing) and just told it to install new theme from the icon's menu and navigated it to the tar.gz in my home directory and it seem's to have unpacked it etc etc and I just applied it and bingo!


Thanks again for the assist





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And yes, I do generally use KDE, but usually just install everything - sometimes to play with (and see if it work's unders both environments - there does seem to be a fair bit of interoperability) and sometimes because I'll boot into whichever environment takes my fancy at a particular moment.


This might seem pointless to those of you who are more pragmatic in use of resources, but I just like meddling with eye candy and there does seem to be lot's more available for KDE, compared to what's available under gnome (though some of the gnome screenies that I've seen are amazing - I'd need to learn a hell of a lot more to achieve the same standard).





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Ok, those icons you have install by default, are the gnome Amarth icons (even though kcontrol puts them in the icon them list, which is pretty dumb imo). You'll need to find the icon set for KDE and install them yourself.

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