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Everything posted by theYinYeti

  1. theYinYeti

    Help with tar

    You wrote a name on the command line, here: test.tar.gz Normally, all created files should be named the same, with an additional 2-digit number, eg: test.tar.gz00 test.tar.gz01 ... (or with letters aa ab ac... it's the same) Put all those files test.tar.gzXX together in the same directory TARDIR and cd to the place you want the backup to be restored. Do this: cat TARDIR/test.tar.gz* | tar xzpf - Yves.
  2. theYinYeti

    Help with tar

    Did you try that? tar cf - what you want to archive | split --bytes 650m - archivename.tar or tar czf - what you want to archive | split --bytes 650m - archivename.tar.gz or tar cjf - what you want to archive | split --bytes 650m - archivename.tar.bz2 Yves.
  3. I have only two advices: 1- DON'T EVEN CONSIDER LINUX IF you're not sure about the compatibility of all the hardware. Go to mandrakesoft/hard.php3, and linuxprinting.org, and mostang.org/sane... 2- If you're a gamer, go and see what is available to linuxgames.org, libsdl.org... and also commercial offerings for Linux. Don't install Linux if the software is not for you. The aim of a computer is to use applications, not to use the OS. Yves.
  4. What about adding | more to your command? Yves
  5. You might be interested in Gimp-Film.
  6. I don't know if that's the answer, but here is the file /etc/java/java.conf that I wrote. I source it into my environment before any session, including before installing OOo: #!/bin/bash export JAVAPATH=/usr/local/java export JAVACMD=$JAVAPATH/bin/java export JDK_HOME=$JAVAPATH export JAVA_HOME=$JAVAPATH if [ -z "`echo $PATH | grep -F $JAVAPATH/bin`" ]; then export PATH=$PATH:$JAVAPATH/bin fi if [ -z "$LANG" ]; then export LANG=fr export LANGUAGE=fr_FR:fr export LC_TIME=fr_FR@euro export LC_CTYPE=fr_FR@euro export LC_NUMERIC=fr_FR@euro export LC_COLLATE=fr_FR@euro export LC_MONETARY=fr_FR@euro export LC_MESSAGES=fr_FR@euro fi Adapt it to your situation, and see if that helps... Yves.
  7. And Sylpheed never will. They say it on their home page. Sadly, I only know Evolution and Mozilla that handle HTML mails well (in reading and writing). They aren't light. There are a handfull email clients which handle reading HTML mails, but not writing. I don't remember which because I have to be able to do HTML-mail writing. Finally, there's ONE light e-mail client that does reading and writing in better-than-text format, but if I remember correctly, it is RTF, not HTML: it is IshMail. Yves.
  8. Yes, killall is easier, and try without -9 first. Also the $(ps ...) idea is good. Anyway if you still want to do this with a pipe, this should work: ps -C progname -o pid | xargs kill or ps -C progname -o pid | xargs kill -9 Yves.
  9. For those interested, here's a "howto", explaining how to automatically start programs you want at the start of the window manager, whatever it is (Fluxbox, IceWM, ...), but only if you use GDM as a login window: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php...p?p=11808#11808 Yves.
  10. For yor wheel, this might help you: http://www.club-nihil.net/mub/viewtopic.ph...p?p=15884#15884 Yves.
  11. Here's my favourite calculator: python -i -c 'from math import *' Yves.
  12. OK. I edited my first post. Now it works perfectly. You can enter: mozilla http://someurl mozilla ftp://someurl (and so on) mozilla /some/hard/disk/location mozilla file:/some/hard/disk/location mozilla mailto:someone@somewhere mozilla someone@somewhere If mozilla is not already running, then the process starts. If mosilla is already running, then the existing process is used, and a new window is opened. The last parameter is analysed, to see if a URL, or e-mail, or path is recognized. Yves.
  13. Note that my answer only uses Netscape4-compatible remote commands that were once given to me. I've had a look at http://www.mozilla.org/unix/remote.html and it seems that this code could be improved. I'll post it if I do it. Yves.
  14. This problem is taken care of, in Mandrake version of Mozilla, at least in Mandrake8.1. So I assume you downloaded mozilla and installed it yourself. I did that also, and indeed, "standard" mozilla does not handle the re-use of an already-running process. Here's what I did to my Mozilla1.0, so that it behaves nicely. /usr/local/bin/mozilla actually is a script that calls /usr/local/lib/mozilla-1.0.0/run-mozilla.sh (adapt to your situation). In this "run-mozilla.sh" file, find the line which says $prog ${1+"$@"} in the moz_run_program() function. Replace this line with: # ADDED BY YVES GABLIN # try using an existing process, if mozilla-bin is called # try being intelligent if last parameter is a path or url mozillabin=`basename $MOZ_APPRUNNER_NAME` if [ ! -z `echo $prog | grep -E "/${mozillabin}$"` ]; then # - get previous parameters params="" paramsnoremote="" while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do params="$params "$1"" paramsnoremote="$paramsnoremote "$1"" shift done if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then # transform last parameter, if applicable if [ ! -z "`echo $1 | grep -E '^[[:alpha:]]+:' | grep -v -E '^mailto:'`" ]; then # URL (ftp: http: ...) params="$params -remote "openurl($1,new-window)"" paramsnoremote="$paramsnoremote "$1"" elif [ ! -z "`echo $1 | grep -E '^[^@[:space:]]+@[^@[:space:]]+$'`" ]; then # e-mail address, make sure it's a URL params="$params -remote "mailto(`echo $1 | sed 's/^mailto://'`)"" # switch bellow should be -compose, but some versions seem to only accept -mail... paramsnoremote="$paramsnoremote -mail "mailto:`echo $1 | sed 's/^mailto://'`"" elif [ -e $1 ]; then # path, make sure it's a URL abspath=`echo $1 | sed "s|^([^/])|$PWD/1|"` params="$params -remote "openurl(file:$abspath,new-window)"" paramsnoremote="$paramsnoremote "file:$abspath"" else params="$params "$1"" paramsnoremote="$paramsnoremote "$1"" fi shift else #old but works:# params="-remote "openurl(about:blank,new-window)"" params="-remote "xfeDoCommand(openBrowser)"" fi if [ ! -z "`ps -u $USER | grep ${mozillabin}`" ]; then eval "set -- $params" #echo remote: "$@" $prog ${1+"$@"} if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then set -- eval "set -- $paramsnoremote" #echo no remote: "$@" $prog ${1+"$@"} fi else eval "set -- $paramsnoremote" #echo no remote: "$@" $prog ${1+"$@"} fi else # END ADDED BY Y.GABLIN $prog ${1+"$@"} # ADDED BY YVES GABLIN fi # END ADDED BY Y.GABLIN I hope this helps. Yves. [note:]edited for a bug correction, and some improvement.
  15. No time to read it all, but based on the titles and a few words I pick now and then, you seem to have a good web site in construction :) Keep on ! Yves.
  16. :lol: See bellow. Thanks to all of you :) I'm always glad to receive some feedback ! Yes, that's one thing I don't like with my solution: the topic title is not visible. But I decided I did not care because I'll search those posts with grep anyway, in much the same way I do with the search link.The problem with your solution, however, is that only the 't' parameter of each URL is kept. If you want to have all posts of each thread, then you have to replace all the 'highlight=' with 'start=0', then keep all the '...start=...' URLs, and then delete duplicates. That's the only way I found to have everything: one page for 0-15, another for 16-30, ... By the way, I did some typing errors when writing this topic. I edited my first post and corrected in bold. Yves.
  17. theYinYeti

