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Everything posted by roland

  1. For printers Epson used to rock. Now, better stay away from the Stylus color C82. I can give arguments but I'm already OT. Pm me if you want to know why it's a crap. 10 years me and my company used to buy only Epson printers. Now it's finished. Next time I'm going to give HP a try.
  2. The files appeared on RpmDrake but were not on the mirror. :blink: I couldn't do a lot of upgrade because of dependency with those 2 files, I don't remember the name. When I connected on the dutch mirror, I upgraded only those 2 file first and then everything went fine. I don't know exactly what the problem is but I'm quite sure it didn't come from my box.
  3. Tyme: After having studied you last post, finally yes, I agree, you are right
  4. ... except that in a RC a bug is not a quality problem: RC are there for testing. In a final like the CE, a bug is a quality problem .. except if it's the consequence of a specific hardware or a fancy configuration that Mandrake couldn't test at home. Again and again, the more I use 10.0 CE (not much yet), the more I think it's, at least, as finished as any previous release, including the .1 or .2.
  5. I had bad signature, but looking carefully at the message it said: can't open file. The file just didn't existed on the mirror. What surprised me for this release is that the mirror I used to use was not there anymore, that all the other french one I tried (only 2 ??) were bad. The dutch mirror saved me but I don't understand what happen with those mirrors. That was fine with previous release.
  6. As you guessed, looks like a name resolution problem. It search on wrong dns address before finding the right one. from memory as I'm not on linux now, where to look: /etc/resolve.conf /etc/sysconfig /etc/sysconfig/network-scrips: there is also some config files there, not only scrips can't help more yet good luck
  7. yeah, the Cornwallisian is like that, like the brittany: very hard to maneuver
  8. Hello If your cooker is up to date, no difference I think The Community Edition is as final as any previous release were but well.. Yes I think that if you update your CE, it will become like an "Official" release.
  9. so the linux box is a dhcp client, correct ? I'm not on linux now and I've didn't played much with 10.0 yet. Just I know on 9.1 there was an option like "Affect the host name from the DHCP address" or something like that (I'm translating). Well checking on the 9.1 we have at work, you can see this option only if you run the wizard expert mode. See if there is an equivalent on 10.0. Must be. Uncheck this option.
  10. better change the name of the computer anyway. give it a name like anyname.local.network that is not a valid name on the internet.
  11. I had the same problem with French mirrors: first the one I usually used was not there, second, the others were not good. May be over busy. So I took a dutch one, very good Don't hesitate to take an other one even at the other side of the atlantic or pacific: I don't think it's a problem.
  12. For a laptop, better take a well known brand. Also, better check where the one you like is repaired. Not too far from where you are is better and faster to fix. Me I'm happy with my old Toshiba. I had a cdrom that went down, I took my car, I bring it to there workshop 10Km away from home and got it repaired immediately
  13. Yeah all that is your fault anon who said that ML10.0 is a RC ;) gowator: if Mandrake can't sell 10.0 CE they couldn't also sell previous release ! Again, it's as finished ! so why not ? because they are going to sell an other one, the Official, in may ? but this one I tell you they can, and should, sell it more expensive. Like a Suse why not ? Honestly I don't see the advertising of the 10.0 CE, but what do you want them to say ? that it's not finished ? that it's a RC ? When ML50.0 will come out (finger crossed), everybody will know what a CE is and what a Official is.
  14. I didn't understand it that way but well. Thinking about it while eating, here how I see it now: If it's a RC and it has bug then it's stupid to whine or change distro because of that: that's what a RC is made for: detect bug else, it's a CE and it has a bug then if that bug is due to a specific hardware or fancy config then forgive them, they are not Microsoft and can't test all the hardware at home else it's has a bug that could well be detected at home then you can whine or change distro because of that For example: - with the 10.0, I had some trouble with my USB ADSL modem (I did an upgrade). I can understand that they don't have this kind of modem at home and more, the driver for the 2.6 kernel was finished just for the CE and was not ready for the RC. I can understand even if it was annoying and I had to spend a couple of hours to make it work. - the little bug on RPMDrake: the mouse that always display an hourglass (a clock) That's not annoying but hey they didn't run RPMDrake at home or what ? I don't like that. They could perfectly have avoided this kind of thing.
  15. sitor said exactly what I wanted to say but a much better way. If 10.0 CE is a RC then 8.2...9.2 were RC too. I've not tested 10.0 enough but it seems to me that 10.0 CE is the same quality (or lack of quality for some opinions) as 8.2...9.2 final. And it must stay that way. Else the Mandrake guys are going to think "oh well it's a CE, let it go even if it's not tested enough" like they can do with a RC. If they start that way, they will soon have to invent an other name between the CE and the Official as nobody is going to run the CE anymore. A bug in a RC is not a quality defect. That's normal. A bug in a CE IS a quality defect. That's the big difference IMHO. So selling CE must keeps the pressure on them, it must be a version that is finished as far as they can test it, but that may have some errata and downloads due to specific hardware they couldn't test. Those who buy the CE know what they are doing. If they don't have broadband connection, better keep away from it.
  16. It seems to me that the ML10.0 CE is not less finished than the 8.2...9.2 finals. If 10.0 CE is a RC then 8.2...9.2 final were also RCs ( ok it's debatable :unsure: ) Mandrake realized that the previous version had a lot of download just after the release while the CDs and DVDs of the boxsets were already pressed So Mandrake admitted that despite all there effort, they couldn't test all the hardware and force the manufacturers to cooperate, so big downloads can't be avoided just after a release then better make a version as final as the previous version were called community and a version that include all the downloads called official. But I hope the community was tested as much as previous versions's final. I hope it's _not_ a RC.
  17. As far as I'm concerned, 10.0 is as final as was 8.2, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, that means not perfect but completely usable. And I've made an upgrade from 9.2. So I don't agree with you anon and, again as far as I'm concerned, saying 10.0 Community is not a finished release add confusion imho.
  18. Posting from a 10.0 Community I've just upgraded from a 9.2. So 9.2 was a fiasco, 10.0 is a crap and Gentoo is good ? very interesting. And btw what is the question ? do you want help ? do you want us to switch to gentoo ? what ?
  19. log as root go to /etc: "cd /etc" (without the quotes an folowed by enter) type "vi lilo.conf" now you are entering the most surprising program for a DOS/Win person: the vi editor type "I" edit the file press the Escape key type ":wq" done now run lilo: type "lilo" that's all PS: see you soon back on Linux
  20. Hi, Imho developing a specific app linked with a database is a big job. Even the simplest one. You know when you start, you don't know when you stop. You want to build a little house, on the way you realise you are building a palace. The best is to buy an already made soft for simple stock management. They are often offered on accountability suite. Likely to run on M$ Win but well. Just my 0.02 Euro cents
  21. that's it: e100 replace eepro100 by e100 in /etc/modules.conf
  22. for now you can try puting e100 instead of eepro in /etc/modules.conf I'm just 80% sure the name of the intel driver is e100, will check in a few hours. bad luck: the free driver (eepro) is fine but don't works well ONLY with one chipset version AND if connected on a 10Mb only network. At first, if I remember well what I've read a while ago, it's a chipset bug. good luck
  23. So you are plugged on the router with a eth correct ? What is the card ? I had similar problem with an Intel Ether Express Pro card with the free eepro driver: it used to freeze after a few Mb. Was solved using the proprietary Intel's driver: .. hem, don't remember the name .. yes: e100 I'm almost sure.. post again if your card is a Intel Ether Express Pro, I can check tonight or tomorow to be sure.
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