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Everything posted by roland

  1. Ok I had the answer: 0b prefix is my compiler specific, sorry.. roland
  2. can't find my old book. I've asked on an other forum. On my old Symantec C++ 6.0 book (now Digital Marc C++) it says the prefix is 0b. On my even older Borland C++ 3.0 book they don't say anything about binary constant definition. I'll let you know. what's your compiler ? roland
  3. what ? I've just tried with my favourit compiler it compiles ! I check the spec in case its not 100% compliant but on that matter I would be surprised. A moment please .... roland
  4. Me I have worked a little with Samba but I didn't understand the problem nor the solution... roland
  5. May be You've already checked that but I don't know your Linux knowledge: - have you checked /etc/modules .conf ? how doe it looks like ? - what does /val/log/messages says about your network and modem driveres ? roland
  6. I think I understand you AussieJohn. After all the rows on Mandrake, not to say bashing, in PcLinuxOnline and even OSNews, I think Mandrake supporters are getting a little touchy these time. At least it's how I'm feeling. Sorry AussieJohn if I've missed your point. by roland
  7. one day=forever to install linux, set a file sharing server and an internet sharing server ? hem. Me I've spend 3 month (well on the spare time of my spare time ) okay ! so I have the answer. If the file sharing does not work any more after you run DrakGw, its normal. modify /etc/shorewall/policy like this: ############################################################################### #SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LEVEL LIMIT:BURST masq net ACCEPT fw net ACCEPT #rv masq fw ACCEPT #<==== HERE fw masq ACCEPT #<==== and HERE #fin rv net all DROP info all all REJECT info ############################################################################### roland
  8. In this case, it's more correct to say it' linux that doe not support LG. Too bad for them. And as Linux generaly scrupulously respect the standards, its seems LG don't. Too bad.. roland
  9. Hi, you should install shorewall doc and have a look there: file:/usr/share/doc/shorewall-doc-1.3.14/shorewall_quickstart_guide.htm#Documentation ( I assume you are Mdk9.1 ) The doc is very well made and clear It depend what you call forever. For a first time linux user, i don't know what you were using before but going directly from the install to network setting look already not so bad to me. Concerning ICS: sorry I don't evenn know what ICS is. by roland
  10. roland

    Ping Problems

    To check windows network setting, from a DOS box type "winipcfg" roland
  11. I'm lucky: never had to bother with supermount as I never had problem on the 4 pc's I've installed with 9.1 Just it's a little slow on a compaq PII 350 I've installed, that's all roland
  12. K->Configuration->KDE->Apearance(Look & Feel)->Windows Reactions->Actions->Double-clic on the title bar ( or somethingt like that: I'm translating ) Mozilla: Edition->Preference->Browser->Home page ( or somethingt like that: I'm translating ) I know changing habit with software make everybody a little nervous. Once you realized that and accept, you do 3/4 of the job. After you'll realize It worth the ( little ) effort . by and welcome roland
  13. boot on cd1, rescue mode, and see how it is from there no: linux can run without swap partition. ( I guess it creates a temporary one somewhere on an other partition ?? ) roland
  14. That means copy your /usr and all subdir somewhere. That supose you have some room somewhere to copy it ... :? roland
  15. ?? I missed something. If your swap is BEFORE your /usr and you reduce swap to make a bigger /usr you have to change the start of /usr partition or what else ? roland
  16. I can be wrong but I think you cannot change the start of a partition with DiskDrake. Something I'm sure: If DiskDrake displays something like: "Your partitions have been renumbered ... " REBOOT IMMEDIATELY ( may be you can still change /etc/fstab, lilo.conf and run lilo ) see http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5999 good luck roland
  17. you were all right guys: it seems to works well :) I took the MSI CR-52 M at 43 EUROs thanks roland
  18. I'll try to remember this :? . thanks :) roland
  19. Yes but /var/log/messages will be back. There must be a way to limit its size but I don't know. An idea ? (just for my general culture) roland
  20. If the ADSL modem is connected to eth, no need for any special driver. There could be 2 kind of problem: - connection problem: it doen't conect at all, - routing problem: the modem connect but the names are not resolved. It seems your problem is the first one. - Run the DrakConect wizard expert mode, - If you have an other eth card or a RTC modem, check only the eth where the modem is connected, - uncheck hotplug or zeroconf, try with DHCP on, - try with Start Internet at boot and see the messages when the pc boots (boot linux-nonfb) - see the messages at the end of /var/log/messages hope this help roland
  21. gloup :unsure: after all the bad things I've said about lawers.. :mystismiles: And you are black belt ! fortunately I'm far away :? Back to the topic, my little opinion from my little companie: There is no hurry. The switch to Linux can be done step by step. First the server(s) of course. Next the most possible free ap running on Windows so the "customers" get used of them. The customer is always right. To change his habit he has to be forced but gently and to a system you are sure works perfectly and fits his need. After the Linux users had reached a critical mass and are proud to be the pionners, I'm sure the rest can be very fast. At work we have plenty of apps that work on Windows and don't have Linux equivalent. No problem. We stay Windows in this case. We are not fundamentalist. And when we would have some time we would try to make them work on Linux with an emulators. roland
  22. Me I agree with ramfree17. Those who don't want to contribute can wait 15 days ! what's 15 days ?. And anyway, it's so easy to cheat that it's not fun, and no glory at all. roland
  23. I don't know about routers. Just I know a Linux box can perfectly do the job, even an old one. Even it don't need to have a keyboard or screen: admin it with webmin. And it can be used as file server, DHCP server, DNS server too. roland
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