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Everything posted by aioshin

  1. pls marked this problem of mine as solved.. what i did was, I installed a kernel-source-2.6-xx.rpm and make install it and the problem dis-appears, I dont know, but that was when I am using the default installed 2.6-x-kernel of mandrake 10.1 and also for 10.0...I tried the default mdk 10.1 kernel-2.4-xx.rpm and got no problem. also I never got this problem using fc3 and rh9... well, I consider it solved, I can dial-up, and send fax now, using hyla..
  2. - I think, is the broadcast address of your network. - You cant see your linux from your win2k box until you install samba server in the linux box - If you have already a samba-server installed, try to assign some users that could access your samba from win2k...as a root#smbpasswd -a user .. the users is an existing user of your linux, you can assign a password that differ from the password you used in your linux box....then check your samba config file... reference: www.samba.org - try to use your konqueror if your using kde to browse the network.. smb:// . this assumes that it is an ip of you win2k box - also you can check your logs during accesing the network, type as root #tail -f /var/log/messages hope it answers some of your ??,
  3. you may try this link http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/ssl/
  4. thanks adamw, for the info.. I never thought of the word linuxsms. I've installed it now from contrib as what you have said...Iĺl just try to find out what it can really do.. tnx again
  5. hi... Did anyone here tried chikka sms messenger and able to run under linux without a problem, either via wine, crossover or java browser plugin..??.
  6. at bash prompt, you can fire-up gimp... assuming /home/user/picture.jpg type $gimp-2.2 picture.jpg and that will open the picture using gimp 2, or if you already managed to install other grahpics viewer, then you can also try that.. well, you can use the windowz way, I mean gui.. bcoz your inside your desktop manager that is why those applications run under bash$, bcoz those graphical interface are ready to initialize, but if your under init 3, you cant run those applic... same with windows 98, if your inside pure DOS mode, not a dos prompt inside windows, you cannot also run those commands...
  7. try this link http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/hosted/tmate663LMi.html
  8. yeah, check if alsa really run as a service..open a terminal window, then as a root type #chkconfig --list alsa ......... then check if 5: on, if not... #chkconfig --add alsa then try #alsaconf --------- the alsa configuration tool hope that helps B)
  9. well, as I noticed, when you install RPMs, via RPM manager or urpmi, it will prompt you to install also those needed packages.as dependencies.. .. rpm.pbone.net is also listed under the easy urpmi page.. as update, so you may try to add it....
  10. try the packages here ftp://ftp.lug.ro/people/mirceac/mdk-Ultraupdates/10.1/ you may add this into your rpm source also. I was able to install 2.5.3 from this source using rpm
  11. have you try this? #alsaconf try to use this alsa configuration tool, it may help...
  12. try to change your NIC, since you have there extra working PC.. try also to change the cable .... you mention earlier that you cant ping that box, maybe connection problem try to issue $/sbin/ifconfig verify if you have your NIC detected and if thereś an IP on it
  13. u may try this... assuming u installed already samba-server using rpm or tar.gz backup your orig smb.conf file... as root#mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.orig then create a file smb.conf as root and put it in the same localtion of smb.conf.orig write the txt below in your smb.conf [global] workgroup = whatever netbios name = test-samba-server or whatever you like to put here server string = anonymous lan file server security = share browsable = yes host allow = 192.168.1. [myshare] path = /sharedfolder comment = test-only read only = no guest ok = yes then restart samba... #/etc/init.d/smb restart gui for samba.. try webmin, its a browserbase tool and like I said, try to visi www.samba.org
  14. hehe.. well, if u mean u cant upload to ur xp, try to check the shared forlder of your xp, if the user you were using to access it has only read access or read / write access.. also you can try the administrator account when promped to login.. sure it has a full access rights
  15. I have not yet tried NFS, they say its good to use if your boxes are all linux... but if u have a windows in your network, well, you have to use samba server in you linux in order to share and save files from your windowz to your linux box... I think you have tried that already.... maybe you should try visiting www.samba.org.. a lot of info there also... you can try ssh server of your linux when transfering file, you just need an sftp client software for your windows...
  16. maybe you can try to remove temporarily udev as a service since it is run as a service under linux... #chkconfig --del udev then observe if it helps.. if not, try to use the precompiled 2.6.10 kernel for mandrake or to whatever distro u'r using...
  17. try it again... the download part.. then open a terminal window and as root using su issue the command #tail -f /var/log/messages so you can follow the event during that time you attempt to download from windows
  18. u mean, u r trying to acces ur wondows file from ur linux box...if so, when a prompt asking user / passwd during that time u tried to access ur winxp, u can use the username and passwd of ur xp.. or the username in ur XP that has a read/write access to that shared file
  19. I've been using Acrobat Reader that I downloaded from adobe website and it seems fine to me.. the documents only goes black when you minimize the window, but generally, I find it ok.... have you tried to install the reader from Adobe.com?
  20. try.................at the command line or shell, login as root then edit the file below.. assuming u know vi,... if not use mc .. cd /etc/httpd/conf/ prompt#mc then select httpd2.conf find those listed below #BindAddress * <IfDefine APACHEPROXIED> Listen </IfDefine> <IfDefine !APACHEPROXIED> Listen 8001 </IfDefine> note:// the part.. listen tells that your apache2 will listen to your local interface in port 80, well if you want it to be seen publicly, you can replace that IP with your Public IP ... btw, this is assuming u'r using apache2.. you can start and stop apache from your terminal window as root by typing #apachectl start #apachectl stop or #/etc/init.d/httpd start | restart | stop
  21. / refers to /root partition where the /usr /var /mnt etc..etc resides, /home of course your linux users home directory, you can specify not to format it so you may not lost your data stored on it during your previous mandy, well, if your XP file system was set to NTFS, i think during the installation , mandrake will recognize it as ntfs, or if its FAT, vfat, so you may leave it as is... mount the / as root partition... well if your format it, all of ur previously installed program will be lost, but no probs, whats the use of urpmi anyway... hope i had you a little help
  22. i think, its better if you will try to use ssh server.. from remote, use sftp client, simple and more secure
  23. try to check the owner of the of the directory where the uploaded file should be place, it should have a write access on it, maybe apache if this is your server should be able to write on that folder...
  24. hi, anyone here have made it succesfully deployed linux as a VoIP gateway? any suggestions about it is very much appreciated... thanks in advance
  25. check if alsa is running, as a service.. if it does not help. try running as root#sndconfig if sndconfig is nowhere to be found... try to install it from your CD.. hope it helps
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