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chris z

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Well I happen to talk to Chris all the time and I know he is definitely not anti-mandrake but is instead a big fan of it. As he said he was simply issueing a warning. Please don't be so quick to jump to conclusions people.



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kuchwas, are you running cooker XFree86-server- and deps? Just curious?


Oh, sorta offtopic, eh?


wah? can't delete my own post?...make me mod again....all the This post was edited and things suck big time! :devil: Not to mention I get the error crap all the time when Viewing new post or Searching.... :furious3:


who decided that? I remeber the discuss, but nothing was final.

Edited by bvc
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i just checked. the bad xfree update is still showing up. and, all the mirrors 'cept 2 or 3 are up to date as of 12-19. maybe try some other mirrors?



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Guest kuchwas
kuchwas, are you running cooker XFree86-server- and deps? Just curious?

Yes. Have somthing going on with TV that I think must be it. No big thing, just loose hue, change channel and change back fixes it. Something else?

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Guest kuchwas
Well I happen to  talk to Chris all the time and I know he is definitely not anti-mandrake but is instead a big fan of it.  As he said he was simply issueing a warning.  Please don't be so quick to jump to conclusions people.





Just playing devil's advocate here. Got some very interesting feedback, thanks for your perspectives!


Pierre, whoa friend, easy on your blood pressure. You got the stake through my heart!

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Pierre, whoa friend, easy on your blood pressure.  You got the stake through my heart!


I had a bad evening solving this f... security update problem. I managed to do it but it took me more time than expected. First I was really upset by yet-another-too-soon-released update, second by the lack of reaction in MandrakeClub and then I read your post here. It was a bit too much. I admit I'm not specially receptive on saturday mornings :angry: After 3/4 coffees and half a pack of cigarettes I feel better now. Next time let's sync our clocks: when you post something a bit sarcastic, let me know, so I won't read it before 11:00 AM ;) but keep on doing it, okay ? Just like I'll continue to answer on the spot! :D

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Guest kuchwas
yuk...ok I lied....it's randomly blanking the screen. All dpms is off...course, maybe it doesn't like that ;)

xset s off s noblank dpms 0 0 0


i think I'll go 4.2....that last great X11 :lol:

Ah come on, be brave! :oops:


Had to update my .sig....

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Guest kuchwas
Pierre, whoa friend, easy on your blood pressure.  You got the stake through my heart!




and then I read your post here. It was a bit too much.

Yeah. Guess I should have waited until you guys settled down from the politics and religion ferver.

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i was just in the #mandrake board & i just finished speaking with one of the developers of the XFree86 update packages that are causing troubles in MDK9.1. they are now aware of the problem & are working on getting it straightened out. from what he said, the update mirrors apparently have 2 versions of the XFree86 packages on them. one bad version, one good version. but, nobody removed the bad version of the packages so they are the ones that are showing up as the update. the person i was speaking to doesn't have the neccessary security permissions to change things on the mirrors & he's trying to get a hold of somebody that can. but, he said the fix may not be able to be in place until tomorrow (Monday 12-22-03) unless he can find somebody to do it today.


just to let you all know that this is being worked on & a fix should be in place soon.



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YET ANOTHER UPDATE:.........to anyone who cares..........


the correct XFree86 packages for MDK9.1 are now up on all of the mirrors except for 4..........


MDK Updates FTP Mirrors


i haven't installed yet, but will be doing so tonight after work. so, if you are leary of these packages, sit tight & i'll be a guinea pig & post back the results tonight.



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