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1. "Founders of Mandrivausers.org"? Not true, it was founded by Tom, you took over.

2. "other success stories"? Which ones, my I ask?

3. "largest Mageia support forum"? Of couse, because no other is there yet. :)


Don't you care how this sounds to others who know the facts? I do not want to insult you but rather help by pointing at such things. If constructive criticism equals insult for you, then it is ok with me. I can live with that although I am disappointed.




well maybe I'm reading things into it .. but the crew has always been willing to build the community, it REALLY feels like you're trying to "split" a community. that's what insults me.


but I'll engage with you, until I get bored of this.


1. Very true. in 2002 mandrakeusers.org was first registered by me. It was a blank forum with no users. over time members from another forum that was owned by an absent Tom Berger moved to mandrakeusers.org. In April 2005 mandrivausers.org was first registered by me. we still pay credence to Tom's efforts on our front page, and have a complete copy his original website https://mandrivausers...cs/index-2.html


2. you're kidding right? I personally (with no other help) run NZ's largest jabber server. A former admin here now runs a successful linux web hosting company in the UK. there are tons of success stories from the people here.


3. yep ! and I reckon with the enormous amount of experience here at MUB, mageiausers.org could very well continue to be the largest English speaking mageia support forum in the world. We've got some quite determined and talented senior members here; and even better we have some enthusiastic younger members. 20,000 members is quite a resource that you seem to not be interested in?


how about rather than being so negative, and trying to make people look bad, you contribute positively?

you're criticism is not at all constructive.


the mission statement for this community has almost always been:

by the community, for the community

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Sorry, forgot to set the followong points right:

If you can't think of a reason, how about I am concerned in community. Starting to split a community right from the start is something I do not like. Therefor I tried to get in touch. Anne also mailed me and asked if I knew anything why you had stopped communicating. Then I read your point of view that from your side "conversation evaporated". This did not match with what I learned from Anne.


So, that would tell me there are two sides to the story :)


Usually, when I have that type of scenario, I read between the lines. Of course, you can always side with the person who you prefer and attack the other which is what you did in this case. ;) (just for the record, I don't know what Anne said, I'm only going by what you write).


Incidently, if it wasn't for me starting to use Linux back in 2005 and coming to the mandrakeusers.org, which then became mandrivausers.org, I wouldn't still be using Linux today. All the users/members here were very helpful in the problems I encountered when I first started using Linux. And if it wasn't for that, I still wouldn't be here. And I wouldn't be running my own company which is solely Linux based stuff.


Whether that is a success or not, it depends on how you view it. For me it's a success, whether it stays that way is up to me. Another Linux user. Another Linux user helping other Linux users and newbies. And another Linux business. Growing the increase against Windows, Mac, or whatever else.


Personally, I don't care what distro you use, I'll help you regardless. I use many distros myself mainly because I was never happy with one or the other, and I like changing around.


I consider, every single user who comes to this forum to ask about their problems, and persist with using Linux to be each and every individual success story. Because I remember how hard it is in the beginning. I'm sure we all do, if we think back hard enough.

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1. Very true. in 2002 mandrakeusers.org was first registered by me.

That is true. It was necessary because the original name of the forum (mandrakeuser.org) was owned by Tom who vanished without passing the rights on the domain to somebody else. The contents (including forum) of the original was built by Tom after he was brought to Mandrakesoft by me.


2. you're kidding right? I personally (with no other help) run NZ's largest jabber server. A former admin here now runs a successful linux web hosting company in the UK. there are tons of success stories from the people here.
Ok, I admit I never heard about that NZ jabber server. And I guess there are former members of our forum who are now running websites, who knows, I'd never mark that on my board.


