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Everything posted by scarecrow

  1. Yeah, failures (partial or total) are still quite common with pm-suspend. The first thing you should try is upgrading the machine firmware (if feasible), and then one of the alternative methods.
  2. It's the simple, HAL based suspending. http://pm-utils.freedesktop.org/wiki/ If it works, you hardly have to look anywhere else. If it doesn't, then you have to try alternatives, namely s2ram/uswsusp and/or Tuxonice.
  3. Yeah, my bad... "lsmod" is the proper command.
  4. On my laptop the physical RAM is 3 GB, and my swap is 3.2 GB. Suspend to RAM (the basic, kernel-based one) is working fine- no need for wsusp or tuxonice.
  5. Because you have hyperthreading enabled. Do a # modprobe | grep p4 You you get a module "p4-clockmod" as loaded, then unload it and blacklist it. That way you won't have frequency scaling.
  6. I'd rather use qtcurve instead. For best results, remove gtk-qt engine before using it. Applying gtk themes is done by various means. I suggest using the "lxapperance" application, which is an element of the alternative 2009.1 UI (LXDE).
  7. This ought to be an issue with the actual libxklavier version, not XFCE4 itself. Which libxklavier version is installed?
  8. The VGA should be Intel 855GME. The modern xorg driver is "intel" If this does not work (which isn't unlikely), one should try the older "i810" driver.
  9. scarecrow

    Gnome Inform 7

    Using 32-bit binaries in a 64-bit system is possible only when you have the whole 32-bit compatibility libs installed, but even in that case their usage isn't a good idea. OK, "it works", but I'd rather opt for a pure 64-bit solution instead...
  10. scarecrow

    Gnome Inform 7

    You can find the required dependencies and compile switches here Overall, it does not look like the cleanest of packages to build.
  11. Please, the output of cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  12. This message makes no sense at all. It sounds more like a joke than an actual error message. Are you sure this is EXACTLY what you are having?
  13. Plasma stability has greatly improved in KDE 4.3.2, which will be soon in Cooker (this is just a guess).
  14. You can use pretty much any filemanager as default in KDE4: nautilus, thunar, pcmanfm, rox-filer... You may like to take a look at Thunar, which is a great filemanager, fully pluggable, and very fast (much faster than Nautilus). PcmanFM is also a good+fast filemanager, but still slightly buggy.
  15. systemsettings -- default applications -- filemanager Personally I find gwenview severely crippled, both as a filemanager AND image viewer, but obviously you think differently.
  16. Can you post your /etc/fstab please?
  17. Any file indexing service (akonadi, or tracker, or google desktop, or pinot, or...) running in the background, probably?
  18. Any bluez frontend should work, but you can also use dedicated stuff, namely barry It is 32-bit only, AFAIK. $29 for the aforemantined software is more of a ripoff than a bargain. Or you can start guessing if there is actually a Linux version of that thing out there, because there isn't any.
  19. "chad" is the actual username? Do you really run your user account with root priviledges? # groups means running the command with root permissions, and $ groups means running it as plain user. Did you run "groups" as root, or plain user? And- in any case, the output is just not normal.
  20. I use bacula for enterprise level packups (or the embedded backup module of DirectAdmin in a couple of systems on CentOS with DirectAdmin), and luckyBackup ( http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/luckyBackup?content=94391 ) for SOHO. The latter is a new, but very promising rsync frontend, which is working very well.
  21. No, the video group is for other purposes. What do you get when typing # groups on your terminal?
  22. You can do like that: - When the login manager appears, pick LXDE and enter there. - Open pcmanfm (the filemanager of LXDE) anf first make it show the hidden files/directories ( ctrl+h ) - Find the directory .kde4 and delete it (or better move it at another place). - Open the control center ( mcc ) and perform a full system upgrade. - Logout of LXDE, and now pick the KDE4 option in the login manager, and try to login.
  23. The command is actually # modprobe mod_quickcam (as root) But it should not be necessary. Does the camera work with kopete and/or cheese? Also, check if your user is listed as a user of the group "camera". This should change in the near future, with the general use of PolicyKit, but ATM it's necessary to add your user to that group to be able to use the camera. Notice that after adding the user to that group you have to logout and relogin to make the change applicable.
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