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Everything posted by Greg2

  1. It's libqt3 and libqt3-devel, use your gui software management to find them. You will also need libxml2 and libxml2-devel. Here are all the requirements.
  2. If you haven't already done so, please read and set up urpmi using these instructions: setting up easyurpmi. Then install dkms-ati with the gui software management, or in a terminal as root do urpmi dkms-ati If you must have the latest drivers, open a terminal in the directory where your .run file is located and as root do ./name-of-your-file.run replacing 'name-of-your-file' with your run file name.
  3. With all due respect to all those in this thread, if you want to prove your geek abilities, use this LFS I'm not advocating the use of LFS, but it is the most demanding on the mind. Personally, I can compile 'anything' on my Debian or Mandriva systems. :D
  4. This is not just a Mandriva bug, please read this. I would suggest that you file a new bug report here: qa.mandriva.com to be sure the devs know that this is still a problem with 2007.1, and not just cooker.
  5. Your wireless card has a native Linux driver for it, as you have already been told in this post here. :) All you need to do is use the easyurpmi link in that post to set up urpmi, and be sure to add the plf-free and plf-non-free repos. Then in a terminal as root do urpmi dkms-ipw3945 or use the gui Software Installer and select dkms-ipw3945, it will install the other dependencies automatically. Then use the gui to set up you network connection.
  6. Your gnome-sound-recorder problems aren't with ALSA. There has been a bug report filed: archives.mandrivalinux.com I believe they are with gstreamer, and it appears that there has already been a revision to address this webcvs.freedesktop.org
  7. I have never used gnome-sound-recorder with Mandriva, but I would suggest you make sure you have installed: gstreamer-alsa, gsteamer-arts, gstreamer-artsd, gstreamer-plugins, gstreamer-audiofile, gstreamer-audio-formats, gstreamer-sndfile, and the gstreamer plugins for encoding and decoding whatever codecs you need. If you haven't already done so, go here first and follow the instructions to set up and use easyurpmi as per the instructions.
  8. Linux evolves for mobile devices
  9. Well that's not true, what about Ian? :D Anyway, I've found that Gentoo does many things differently then I'm accustomed to doing them. That said, I can only tell you to check that you have configured your vm and set your CLASSPATH as per config virtual machine... and give me the link to the setup_console.bin so I can check it and perhaps rewrite it for you.
  10. urpmi.removemedia -a
  11. Sorry, I gave you the wrong link. Here's the real bug report #422386 There is nothing in Mandriva bugs yet, if you'd like to report it? http://qa.mandriva.com/
  12. This is a Debian bug, but libs are libs. Please read Bug#422386 This guy returned to version 2.2.1 to make it work.
  13. Do you have your camera's 'USB Connect' set to PTP or Normal? What version of libgphoto are you using? rpm -qa |grep libgphoto because there have been some problems with Canon A430 and libgphoto2-2.3.1
  14. I've noticed that the new flash installers only install the libflashplayer.so and not the flashplayer.xpt that provides scripting support. I have found that some sites like NBC will not work properly without it. For instance, they will play a short commercial and stop, instead of continuing to play the flash video you want to see. So do you have the flashplayer.xpt installed with the libflashplayer.so?
  15. If you have set your serial port as per these instructions, and set proper serial port parameters with 'setserial' as root, and still have this problem... I'd be thinking about going back to the Belkin Bulldog software.
  16. That doesn't sound good (no pun intended). I've never used Jack. I was just asking because if you had installed it, you also needed the plugins. If you have Jack installed now (with ALSA), and are having this problem, I would suggest completely removing it and trying to set up alsa again.
  17. Looks good, but I still prefer the original kmenu.png :)
  18. OK, then you will have to use Gimp and resize the new .png to the size of 'each' directory. Then place each image in the proper directory, replacing the old image. I just resized a couple and they look ok. Here's 129x32 for the 32x32 directory:
  19. Does Gentoo have setserial and statserial utilities? You could use these to help resolve the problem.
  20. Sure thing, you can't hurt my Firefox. :D
  21. I just realized that Artificial Intelligence had already announced this in Portal News. Anyway, now it's also in the Games section. :D
  22. Works fine for me using Firefox and Iceweasel
  23. Here's the revisions in cvs: mdv_kmenu To find it in your system do: slocate -u then locate mdv_kmenu.png then you can use the one linked above or gimp the one you have.
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