3. yep ! and I reckon with the enormous amount of experience here at MUB, mageiausers.org could very well continue to be the largest English speaking mageia support forum in the world. We've got some quite determined and talented senior members here; and even better we have some enthusiastic younger members. 20,000 members is quite a resource that you seem to not be interested in?
Some remarks on that one:

Well, I don't know how many members our German forum would have if I did not do a spring cleaning almost every year, I don't count users who registered a couple of years ago and then never came back. BTW: How would you know that all those members will come to your new Mageia forum?

But that is irrelevant after all. All I see here is an attempt to have your own instead of cooperate with the Mageia community.


how about rather than being so negative, and trying to make people look bad, you contribute positively?
I may say I am contributing a lot to the Mageia community. I'm not making people look bad, I let themselves do that if they want to.


Ok, you're right, it's boring. I tried to communicate, all I received was a hurt ego. Never mind, will not bother you any more.


Oh, pls close my account, I don't want to add to another 20,000 :)



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Ok, you're right, it's boring. I tried to communicate, all I received was a hurt ego. Never mind, will not bother you any more.




no you didn't try to communicate .. ****removed expletives ****

you're damn right I feel hurt.


this is not a ****removed expletives **** , its a handful people around the world trying to contribute in ways they can.

stop ****removed expletives **** (discouraging) all over my attempts.


edit: I might be pissed off with wobo, but I need not post it publicly





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I'm not making people look bad, I let themselves do that if they want to.


Oh yes you do and you are very good at that at the slightest hint of any criticism towards Mageia or the Mageia core-team, in fact you come across like a true Mageia-fanboi (in the worst meaning of the expression).


The fact that you have kicked off another petty fight here doesn't surprise me at all.


I don't want to bore anyone else here with details, but I just had an experience of this with wobo on his german mandrivauser.de forum.



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I really hope that Wobo is not part of the Mageia team, as he has me not ever wanting to even take a look at that distro. This board is an awesome resource and the community here is second to none is helping people get their problems solved.

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This board is an awesome resource and the community here is second to none is helping people get their problems solved.

I did not want to write here any more but as my account has not been closed I may as well be allowed to correct something.


I fully agree to what I quoted from your post. Show me one of my posts where I wrote something negative about mandrivausers.org - you can't! I never denied that it is a success and a very valuable asset for the Mandriva user community worldwide.


I don't care much about somebody's personal opinions about myself (except from those who matter to me). But don't judge me by something I never wrote!



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I really hope that Wobo is not part of the Mageia team, as he has me not ever wanting to even take a look at that distro.

I reply to this in an extra answer.


I see from your post that you don't know much about Mageia yet. You would have found my name in the founder's group and some other places.


1. Don't judge a project by your personal opinions of one single member. If I'd do that I'd never use KDE (as an example).


2. Don't hesitate to post your opinion about me in the mageia-discuss mailing list - makes no sense to post it here where it may not be read by the majpority of Mageia people. Mageia is a community based project where everybody can raise his voice and say his opinion. If people there agree with you I will have not the slightest problem to let my work be done by others.



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Wow. I am utterly amazed at what I am reading, even before anything productive has come of Mageia.


As someone who came along shortly after Tom disappeared, I must say that the users on this particular board, however you wish to personally count them, have always responded in a decent, civil, and community oriented way. I cannot say that about almost any other linux forum that I have attended. Since linux still does not have a decent printed manual, that means getting knowledge from other users it the ticket. Seriously, most forums have a response that is really positive: RTFM. In the years that I was a mod and then an admin here, we never considered such a response appropriate. I am sure thast the current folks are still just as civil.


A board is a board is a board. I do not care how many anyone has run or whether anyone has their own business, because none of that is any of my business. It is the people who make the difference. Always has been and always will be.


This board is the best because the people are the best. wobo, your critique rings hollow. I hope you get over whatever is ailing you. Seriously.

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Well I was being sincere. There have been issues in the past between Ixthusdan and this board but I felt his comments on this thread were well intentioned.

My comment wasn't directed at you and/or Ix, it was just a joke that popped into my head as I was reading through the thread.

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