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Everything posted by roland

  1. Or you can make a program in one hand and an other program with the other hand on an other PC and fire half your programmers staff. That is good productivity ! ;-) roland
  2. I had paid my 9.0 box with a cheque in Euro .. from france. I would be not surprised if you can do the same from germany. It's Euro after all roland
  3. hi how do you connect ? DrakConnect ? KPPP ? roland
  4. OK - I'm curious - you got to explain that! :lol: I was spending too much time playing with Red Hat. With Mandrake I found it much faster for a newbee to set everything up. roland
  5. That's all ? and what about That's only the second time I suggest to edit a a file and each time it was correct. I would prefer you wait I made a mistake before putting pressure on me if you don't mind. Ok thats all. roland
  6. Mandrake: because it do what I want and if I want to do something new Mandrake may give me the tools to do it fast, well and easylly. Plus it's stable, its fast, no probleme even with quite recent hardware. Plus urpmi I think rpm is nearly unusable without urpmi. Plus Automount: I'm lucky: works with all the pc's I've set up ( 4 ) Plus DiskDrake: My old copied Partition Magic does not know Ext3 or ReiserFS The only problem with Mandrake: as it is going i feel I'm going to stay a newbie all my life :? I've started with Red Hat 7.0, got Red Hat 7.1 and after I switched to Mandrake 8.2, 9.0 and now 9.1 I must say that Mandrake 8.2 almost saved my marriage :wink: roland
  7. there http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/90errata.php3#gateway there is that " Error scenario: You have an ethernet card for the local LAN and a modem for internet access and you can't reach the internet. Why: Drakconnect wrongly asks for a gateway, and ppp can't set your modem connection as the default route. Solution: As root, edit /etc/sysconfig/network and manually remove the GATEWAY entry. " As far as MDK 9.0 is concerned 8) sorry don't understand :? roland
  8. Are those bugs corrected in 9.1? yes The only time I've upgraded it was with Red Hat and it was a disaster.... and it is considered better than Mdk's upgrade. Better put /home in its own patition, save important file in /etc like smb.conf, dhcpd.conf or else and do a fresh install. I'm still wondering why upgrade is there if it does not work but that is an other question .. roland
  9. roland

    keyboard seting

    Which monday? :P Last monday ..... but you still have your chance: I tried almost half a hour but I was unable to find where I can ask for a feature request. So I gave up thinking that one day I will ask the question here. For the rest of your post: sorry can't help at all. roland
  10. :lol: didn't you put a patent on this analogy ? roland
  11. You CAN'T leave the Gateway empty (MDK9.0)! That's one of many of my problems. Thats a MDK9.0 bug edit /etc/sysconfig/network and delete the line "GATEWAY=...." roland
  12. I wanted ADSL at work and feared to let it connected all day long with M$ Win in charge. At the beginning we stayed with a rtc connection and I started to play with Red Hat Linux at home. I was not so satisfied as I thought each time you want to configure or install something it's so long compared to M$ Win. I must admit that I have no much spare time and I don't like much putting my hands in the grease any more. But I learned a lot. After I tryed Mandrake 8.2 and everything was fine: I can do everything I want fast and easily. I've set our server as soon I've tested Mandrake 9.1 and all is going the way I want. - NO SPYWARE ( I HATE spyware) - Once installed and configured it does not change by itself and stay the way you want indefinitely - Better control, - Cheap, - No virus althought I'm sure when Linux will be widely used some will appear - Breaks M$ Monopoly. Monopoly is not good. I can't say I hate M$. Nobody gave them there monoply: they got it by there flair, they understand very well what Mr Jo and his Mum want. But they are not going to comit suicide and say themself that monopoly is bad. So that is the competitor ( or the law but no need here IMO ) who have to break this monopoly. And Linux is by far the best chance for that. I'm sure that It will soon lift off on the desktop. Still use M$ OS at work: The server is Mandrake 9.1 but the clients are all Win 98SE. I'm not sure we'll ever try a XP roland
  13. Warning: I'm not a specialist at all. Just some ideas: - can you ping other pcs on the local network ? - leave the Gateway empty. - looks like a local DNS IP, _not_ a ISP DNS server IP - When i have problem I use to uninstall and réinstall stuff one by one checking them at each step ( may be bad M$ Win habit :? ). - Shorewall use to block Samba file sharing. To fix that I did that: change /etc/shorewall/policy that way: ############################################################################### #SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LEVEL LIMIT:BURST masq net ACCEPT fw net ACCEPT #rv masq fw ACCEPT #<=== HERE fw masq ACCEPT #<=== AND HERE #fin rv net all DROP info all all REJECT info ############################################################################### relaunch all, shorewall should not block samba any more. I'm not sure it is very safe, but a man here ( ranger ) told me it should be ok. hope this help roland
  14. roland

    keyboard seting

    I'm quite a intermediate newbie too ( and may stay so: Mandrake is so easy ;-) ) but I don't think it is simple yet ( already tried with KDE and X86Config. Worse, if I understand well, there is 2 different driver for console mode and X mode ( X has it's own keyboard driver ). I once had a silly password that worked under X and doen't on X .... Who do a feature request first me or you ? I think it is better both. Start at 10h30 pm monday. The first who did it is the winner.;-) Unfortunately I have sometime to work on other PC's than mine. roland
  15. I'm not a tester: mainly no time :(, not enough disk space :( That beeing said, may I sugest you _upgrade_ to 9.2rc1 do _not_ install it ! Upgrade really need to work properly and it is difficult to implement. I would be not surprised if Mandrake will enjoy your report on that matter. roland
  16. jeanackle: don't blame lxthusdan I think that as I wrote in an other thread something like "this F**g comunist system" speaking about the French/European social system, it makes lxthusdan curious and he wanted to provoque me a little ;-). But after I say I didn't want to speak about that. So I will try not to .. Sorry I don't have time yet to continue. Let's see tonight .. roland
  17. roland