    Batch file

    Or of course a shell script (any file name, any extension): #!/bin/bash ... some bash scripting here ... Yves.
  18. You're welcom :-) I'm always happy to have feedback :)
  19. theYinYeti

    Hidden Folders??

    On Unix (hence on Linux), the "hidden" property of a file is not stored on the filesystem. By common usage, a file or directory is said, and expected, to be hidden if its name begins with a dot (.mozilla/, .bashrc, .armagetronrc). That's very convenient because the rule is very simple. On the other hand, it is problematic, because if you want a visible folder to become hidden (or the other way around), you have to simply add a dot: folder becomes .folder BUT if you really do so, the application looking for folder will not find it because folder does not exist anymore! Luckily, many applications can be configured so that you can change the name of the file/directory to look for, but some can't. Eg: you won't ever be able to change nsmail to .nsmail (Netscape mail), or (worse...) Nautilus to .Nautilus AFAIK. If this does not answer your question, then indeed your problem is not a "hidden-property" problem, but rather a access-right problem. Yves.
  20. So, is this being done with the xinit command via autostart? :? I don't know, I never used autologin (same as autostart?). Also, I use Mdk8.1, and such init script can greatly change from version to version. Yves.
  21. The problem is that .xinitrc is not read if you start your session from the display manager (KDM, GDM), ie: runlevel 5. .xinitrc is only read when you start your session from the console, with the startx or xinit command. Yves.
  22. The package system is no good, if you can't find packages for it. So I think the best thing to do is to look into Mandrake9 hardware database, or other sources, to see if all your hardware is Linux-compatible. Then I would install Mandrake9 or latest Debian or Slackware (I never used those two, but people tend to recommend them). Only, don't use Gnome or KDE as your desktop. Running modern applications in graphical mode is already much load for such an old computer. See this thread if it helps: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=518 Also, I wrote this on old club-nihil boards: -------------------------------------------------------- You may be interested by my experience with Mdk8.1 on a P150MMX, 32MB RAM laptop: I have two setups, one with Gnome, one without. I tried KDE but it was unusably slow. With Gnome, and IceWM as the window manager, I have a comfortable full-featured desktop, usable for small applications (internet, mail, games) I use IceWM-light standalone (no Gnome) if I need more windows opened at the same time, or big applications (OpenOffice, Netscape). I use virtual consoles a lot nonetheless. When I want to have a faster feel, I often simply startx a single application from the command line (eg: startx /usr/bin/sol). That's why the laptop is set-up to boot in runlevel 3. After many tries, I decided not to compile any sources tarball bigger than 1.5MB. It is slow. -------------------------------------------------------- Yves.
  23. This may help: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?p=5514#5514 Yves.
  24. In case anyone is interested, here's what I wrote on old club-nihil board: -------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know about IceWM specifically. Some time ago, I tried to find a WM-agnostic way to start programs at WM (Window Manager) start-up. I found none, so (that's what's great in Linux) I implemented it myself. Here's how using the GDM login manager: Open a terminal window and su to root: $ su - root Password: ....enter root password.... # Then, as root, edit this file: /etc/X11/gdm/PreSession/default To the end of this file, add the following lines: if [ -x /home/$USER/.Xclients ]; then su - $USER -c /home/$USER/.Xclients fi Now, any user on your system has the ability to create an executable .Xclients script file in their home-directory, in which they put all commands they want to be started at WM startup. If you don't use GDM, I'm sure there is a way to do something similar with the login manager you use (eg: KDM). -------------------------------------------------------------------- Yves.
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