    keyboard seting

    year: it seems to me natural everybody adopt the french keyboard don't you think so ;-) roland
  18. Just a warning: i'm not well aware of all that, it is just how I understand it and will be happy to be corrected if necessary. Ixthusdan I have nothing on the principe of patent ! Patend are basically made to ease inovation and creation witch is good. For that we have to let the creator be ables to enjoy the benefits of his invention for a certain amount of time before anybody else can use it as well witch in turn favor competition. OK, good, no problem here. The problems IMO are: 1- the way it is implemented, 2- Patend on software. 1- the way it is implemented, I thing we agree: nothing to add here practically it is not the case: patent are expensive, even more expensive to defend, 2- Patend on software: Software is different to hardware: it is an intelectual construction, an idea, like a book. You say Copyright. Software are still copyrighted in Europe and it fits perfectly with software. Like copying pieces of an existing book on a new book, you can't cut and past pieces of an existing software on a new one. This is perfectly normal. But to Patend an algorithm, an idea, it is a problem. Imagine dichotomy search algorythm is patented. - First you have to know it is patented. There is so many good idea that you have to pay somebody to read you code and check if it use patented algorythm: wast of time and money, bad for innovation, - Suposing you know dichotomy search algorythm is patented and have no money to pay for it: you have to find an other algorythm or use a less adapted one: wast of time, your product will be less good. - Taking the analogy with the book: Imagine you can patent a story of Prince and Princess that get maried and have a lot of children ? That is exately the same with software patent, - Imagine Pythagore had patented his theorem ? what if mathematics algorythm hadf been patented. Do you think the US had been to the moon the 07/20/1969 ? I don't think so Copyright Yes, Patent: at this time seems silly to me cheers roland
  19. hi, I didn't read all but I'm a little aware of that. If I understand well, in US, Software Patend become just as a weapon race: IBM rushing for patent just to be able to counter attack if SUN attacks it, SUN rushing for patent for the same reason, and both be able to kill any new competitor not rich enough to defend itself. silly ! When US first go to patents software we could think why not ? But now any sensible technician must reccon it was a mistake. In Europe we are lucky to see the US experience. We would have no excuse to do the same mistake. It is so evident. Unfortunately it is lawers who push at it and they can have the last word. Me as programmer I will never have a lawer on my back. I will continue like that. Will they put me to jail ? F**k them ! roland
  20. hi, I've read from OS News. I like how this man speaks. Simple. Looks like a good boss. roland
  21. hi, i'm not good at linux but it seem to me this is a case where there is no shame at rebooting ;-) doesn't DiskDrake ask you to do so ? roland
  22. roland

    keyboard seting

    ???? :?: Hi, You gave me a doubt .. I have to say I'm using french keyboard. I tried a US keyboard at the factory ( an industrial one ) and it seems it reacts on Windows the same it reacts on the PC's I tried on Linux .. the same as on XT keyboard if I remember well. That can explain why I confused you .. Anyway: IMO Linux keyboard needs to react the same as Windows/DOS keyboard whatever langage isn't it ? - for you, using US keyboard and still have Windows/DOS, can you please check below that your keyboard reacts like Linux on Windows/DOS ? - for the few if any that use french keyboard here, please can you check i'm right ? After that i'm going to send to Mandrake a feature report if I can. to be sure I'm going to explain _very_ well ( I hope ) 1) All PC's I've used with Windows/DOS, since AT ( plenty ;-) ): - case is lower case - I press Shift key=> case mode becomes UPPER CASE - I release Shift key => case mode back to lower case - I press & release Caps Lock key => case mode becomes UPPER CASE - I press Shift key=> stay UPPER CASE - I release Shift key => case mode back to lower case . . . 2) All PC's I've used & configured with Linux ( a few: 4 ), same as XT if I remember well: - case is lower case - I press Shift key=> case mode becomes UPPER CASE - I release Shift key => case mode back to lower case - I press Caps Lock key => case mode becomes UPPER CASE - I press Shift key=> case mode becomes lower case - I release Shift key => case mode back to UPPER CASE - I press Caps Lock key => case mode back to lower case . . . cheers roland
  23. hi, After one year and half of Linux i'm still not used to the way the keyboard is configured for the case control on Linux. That's may be because I use Windows at work. On Windows: Cap Lock key => upper case, Shift key => lower case. On Linux: Cap Lock key toggle the case, Shift key reverses the curent case mode while pressed. Is there a way to configure Linux keyboard same as Windows for case control ? roland
  24. You must be right. That means: 1) upgrades is complicate to implement, 2) difficult to test and only tested on rc releases. Not surprising it does not work well (yet). Hey rc testers ! don't _install_ rc, _upgrade_ to it ! roland
  25. Hi beta testers ! upgrades have problems ? so why _install_ Beta ?, better _upgade_ to the Beta isn't it ! roland
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